@Boston Bruins

Where Bruins Stand With 10 Games To Go (Sunday Skate Edition) | The Skate Pod, Ep. 292

Where Bruins Stand With 10 Games To Go (Sunday Skate Edition) | The Skate Pod, Ep. 292

[Applause] this is Sunday skate with Scott mcclaflin Andrew Razer rro and Bridget Brew un Wei Lindholm through zaka Arison to York and the fires pull out a dramatic Victory Boston came from behind to tied twice in the third period but Tyson Forster had the winner with a buck 29 to

Go 32 Philly welcome into Sunday skate I’m your host SC mlin with Andrew Razer roft and Bridget PR Nico behind the glass Forest as you just heard from Jack Edwards there Bruins loose to the Flyers 3-2 on Saturday they you got to give the brunes

And flyers this they do have a knack for playing entertaining third periods yep uh not necessarily starting out so entertaining but yeah so a week ago satday at the Garden they combined for seven goals in the third period Bruins hung on to win that one six to

Five yesterday as you alluded to pretty dull first 40 minutes especially for the Bruins I I don’t know how many times Jack said bring some coffee I don’t know if he’s talking about for you know for Brad Marshon or for himself or what but yeah I mean it’s a 1 p.m.

Start it is but can’t be an excuse especially see so what gets to me about yesterday is coming off Thursday night against the Rangers where you know again another game that they hung around and I guess if you wanted to say hey it’s encouraging you can hang around even when you don’t have

Your aame but that wasn’t a great effort against the Rangers on Thursday Jim Montgomery said as much after that game said he was said they didn’t check well enough they didn’t compete for pucks hard enough uh said he was surprised and disappointed and then he come out Saturday against the Flyers you know

Less than 48 hours later and you’re still kind of just hitting the snooze button for two periods finally wake up they as we heard from Jack they tie it twice in the third period but give the Flyers the lead right back both times so back-to-back losses as we sit here on a Sunday

Morning we know still in great shape playoff wise but 10 games to go I don’t know about you guys I would like to see more consistency I’d like to see some 60-minute efforts start to pile up instead of having back-to-back games where I don’t know 20 minute effort 30

Minute effort what are we calling that I think we’re still a little bit ways from getting there uh where it’s necessary we still have a month to go till the NHL playoffs starts a really long time uh lot of hockey still to be played I think you can you can understand why

And how these games like yesterday afternoon the 1:00 start the the the the Flyers needing it the Bruins just it’s I I agree you need a little bit more I think the good news is like do you really I for me again this is so this is

The way I I think about it do I do I do I think that Brad Marshon isn’t going to be able to bring it and doesn’t really understand what takes in game one of the Stanley Cup Playoffs no I don’t have an issue with that I don’t think David past’s going to

Have an issue in game one I don’t have an issue with Charlie Coyle figuring out in game one or Charlie McAvoy uh and and we’re seeing brezo we’re seeing geeki we’re seeing hinen Play really good hockey right now those are the guys that need to get cranking and those are the

Guys that need to continue to build their games I I Brad struggling he’s a big re you know he’s a big maker for this group he needs to get the 400th goal to get over it it’s in his head he’s thinking about it nonstop you can tell he’s frustrated he’s been

Nicked up four or five games in a row where you’re like oh this could be a weak injury this could be a two we injury and he’s battling through that so I think that’s a big part of the the consistency or and and or the that one extra goal that they’ve needed don’t

They also won four three in a row or four in a row before the rang game too against pretty good hockey teams so it’s like um I I I just think it’s a little I’m not taking any zero grain of salt against the Philadelphia Flyers at a one

O00 game a month before playoffs still yeah and I maintain what I said about a opponents that you feel safe if the Bruins do draw Philadelphia in the first round I still didn’t see anything i’ would be particularly afraid of I mean obviously we know they they beat the

