@Toronto Maple Leafs

What Did You Think About The Morgan Rielly/ Ridly Greig Incident? | SDP

Steve Dangle, Adam Wylde and Jesse blake hare their thoughts on the Morgan Rielly incident with Senators forward Ridly Grieg. Did Rielly need to respond? Did Greig go too far?

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  1. Gregg broke "The Code". Love it. Also love that Reilly showed some emotion! What I hated was the reaction to that emotion. It was stupid. It was dangerous and he deserves the extended suspension. He earned that. For all the Leafs fans. "The Code" is about players policing the game through the use of fighting. NOT crosschecking another player in a dangerous manner. This case is simple. Reilly should have flipped off the mitts and just started feeding Gregg. At that point, the MOST Reilly would get is 1 game for getting an instigator penalty in the last 5 min of a game. Even then.. George Paros, might overlook that.

  2. Parros who was a King gave Kaliev 4 games for knee that was arguably not as bad as a knee that Garnet Hathaway a guy with a suspension history delivered and only got a fine for

  3. I think he deserved it but others get less !! Bias is outta control against leafs . I still wait to see a interference call as bad as holls when JT scored that all important playoff goal

  4. As a fan of neither team, I don’t get the big deal. Let them fight it out next time. I’m only saddened this wasn’t Game 1 in the playoffs. The next game would be blockbuster boxoffice 😎

  5. on a non hockey play after empty net goal, better to drop stick right away and confront player with words and pushes? getting a suspension is high price to pay?

  6. I have to say I don't understand their negative reaction to Torts talking about "something happening" guys being after "skilling it up". Then this is fine? In one situation where a player shows up another team by taking a slapshot ENG, a player has to "do something" because of this unwritten code I have been hearing so much about recently. But the section about making a team look silly by doing a Michigan… they scratched that out of the code years ago. What?

  7. Was he wrong to slap the puck into the net? It wasn't illegal but it obviously was not an acceptable action according to the unwritten "rules" players have among themselves. It was an obvious attempt to antagonize the leafs and he should not have been surprised it got a reaction. Rielly was right to go after him. The leafs would have been criticized for being soft otherwise. That being said a crosscheck to the face is a bit much. Based on precedent, Riellys lack of histroy and the fact that there was no injury I think 5 games is also a but much.

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