@National Hockey League

Should this be a suspension?Kochetkov kicks Carlson with skate

Kicks backwards for really no reason at all if it wasn’t intentional

by airbag23


  1. KitchenMagician94

    That was a chicken shit move by Kochetkov

  2. It should be, but it won’t. DoPS will throw a dart at their spinning board of punishments and it’ll probably come up as “Parros plays 18 holes instead of scheduling a hearing”

  3. surlystraggler

    Should be. There’ll be some type of discipline, though probably a fine.

  4. Monst3r_Live

    should be 40 games min to intentionally use your skate as a weapon.

  5. Wtf ? It could have been a terrible injury. Should be suspended.

  6. ScareCrow13-

    At first it looks unintentional but pausing and replaying… You see him take a look behind, move his head, and kick. Snake asf. Clearly a suspension. It’s an attempt to injury

  7. Gold_Hovercraft_5044

    Should get your ass kicked for something like that.. but you know, if you so much as breathe on a goalie it’s treated as a war crime.

  8. waitareyou4real

    Now you got me thinking, when was the last time a goalie was suspended

  9. Kassian got 7 for a kick that did no damage, run it back. Fuck kicks in any aspect, that’s how people die

  10. Perryth3Fratypus

    “I was the only guy to take off his skate and try to stab somebody. – Happy Gilmore” – Pyotr Kochetkov

  11. myfacealadiesplace

    Those skates are sharp as fuck. That could’ve cut through the protection and severed nerves and ended his career. The fuck is wrong with him

  12. Koch gets feisty quite often but this crosses a line. Should get a game

  13. BraedBunch_tv

    So many bad outcomes could have happened there. Could think of a number of injuries that could occur from kicking someone with the skate, not to mention he almost fell on it too. Some reckless thinking by Kochetkov. Don’t think the league will suspend him with how inconsistent they are with suspensions but I could see a fine coming.

  14. Formal_Two_5747

    It’s a shame you can’t beat the shit out of a goalie. That was a POS move.

  15. Absolutely he should be suspended. What the fuck was he doing?

  16. REAPER-1_xxx

    I want kicks out of the game. Do we really need to see another Evander Kane like incident?

  17. ScreaminSeaman17

    Absolutely. Kicking in hockey is extremely dangerous. He needs to get 7 games at minimum just like the previous suspension.

  18. Comet_Empire

    Parros suspension equation.

    What would punishment been back in his day + 1. Then multiply that by .05 then subtract by 2= fuck it, spin the wheel.

  19. SlowReaction4

    Probably should be the same amount for that Carlson cross check to the face.

  20. HurricanePirate16

    After his abysmal game last night please suspend him.

  21. Nick-Herman

    Russian born players seem always playing little dirty

  22. testdriver99

    Suspension. There should be zero tolerance for kicking someone with your skate.

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