Bruins twice in in uh close I they beat the Bruins this time in a close game but um they I don’t think they’re too much to worry about right like if we’re talking about who they draw I think that was kind of an off night for the Bruins

And that you hope that in the playoffs the desperation looks different for Boston and to talk about Brad marshan I thought that he might get one yesterday cuz he was so mad like when he plays mad like that cuz he got that kneeon knee yeah he’s either going to score he was

Going to get fined by the NH it was something cuz I was thinking the same thing or all or yeah was he’s frustrated he’s really he is he’s very and he’s done this the last few years at this time of year where he’s gone cold he he has and he’s been

Able to turn it on so again that’s that’s the that guy’s the least of my worries or anyone else’s worries and and I think that he is worth that that difference come you know give him another give him another three weeks yeah I was just going to say we did see

This last year from him where I remember we’re on this show having conversations about hey is is Marti and Wright is he going to be able to get right by the playoffs and he he was the least of their problems in that Series so that’s fair I I’m not o overly concerned about

Brad marshand um two guys I will say like I want to really see get on top of their games would be on defense Charlie MAV and hempest Lindholm who I think are just so important to whatever this team’s going to do and mavi thought took a step in

The right direction yesterday I would not go as far Jim Montgomery said he was Dynamite I don’t think I’d go quite that far uh but I think makoy had been struggling a little bit prior to this uh prior to yesterday Lind Holmes you know when he first came back

From his injury I thought he played really well I thought he came back really strong and then I think you’ve seen a little drop off here recently and Raaz you’re right like there’s still a month but it’s also just 10 games and I feel like right now is the time to me like

Starting with this trip to Florida coming up because just just like at the opponents Panthers lightning capitals still desperate but not overly worried about the capitals Predators one of the hottest teams in the NHL right now hurricanes again hurricanes Panthers hurricanes again like that’s if you don’t pick it up for this

Stretch then I think you you could potentially hit like a real slump you know two and six type of thing so and you don’t want that going to the play so you only have three games after this tough part of the schedule so that you really don’t want going to the playoffs

So I would say if they ramp it up now then fine you you look back at these two games you say all right that was the last little blip before the playoffs all all good but if they play the way that they’ve been playing these last couple

Games through this next stretch then I worry about losses starting to pile up and then it becomes a real problem well yeah I mean they’re going to lose two more in a row I i’ I’d almost guarantee it when you’re playing Tampa and Florida back to back which

Well but it shouldn’t be these two like you it shouldn’t you can’t get to four losses in a row I I don’t it could it really could sure could but it’s not going to matter on April 19th that’s my point it just it it won’t it really won’t I they need to

Play better they’re going to up their ante they’re going to have great games we’re going to see some great hockey either way um it it it’s just where they’re at in their season and where they’re at in their careers and where they’re at in in the the organization’s cycle um it’s all about

April 19th and they they need to get better I I don’t they they need to find ways to to tighten things up defensively they need to find way you hear the you hear it from the coaches I I I want to hear like whatever the coaches are

Saying I think that’s kind of the they are they they have a very good handle on the inflection points with this team and if they’re frustrated after a Ranger game but not after a Philly game I think that’s pretty sensible I think we’re going to again if they I my my only

Point with the the wins and losses kind of thing is like they there’re it’s really tough to go down to Florida and win back to back and like I’m I’m not sure who’s doing that but most teams aren’t then they’ve got three and four and they come home and fortunately they

Come home through all of this and so Washington’s kind of a one-off they’re going to win games they’re going to lose some games is my point it’s not I I’m not focused on like a four game streak or a five-game winning streak I’m just saying they need to continue to develop

Their game they need to continue to build and I’m not you’re not going to hear them be concerned about wins and losses I guess is my point you’re you’re going to hear them be concerned about getting their lineup right who’s playing defense in game one um where’s the goal

Tending at where are the forward situation the power play how are all these things progressing and I think they we have to believe that the coaching staff and that the players have this plan in place whether it’s winning or a loss I I I think that they do have

