@Carolina Hurricanes

Max Pacioretty’s Agent’s Twitter Tirade

Always festive in Montreal.


  1. Bergaven is a fuck face and I hate him, he trades amazing assets and young players who can still progress for nothing! Absolutely nothing!

  2. Montreal is in worse shape than Toronto ever was. Toronto's management was incompetent and Montreal's management is like hold my beer.

  3. They should rebuild, but they wont, now would be the perfect time to do it trade most player over 27, fill in on high draft pick, even trade price, people seem to think is contract is too much but playing a star player that salary makes sence, keep weber as he doesnt have enough value and he can help form the new guys over the next few season, do a real thank and hope to win one of the next 2 lottery

  4. ok so what is the point of keeping him everyone in the organization knows they wont do well trade him for prospects at least try this rebuild, play players where they are comfortable ie rumour they might play domi at centre. but seriously is your rebuilding you dont need a player who can actually play trade get something in return and your luck might switch at the draft. just my 2 cents

  5. It took Bergevin 3 years to destroy that team. Subban, Sergachev, Radulov etc. And if they start the year the way they finished last year, Bergevin is going to fire Julien just to save his ass. As a gm you can compare him to Houle and Gayney. What a nightmare!

  6. Thinking of undergraduate exchange in Canada. What are NHL ticket prices for students? Are there big regional differences within Canada, or just overall very expensive for students?

  7. Patchy would be a steal at around 7 mill but too bad he never shows up when it matters … kind of like price lmao

    Playoffs begin today with a healthy price… “owwwww my knee, my knee!”

  8. Great Vid! Man… What a mess. Max should've stayed… if he weren't the captain. Anyway the PK trade was the error and the Radulov let-go and the 2018 draft maybe; possible, who knows. All we know is Marc Bergevin is full of it- Sorry. All we know is this management is a shame.

  9. As a lifelong Habs fan I have been fully aware that Price has masked this teams major issues for a long time now. But Bergevin is a complete moron. Is he seriously still the GM because he speaks french? Can a French Habs fan enlighten me on why anyone really cares if the the GM speaks french or not. At this point I dont care if the GM speaks chinese, i'm pretty sure they would do a better job than Bergevin. PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD FIRE HIM AND BLOW THIS TEAM UP… well by that I mean trade Pachy for his own sake and career I feel terrible for the guy being stuck in this dump. Also if someone would take Price's huge contract which will never happen i'd like him gone too before he jumps off a building… btw… will be watching every leafs game this year they did it right and will be fun to watch win

  10. Maybe Allan Walsh is trying to get maximum value for his client once he hits the open market.

    It still blows my mind that I've stated for years Patches is an absolute steal on the cap yet leaf fans only recognize this after his down year? Funny how that works.

    Not all your points are bogus, we definitely could use some more strength down the middle. Jesperi will be given a long look to make the squad and if he does, the team looks better already. Carey price getting back to MVP form is more believable than freddy Anderson not breaking down and the leafs defense becoming top 10. Sports are all about what ifs, I'll take my chances with Price bouncing back and Julien having the right players in place to implement his system.

    Don't let all of this distract you from the fact that Toronto hasn't won a playoff series since 2004, when most of their fans were entering grade 1.

  11. I think the Montreal Canadians need to clean house. And that has to start with upper management, because of letting the wrong players go for the wrong deals.

  12. My girlfriend is a Canadiens fan (yes I know), and even she agrees Bergevin should have been fired long ago for what he's done to the team. The Subban trade should have been enough to have him kicked out, but now he has a chance to screw over Patch as well. It can't be stated plainly enough: Bergevin needs to go.

  13. FIRE BERGEVIN , FUCK SAKE ! He keep saying the team isn't under construction, right … it's on deconstruction , stop demolishing our team :

  14. Hot take Bergevin should have been gone before the Subban trade. He, or whoever suggested it (I wasn't there and I have a very limited knowledge of how trades work), should have been laughed off the team when they mentioned it at all. I'm not going to call the "distraction" narrative a racist dog whistle simply because anyone who they're trying to whistle to is ALREADY IN THEIR FRONT OFFICE. Everything I've seen of the way this team treats its players has been abysmal. From what looked like rushing Price back from injury to LITERALLY MAKING GALCHENYUK APOLOGIZE FOR "BEING A DISTRACTION" WHEN HE WAS A VICTIM OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE. This team has shown no sign of respect or decency towards its players. Not one. And this stuff about Pacioretty is disappointing, but it sure isn't surprising. And Bergevin is sitting on his heels, waiting for someone to either hold him accountable or work a literal miracle on this team. Either commit to a rebuild or admit you just don't care anymore.

  15. Well, 11 days is a little longer than 20 minutes, but still TRADED! Steve is a clairvoyant.

  16. Who is the member of French media that said Pacioretty wanted a trade, and what were her or his sources?

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