@Vancouver Canucks

[JPat on Twitter] Conor Garland is tied for 3rd in goals scored on the Canucks since Jan 1st.

He’s really turned his season around in the new year!!

by Wrong_Shoe1226


  1. mrtomjones

    Haha it is hilarious how this sub was fighting tooth and nail about who sucks with large portions saying Brock sucks and trade him and large portions saying trade Garland… and they are the two tied for third here. Guess it has gone well that we traded neither so far

  2. DMyourboooobs

    Kinda sad that boeser was on pace for over 300 goals and then might not even finish with 40

  3. julesieee

    I want Conor Garland chants going in the arena 😤

  4. electricnux

    I hope Joshua comes back next week and that third line goes back to cooking, we need their energy vs LA and Dallas

  5. We should get some Garland chants going and to be honest he deserves a few more minutes of ice time. He is one of the few players that seems to be always moving their legs.

  6. bundblaster

    I got to watch Conor Garland live a few days ago. Watching him play, he’s not the most athletic guy but he’s laser focused on everything around him at all times. He doesn’t miss a step.

  7. AccomplishedAd4995

    Even when we sucked in the past seasons, garland was grinding every shift he took.

  8. DisplacedNovaScotian

    Not surprised. He was always getting chances and driving play. The shots are just going in now. I’m happy for him.

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