That in place they have an idea of how they want to work these last 10 games and I love the fact they have 10 games in the Toronto map Poli lece have 13 games left that’s a huge boom that’s a huge Boom for this group to have that

Extra rest no one’s played more games in the Bruins and they’re going to get the most rest down the stretch I think that’s really favorable for them yeah they’re going to get the most rest they’re going to get the most practice time if they if they need to work on

Things before the playoffs start we heard Jim Montgomery talk about that before the game yesterday um and you’re talking about the game plan for the the next 10 games or the last 10 games Razer and it sounded like the rotation is the plan in terms of go tending for the last

10 games I don’t know if you had anything that you want to see from from go tending in this this last stretch of the Season what do you want to see from them improving and what you think of the game plan for them I I no I’m not surpris I mean I know

They’re going to do the rotation that’s that’s that’s what they do I think it it might deviate a couple games here or there if if one of them plays a little better than the other you might see one two games in a row and you know what

They’re going to do I know what they’re going to do for sure is at some point they’re going to pump fake everybody and they’re going to give everybody a two games in a row and I’m going to have to sit here on Sunday morning we’re going

To have to talk about rotation and how cuz it’s going to be a Thursday Saturday where they’re going to play one of them two times in a row we’re going to have this big thing um so I I they’re going to do it they’re they’re going to switch

Off the rotation just because Monty said they’re basically going to rotate so he’s just going to Stir It Up a little bit by going back to back at some point I think he says I think he says stuff to keep people off guard more than everyone

Thinks really I think I think he does play that a little bit I we’ve done that with the injuries a few times where it’s like oh yeah’s he’ll be better and then it’s like a week and a half yeah uh lindol oh yeah he you know day to day

He’s like five eight missed eight games so there’s some of this you know let’s let so there’s some of the uh New England Patriots still in that building where you’re not really sure what’s going on I think the rotation remark the other day is some of that I you want to

See uh you want to see one of them he you want to see one of them grab it but I don’t think it matters anyways you know we’re going to be talking about it I think again I I I want to see I want

To see the D get set I think I want to see the special teams get a little more set the PK get a little more set in in how they’re playing but but again it’s just it is I know it’s 10 games but it’s

Also a a long month it really is still a long month in the SE right like it’s it’s a long way still yeah so first I’ve just to clar like I guess I’m not as concerned about wins losses either if you tell me they go down to Florida and

Put together you know 60-minute effort or nearly 60-minute effort against Panthers Andor lightning but they lose like that’s fine the last time they played the lightning I thought they brought a 60-minute effort and they lost yeah you know vaski played great like if you tell me that happens like okay I can

Live with that and I just don’t want to see yesterday where you know you kind of Sleepwalk through the first two periods I want to see the 60-minute effort start to pile up y um on the goal tending I I do think even if they even if they deviate a little and give

Someone backtack starts but then go back to the other guy I feel like that still kind of tells us you know the plan’s going to be to use both in the playoffs whether it’s a strict rotation or you know two starts on go to the other guy

Or maybe stretch to three but I really don’t think they’re gonna I just don’t think they’re setting themselves up to ride someone for an entire series or even five games in a row it just doesn’t really feel that way to me and you know maybe Montgomery was fibbing a little uh

Last week in Montreal when you know I I asked him that directly you know can you rotate right to the end and then ride a guy and he kind of sounded like they didn’t want to do that or they kind of learned from last year that that didn’t

Work uh so maybe that was you know little misdirection too but I get the sense that that kind of is what they’re actually thinking is like if you’re going to rotate or you’re going to split till the end don’t then expect to ride one guy the whole way it just doesn’t

Seem like it’s setting up for that to me no and we’re going to play the audio from Montgomery about this pregame yesterday uh because he did he three different times really sounded very strongly for the rotation uh we’ll play that coming out of the next break um but

