@Tampa Bay Lightning

[Krenn] May see some changes to the #Bolts lineup tonight based off morning skate lines and D-pairings in LA









de Haan-Fleury

by dolewhiplash


  1. Enough-Register5313

    The war is over, Sheary is getting health bombed

  2. Basil_Normal

    I like this lineup a lot. Top six is balanced, third like is all forechecking with a little touch of scoring ability and fourth line is heavy and defensively responsible. Only thing I’m a bit skeptical on is the defense pairings. Not sure about Dumba on his off side and Lilleberg-Perbix is an adventure. Excited to see it though

  3. toolschism

    Here’s the real question, will anyone even notice that sheary is scratched with how invisible he has been?

  4. GatorBolt

    To go on a tangent I will say it’s always good to see Cooper shake things up even when things are going well Ws-Ls wise. A big criticism when we were losing in the playoffs was how slow he would be to adjust, and I think a huge key in winning has been how quicker he is to adjust since then. A lot can be said to praise Cooper, but I think the biggest praise that can be said is how he’s grown as a coach over time too.

  5. Kdoubleaa

    Dumba-Cernak shouldn’t work but it has been? So props to Cooper for not being a dinosaur and letting two righties who are playing well together continue to do so.

  6. rhodesleadnowhere

    Good. That top six is stacked with assassins.

  7. Bryanole27

    My only complaint is that I see the name “Perbix.”

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