@Boston Bruins

Bratt, Nosek, Allen, Green Post-Game

Bratt, Nosek, Allen, Green Post-Game

Second period started off pretty well what changed after that yeah I mean we obviously got locky on a breakway and then we kind of sticked with it we with a little bit and played some solid hockey in the beginning of the second and then started trying out dumb stuff

And we started going east to west instead of north south and we got away from our game a little bit any reason I mean not a lot of rubber on the net tonight is it was the energy what was the I think our preparations was was

Great it was nothing like that I think our mental preparation was good too I think it was all about our execution I think we all had a great practice yesterday we good more morning morning skap we were all ready to go I think it was just coming down to our execution

The passes work on the tape we didn’t help each other enough and um I mean we got oursel in trouble with with not helping each other up how frustrating is it you know you have an opportunity to you know get closer to Detroit who lost tonight yeah it’s not correct you

Mentioned the east to west is there something like in the middle of the game where you guys maybe talk on the bench about going a little more North South or is it just kind of as plays unfold it’s kind of what happened obviously there’s something something that we we always

Talk about that’s our strength and our team to play fast and um turn up eyes quickly and we go north and we use our speed and um I think sometimes you want to make two two pretty place and you you think you have something there but I

Mean this time of year teams are so good at defending they know where to be and they know how to limit your scoring chances so um it’s hardest time here and you you got to you got to stick with it you got to be patient you got to keep Simple on the power

Play they they pressured us hard we they they kind of knew how to how to pressure us a little bit we we didn’t keep the pucks off the yellow we um I think we forced a little bit of plays and then I think last last one here in the in the

Third period we actually got some momentum out of it we um got some got some good plays around it we we skated well we open up for each other and I think before that we were a little spread out we didn’t really execute and we didn’t help each other with a quick

Turn what has to be in Minds all about winning tomorrow get yourself ready mentally physically to get what you need to be a lot better as a team tomorrow you know obviously uh you have to lead there in a second things were going your way early and then it change what your opinion

Happen yeah we got uh rebounds back you know start of a second and suddenly we just start stoping we were not good enough not executing plays a lot of bad passes and a lot of mistakes so that’s what happened any reason for the turnovers uh can’t tell you it’s just uh

We we need to dig deep everybody got to be better tomorrow I you’ve had the injuries all year but it seems like you’re playing your best hockey at this point how are you feeling where your game is at right now I’m feeling good uh playing with P and M it’s we clicking

It’s it’s been fun so they have been feel pretty good looking at the Islanders tomorrow what do this team has to do get the mindset refra and get ready for that game yeah forget forget about today and focus on tomorrow and tomorrow is a new day and what I said

Before we got to be better and ready from from the start what were they doing to limit you guys as a team only 20 shots yeah they were they were pretty fast they were they were foring hard and they they were actually forcing us to make those mistakes so I didn’t think

Given the credit to they fast um you know after the first period yeah you know it was just uh we weren’t sharp obviously tonight um from everyone out you know as the last few games and you know it’s uh I know that team is in the standings but I’ve played them a lot

They’re very very highly skilled hockey team and you know they get a few opportunities they generally make teams pay so um you know we we got to get back try to forget about this one as quick as you can big game obviously tomorrow you know regroup here tonight and uh put our

Best foot forward tomorrow do you get a sense that maybe people looking at the record tonight when they came in um no we shouldn’t be you know uh we should understand the league I think you should always have an understanding of the league and what goes on around and we

Knew that uh you know they they have a lot of really high-end players and Talent on that team over there so um you got to play them tight checking they work their tails off every game um and they did tonight and you know made us you know make some mistakes and they

Capitalized how do you feel personally about your game t uh you know obviously wasn’t uh wasn’t my best game but uh you know going to move on here and give look next week and know you haven’t you know been here to too long but how do you

Kind of P you know what what the belief of the team is right now and and you know how you kind of write this ship with not too many opportunities to go yeah I know we can only focus on our group you know we can’t be worried about

Other teams and wins and losses that that they’re doing obviously you need some help in the situation we’re in but at the same time it’s really just about us it’s about uh trying to come to rank every day to prepare I understand you’re not going to win every single night but

We got to you know give ourselves an opportunity to be there and you know I think if we do that most nights you know we should be proud of that and you know see where it goes by the end of the seasoned tendencies in this team as a

Veteran do you see some mat well you know it’s there’s a lot of learning you know I played on a super young team the last three years you know I’m very uh I understand what goes on and you know how much growth there needs to be in this

League but I think we have so much young Talent that uh you know when you’re trying to win games and you’re down in games you’re going to try to make plays that you probably wouldn’t if you’re up in games that’s just normal try to get yourself back into it but you know

That’s just part of the game that’s part of growth and you know we have to understand that those are going to happen and um that’s why we have a team you know one guy’s not going to win the game you know we get a soon as a guy