But what he said that I thought was the most interesting part of it was I don’t see a reason to change it up and if you’re if you don’t see a reason to change it up and you’re making these comments publicly then you then you do

That in the playoffs and you ride one guy you’re opening yourself up to the criticism again from the fan base like what you said you were willing to do this you said you don’t see a reason to change it and then you change it well I think he’s very acutely aware he’s

Getting criticized if they lose the first round either way he’s not too worried about true so yeah some more goal tending thoughts I I want to get razer’s thoughts on all Mark’s game yesterday um and specifically the last two goals he let in uh play of swan recently you

Mentioned defense pairings stuff to get into there we’re often running on Sunday skate assuming you keep this goalie rotation through the rest of the regular season when you get into the playoffs there’s always been this tradition of you got to pick a guy and it’s got to be

One guy you can ride with are we at the era now where you can alternate come playoff time the way you would regular season time I do I think you can because that’s what we’re used to that’s what their bodies are used to so makes a lot

Of sense your current plan here tomorrow it’ll be there’ll be 10 games to go your plan would be alternate to to the end yeah I don’t see a reason to change it up welcome back to Sunday skate with Andrew raycroft and Bridget prw I’m Scott mcgoffin that’s brunin coach Jim

Montgomery talking about the idea of rotating goalies I actually agree with all of that that’s exactly how I feel uh but Razer you think possibly some some misdirection there or maybe just not totally playing his hand I’m not holding anybody anything what they say about playoff time on March 24th um that’s

That’s all uh you don’t think you can read into it at all not even a little bit no of course not it’s March 24th no I listen it it it’s it’s going to be a thing all the way through I listen if they rotate I I can’t wait for the game

Four rotation talk of who’s playing game five that that so that’s not changing right like we can all say that right like we can are are we’re not going to talk about goal tending if they say game one we’re rotating all the way through so then we’re not talking about goal tending

Right cuz it’s just going to be a rotation we’re not going to talk about who’s going in who’s playing well who’s not playing well right is that is that how that’s going to work so what do we so no what are talking about take my take has never been that strict like I’m

I’m not I’m I’m realistic about this you know I don’t I don’t think like you have to stick to every other game no matter what happen and you never change it for anything like I’m Flex that’s the rotation though that’s what the rotation that’s what mcgomery just told us is

That their bodies are used to it why would we switch that’s what they are but I think whatever your plan is going to the playoffs you have to be flexible enough to adjust as as things change and that would go even if you’re riding one goalie if he doesn’t play well you got

To be ready to make a switch you can’t just say well he’s our guy and even though you know he’s given up 15 goals in three games we’re sticking with him like you got to that goes for your lines you got to be willing to change those up

You got to be willing to move guys in and out move someone on or off the top power play unit so there has to be some flexibility I’m not strict it has to be every other game but I I think you can start that way and I think if both guys

Play well you can ride that for as long as that remains true oh yeah if you if you go up you know if you go up 3-1 let’s say in a series and and your golender are are playing on your face right now yeah why would you change

Anything right why would you change anything if everything’s going perfect after a 3-1 lead in a series I agree 100% with that no you don’t I do I do agree you don’t change anything you don’t change anything well oh oh oh one guy played three four games last year

And they were up 3 to one you wouldn’t change anything of course not um so no listen I I I am I we it’s not that I don’t I I I guess my point is with all of this and and I’m sarcastic about it and kind of laughing about it I hope it

Doesn’t come across as like I know and you don’t know cuz I don’t know anything and that’s why I’m like kind of going along with this in this way go make sure you clip that yeah please do I don’t know anything I I don’t I I I just know

What but what I do know is it’s not that easy and it’s not that cut and dry to and that’s where that’s what I guess maybe that’s what I hear in my head is when everyone says and I and I’m not saying you I’m saying everybody because

