@Detroit Red Wings

The Most VICIOUS Attack In NHL History

When Todd Bertuzzi and the Vancouver Canucks welcomed Steve Moore and the Colorado Avalanche to General Motors Place on March 8, 2004, they had one thing on their mind: payback.

Written & Narrated by: Jonah Birenbaum (@Birenball | X)
Produced & Edited by: James Balutan (@jamesbalutan | Instagram)
Thumbnail Design by: Justin Shipley (@shipleysportstudio | Instagram)

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#nhl #toddbertuzzi #stevemoore


  1. I still think Marty McSorley's hatchet swing with the stick to Donald Brashear's neck while he was skating away from him was way worse.

  2. Here we are exactly 20 years later. That game iwll forever be the ugliest and most disturbing ones I've witnessed in the 21 years of watching hockey.

  3. Steve moore was challanged to fight several times his final game and even once by bertuzzi before punched him from turning his back to todd. Had steve moore dropped his gloves we would have a different story.

  4. One of the few times you do a video on hockey it has to be one of the worst and most embarrassing. Thanks. 👍

  5. Marty McSorley hit someone in the head with his stick (on purpose), and you call the Burtuzzi incident "the most vicious". Gimme a break.

  6. Moore took a cheap shot , which the league should have dealt with. Moore was a marginal player at best and milked his injury. Bertuzzi got railroaded by the team and the league.

  7. Boo hoo. You get paid millions of dollars to play a game. Suck it up. No tears at all. Respect??? I have no respect for millionaires who get hurt and then cry.

  8. Go to an emergency room and see how regular people are treated. But everyone is outraged when a millionaire hockey player gets hurt and given the best care money can buy. It’s Fuckin disgusting.

  9. Head line should read most vicious attack from the dirtiest fan base in the NHL… Vancouver fans are chumps FACT… need proof try a riot cause they sucked

  10. It isn't coincidence that Crawford was involved in those two dirty series with Wings-Avs and Canucks -Avs.

  11. As an Av’s fan, it was also pretty boneheaded of Tony Granato not to just take Moore out of the game for the last 10 minutes and I still wonder why he didn’t.
    I watched this game on TV and Moore was getting roughed up all game and it kept getting worse and worse. Especially when the Canucks were down by 5. You knew something was going to happen. And obviously it did.
    Bertuzzi was relentlessly booed and jeered every single time he played in Denver after that.

  12. Most vicious in hockey history? Please. What about mcsorley hitting brashear over the temple and knocking him out…

  13. Seriously change your host. This guy is the most annoying sounding dude i have ever saw in a sport or anything related to eshit. 3 sec was all i needed. Make this guy a pencil pusher again

  14. The fact that Bertuzzi was allowed to play in the NHL again is unbelievable. He ended Moore's career and only got suspended for a season that never happened

  15. Those who understand indider hockey, know Todd got a raw deal.

    A fan, which is actually a fanatic, is to emotional, & bias to make a rational decision over this incident

    Player's from Colorado didn’t blame Todd.

  16. Can't believe it has been 20 years. I don't condone violence, but I watched hockey for many years and there were definitely worse cases then this. McSorley's stick swing, Domi suckered Niedermayer and Samulsson, etc. I somehow feel Burtuzzi-Moore incident was blown out of proportion. Moore was a marginal player but Burtuzzi was on his way to be a dominant player in the league and sadly his career was derailed by this incident. Criminal charge was a joke. The only person who deserves the criminal charge in hockey is McSorley.

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