Makes a mistake you someone else has to pick him up you were able to obviously fight back take the lead early in a second and um what what do you think changed from that point on I don’t even know if anything changed to be honest I don’t I don’t think we

Played very well tonight uh yeah it was nice that we got couple goals and got the lead but uh we didn’t carry it that little spurt near long enough um yeah we didn’t we didn’t play well at all tonight anything you can put your finger on I only 20 shots was it energy

What do you think uh I could I mean every part of our game was as everything that I said the other night about our game that I liked um it’d be the opposite tonight I didn’t think uh give their team credit they played well uh they’ve got a lot of skill on their

Group their back end is very mobile um it didn’t look like our team was ready for their speed our execution with our passing was uh not near good enough uh receiving passes weren’t near good enough and uh when you are not making too consecu passes in a row uh it’s

Pretty hard to gain any traction and you’re going to look disorganized and you’re going to you going to look like uh we did tonight cheser said that after the first two goals that you guys scored he felt that you know you guys started playing a little less north south more

East West and that was a big problem for you guys why does that happen that all of a sudden you know that type of mentality changes uh I mean I that’s a good question is why it happens but it’s happened a lot this year where we’ve got inconsistencies in our game you know

Youth is part of it we uh you know we had a couple turnovers tonight that we’ like to have back uh you start feeling good about yourself in open Ice you start scoring you score a couple goals and you start feeling like you can do certain things with the puck and at the

End of the day that’s not a recipe for uh winning hockey uh you know back and forth trading chances turning pucks over the other other team’s Blue Line um again that that the turnovers were part of it but there was a lot more than than that I I just thought individually

We we didn’t have a player that played up to his capabilities tonight I’m not sure if we had one um we talk about you know belief a lot and you know what it’s like in the room but how how do you kind of pulls things just 11 games to go and you know

Some of these opportunities or not there’s so few left again I I go back we’re not we’re not sitting there every night talking about the pressure hey we have to if you just play good and you worry about the process of playing good you you know you’ll win games uh they

Know where they’re at I don’t I don’t need to harp on it um you know every Point’s big at this time a year and this is a big two points that we lost and uh but we’ve got to get ready to play tomorrow Travis a couple nights ago you

Cited immaturity as part of the game uh for your team was that Factor tonight and if so I I just don’t think we didn’t play I I thought we didn’t play well enough to win tonight uh we addressed what what we felt happened in Arizona

Um also ottawa’s got a lot of speed a lot of skill they’re good good young team um I I actually felt like going through the room that we’ our team was ready to play mentally but physically we didn’t play good enough flat out didn’t you could just see it passes were bouncing guys

Were I don’t want to say panicking but you know we threw some pucks away that you know you can’t do it in this level Travis third straight game with similar lines is that something you hope to keep consistency in moving forward you’d like to yeah I mean that’s

You it’s always the goal when you put a line together is that it’s going to stay uh we’ll watch the game again and haven’t thought about it going forward yet

0:00 – Jesper Bratt
2:19 – Tomas Nosek
3:31 – Jake Allen
5:50 – Travis Green


  1. No one should support this garbage team next year. I want a complete tear down. None of these players are worth a damn.

  2. hey, those who in the comments section after the Jets game planned the strong finish and the Parade, you are šŸ¤”šŸ¤£. One wise man told you in the very same comment section Devils should be losing all their remaining games to get the highest pick possible. You all should listen to that wise man

  3. They have checked out, in their minds they are playing golf. After 2 games they think they dont need effort against the Sens and play like and AHL team every other game. If they had ANY consistency they would be in the playoffs already but they do not care. Any player on this team who is not giving 100% effort every night needs to go.

    Some nights they are lights out good and tonight they look sub AHL effort, unacceptable. Revamp the team in the offseason and offload anyone who is mentally checked out in the most important part of the season.

  4. They've played up or down to their opponent a lot this year. Eight losses between San Jose, Anaheim, Arizona, Montreal, Columbus, and now Ottawa. Plus three losses to Washington, which is another team they should beat. But they also have wins vs Boston, Florida, Winnipeg, Colorado, Dallas, and Vancouver.

  5. This is a team that has repeatedly played as if they were reminiscing about last year's results and thinking that inertia from last year is gonna push them into the playoffs.

    This lack of mental preparation is hugely on the shoulders of management – the GM on down.

    When you lose repeatedly to bottom dweller teams it means that you stepped onto the ice unprepared both mentally and physically.

    There are bad elements in the locker room that need to go.

  6. Hmmm…Head scratching team. I thought they quit on Lindy, but there seems to be the same inconsistency. Glad to know it wasn't Lindy, but nevertheless, they are a mystery. There does not seem to be locker room issues, only I wonder if they lack a leader in that room. Any thoughts?

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