@Vancouver Canucks

Hoglander’s beautiful goal tonight

Hoglander’s beautiful goal tonight

by aristhought


  1. Only thing that would’ve made it better would’ve been a bow and arrow celly.

  2. julesieee

    I needed to take three hot showers after that goal coz it was N A S T Y

  3. wedontgotoravenholme

    I love how confident petey was to pass it off , then basically stop skating. Knows Hog is gonna bury that

  4. metrichustle

    Hog coming out party. He’s getting full time top 6 minutes next year. Book it!

  5. johnnyzunami

    Niiiiiiilllllssss Biiiiiiiggggg hooooogggg hoglanderrrrrrr! 🍆 🌋

  6. Only-Nature7410

    I am a bit surprised Petey doesn’t drive harder on that play for a rebound.

  7. Fruitisynthesis

    Hit em with the old burrows shimmy and shake

  8. BraedBunch_tv

    Markstrom had to pickup his jock strap after that one

  9. excitedprotons

    Someone please explain what Andersson was doing in the back furiously tapping his stick? Trying to distract Hog or something?

  10. So clean. Shades of rookie year Croz on that move.

  11. typeronin

    Quick. I feel like I’m watching that move in fast forward.

  12. Professional_Pop_671

    Sick goal. I love Peteys smile of disbelief.

  13. SundayExperiment

    Is it just me, or is that an almost EXACT same Crosby against MTL shootout move?

  14. De_Floppss

    Shades of burrows with that fucking leg kick to backhand, love to see it

  15. Helpful_Dot_4699

    Every time big hog scores i look forward to nuckheads next video. Im really excited to see how he goes off for this goal

  16. Alextryingforgrate

    Kid desevers it, got picked on a bunch tonight.

  17. Dangerous-Finance-67

    This, ladies in gentlemen, is what it’s all about.

  18. Man, watching Hög play is like listening to a podcast on 1.5x speed.

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