It’s not it’s it’s a lot it’s a big huge swell of fans and and media and people that that say rotation and I feel like they say it because they think it’s easier and my point is is that it’s actually harder and not as easy when you’re dealing with a rotation come

Anytime so yes it works in the regular season yes they’ve been able to play off of it but I I just know I know that the playoffs are different and it gets heightened and it’s not as easy and I feel like the reason why people say

Rotation is to make it easier and to make this team better because it’s easier just to rotate the goalies and they don’t have to make decisions and that’s just what they do I it’s just that that’s what I hear when I hear rotation when I hear those questions

Being asked and and I it it like I just put up a bit of a wall on it because I know it’s really difficult to do it that way I just I that’s what I do know I don’t know what they’re doing I don’t know a lot of things

But I know as a goenda series is run that staying you’re going to do a rotation and sticking to the rotation is very difficult I just wonder in the room and it’s why it’s never ever ever been done in the modernday game of hockey yeah not Jerry

Chever 72 let’s not do that let’s talk about within the last 25 years of hockey it hasn’t happened so my my question is just because like you have this perspective from from being in the room um you know when you were when you were playing how would it affect you if you

Were in a a rotation where you and you thought you were playing well enough to to get in like how would you feel if you either were the guy who had to sit out the series even though you’ve been playing pretty much 50/50 how would you how would you feel

To be the guy on the outside of it when when it wasn’t what you did the whole year well it doesn’t matter right like feelings don’t matter but then you have to come in and well no then yeah well how how does it feel to hear that you’re

Getting traded and then you have to come in and play and you play pretty good for four games straight like that’s part of the business the feelings don’t matter like I I could give you a million guys that I played with in the playoffs that that play 82 games and then Charlie

Makoy comes up and plays great or some callup comes up and and he’s playing game one and you have to go to your fourth line buddy and be like dude that sucks I can’t believe that they just took you out for this whole time and Phil Phil kessle last year in Vegas yeah

Played all 82 regular season games played I think two playoff games that was a tough call yeah and so that that happens all like it just does and the goal tending it’s yeah you’re going to feel horrible you will feel horrible um but if if everything’s going great then

You sit and watch and cheer them on and and then if when you’re taken out or when you’re put in you have to play great and try your best I mean Mark Andre flurry Hall of Famer it it happens and it you as a as a team as a coach as

A player those feelings go out the door come come playoff time I have a question on the flip side too if you have been splitting the net 50/50 and then you are told you’re the guy does that put a lot of pressure on you if you haven’t done

It the whole season no no that’s that’s that’s what you want that’s why you’re playing as hard as you can every other night to to get that opportunity and and I you know I I don’t I I can’t say for everybody but I I wouldn’t uh I maybe

Maybe the bodies feel different I I never did a strict rotation but but I’ve played a bunch of games in a row and and felt fine um I I don’t know I don’t know how I I don’t put a lot of stock in that maybe there’s more to the science

Nowadays than than I know but um I I would if you gave me the option to to rotate or to play every single game I’m taking every single game every single time yeah I would say any goalie is going to be a championship goalie is gonna have to overcome feelings getting

Bent like I think of even here Tim Thomas wins the VZ in 2009 loses the job to to Gass down the stretch in 2010 doesn’t play that whole postseason has the mental strength to come back win the VZ and the staning cup and the KMI again the next year like you

Got to figure out a way so stop the puck yeah uh so for me uh I don’t want a rotation because I think it’s easier like I to totally with you I it’s not easier it’s hard no matter what I don’t think it’s more difficult though because

I think when you have I’ve made this point before I think when you have two really good goalies if plan a doesn’t work perfectly it’s difficult no matter what and I think we saw that last year where okay like you could flip that and say picking allmark and going with him

Might have been quote unquote easier than continuing the rotation well yeah it was easier until that overtime goal in game five and then he struggles in game six and now it becomes now you have a really difficult decision so I think no matter what if you have two good

Goalies there’s going to be questions about who’s playing who should play when do you make a switch so yeah it’s it’s not easier but I don’t in this case with these two goalies I don’t think it’s any more difficult either the the other thing too right and I think this is really

Important to to realize as well is that every Stanley Cup goalie every team that wins the Stanley Cup every they they have a lot of bad games within those 27 games that it takes to win right like there there’s a Tim Thomas had he was down 02 in the first

Round playing horribly playing horri he played horrible in the first round against Montreal right like he came up with the wins and game s he played bad he did and they almost all got fired they almost all got gas the whole thing if that goes the other way in game seven

It’s a completely the whole franchise is different he played bad in the first round vasileski has played bad in different times winning Stanley Cups as great as he is Patrick Wallah was bad and so that’s the thing that we all have to remember too is that goalies are going to play Bad and

Win the Stanley Cup at certain times you could even have a two game bad streak as a Stanley Cup winning golender and that’s why that’s what makes game to game minute to- minute decisions difficult because you’re going to have guys play bad so you say allmark was bad

In game six well yeah there’s lots of goalies that have won Stanley Cups that were bad in game sixes of series and still won the Stanley Cup or still won that Series so that’s that’s the other part to to remember is that you’re not just because you rotate you’re not

Getting a great effort every single time from these guys just all of a sudden magnet you know oh now now no one can play Bad two games in a row or these guys can’t play Bad three games in a row that can still happen as well and and the the best work through

It yeah I do think it you it it cuts down on potential wear and tear though like I do think these guys are in this rhythm of they’re playing every other game so they’re used to you know having start three days until their next start and their bodies

Are in that Rhythm and it’s worked like it’s for the most part you know we can talk about some recent struggles which we we can get into but uh for the most part it’s kept both of them at a pretty high level and that part I think can

Carry into the playoffs like I think if you’re giving these guys kind of keeping them on a similar kind of rest schedule and Recovery you can keep them in theory at like at Peak Performance versus if you ride one of them for six seven eight straight games which they haven’t done

In the regular season you you kind of risk what I think I know they tried to say at the end of series zark was was healthy he said he was fine I think there was pretty clearly some wear and tear there you do risk that if you start

To increase the workload to a point that they’re not used to and that’s the other thing is like neither one of these guys has been a playoff Workhorse where they’ve started every game for three rounds like neither one of them has that kind of Deep Run on their resume I mean

You did it with to Gass because he had that on his resume he had done that several times you know started every game for long playoff runs so even later in his career when you started to lighten his workload in the regular season and you know get him down to 50

55 games whatever it was you still knew he had reached that level before he had gotten to a point where he could play at a high level for several playoff series in a row you know despite what some fans think taras did do that that did actually happen don’t get the Tua

Callers please these these guys haven’t done that so you don’t like we don’t know that they’re actually capable of that no we don’t but um if I I would I if you ask them if they if you think that if do you Mr SW and mrar do

You think you could take this team and play 25 games over 52 days and win the Stanley Cup what do you think the answer is going to I would hope they’re confident enough in themselves to say that correct and and and to to to answer a question with a question I suppose

Is if so what H how do you Jud how do you what do you what contract are you giving these guys what if they can’t do that what what you’re giving Swan seven8 years $7 million to to rotate through the playoffs for the next eight years

Cuz he can’t like what how do you know what you have and and how do you know so that’s dangerous to say too that that’s all that’s just it’s it’s it’s we go we I mean again the conversation goes around and around I feel like a little bit it goes around

And around because none of us are budging well no yeah no for sure I’m not in and yeah all right so let me let me push it forward a little bit since you just mentioned this because I I’ve heard this right all year it looked like this

Was going to be Jeremy Swan’s year and if they were going to ride anyone it was going to be Swan now it’s gotten a little more muddled because allar has been better recently there’s you know even I would say since the All-Star break but even if you just want to keep

It to the last week or two it’s clearly been the hotter hand recently there seems to be some people who are like still want to go with sing no matter what because it’s his time and you have to see what you have before you give him the that next contract yeah

Does that factor in at all like can you at all think well we need to see what Jeremy Swan can give us if we ride him because we have to make this decision about his next big contract or can you only f are you only focused

On the Here and Now what’s best right now and if that means Swan doesn’t play at all in the playoffs and so be it that I think that I me you’re trying to win now like you’re you’re not saying oh we got to find out what we what we need to

Give them like obviously the contract thing with him they’ve pushed it and they’ve pushed it and they’ve pushed it and it doesn’t seem like uh they’re what they’re going to learn is going to just be what’s best for the team right they’re going to have to use the sample

Size that they they have and what works best in the playoffs I mean who knows maybe he steps up and and has some incredible wins or leads you know stands on his head in the playoffs but you can’t do it just because you’re like yeah we need to determine our next eight

Years right now no you need to determine each game each series on its own yeah yeah that’s what’s going to happen for sure that that it does get separated uh church and state at this time of year and and it’s just a matter of getting it done now the player doesn’t necessarily

Separate that uh the player has that in the back of their head somewhere that that um if I’m not playing in the playoffs then I’m not going to get paid as much money that’s that’s very that’s very cut and dry in hockey if if if if you’re if you’re not playing the

Playoffs whether you’re a center Wing defenseman you’re you’re not getting paid as much as as what the guy who is playing does that’s but sometimes in a sometimes in a contract year players play way better then they get the big contract and you see a drop off it’s

Like okay if swimming does get in and he’s playing for a contract like he’s like this is my opportunity to to to lock myself in for for a a long-term deal with a a price that I like um so sometimes people do play better in a contract year and then and then

Sometimes contracts don’t pan out to that because you’re you’re paying them based off of this incredible year they had knowing they needed to be at their best yeah that happens more than not really which Swan had been doing until quite recently like he was an Allstar

For a reason he deserved that he’s still even with a recent skid what a top five or six goalie on the season so uh before we before we get to our next break in a few minutes got to take Maria I’ve made Maria wait wait longer than usual good morning

Maria no it’s uh good morning it’s well worth waiting this is really good conversation and you know I appreciate all the Insight that all of you have um because clearly you follow the team a lot more deeply than I do but I in fact am getting worried only because I

Continue to see the same kind of chronic patterns in the losses that are very troubling to me now with so little time left in the season these aren’t small sample sizes at this point where we’re seeing you know a a lack of emotion sometimes a lack of push

Back the inability to play a full 60 Minutes the inability to make a strong play on the puck in your defensive Zone and now we’re having some hiccups on the part of our goal tending so you know I I know that there are going to be losses

And I can appreciate that but my view has been all along it’s not the loss it’s how you lose and I think that’s what worries me moving forward into the playoffs and I I just want I need to get this off my chest with regard to yesterday’s call on Brad marshand and I

Myself am sick and flipping tired of the NHL official officials treating Brad Marian like he’s still a common Criminal what was done to him yesterday was so egregious so embarrassing so blatant that those officials need to be called out publicly fined suspended I don’t

Care what you do to them but that was so blatant and what happened to him was so dangerous that kneeon KNE check if if the roles were reversed Martian would have likely been immediately tossed from that game and we’d all be worrying about how many games he was going to be

Suspended for it and let me just say this too about Coach Montgomery say what you will about John torella like him or not but at least he shows emotion and he backs his players up and that’s what I wanted to see from Monty I don’t care if

The refs throw you out of the game I don’t care if the league finds you stick up for your captain in that instance thank you for the time folks thanks Maria uh yeah that definitely worth touching on uh that Martian in the penalty call um on torella I’ll

Say you know does he have his players back because he just benched his captain shanu for two games this past week and maybe he explained it behind the scenes he certainly didn’t publicly um but yeah so marshan yesterday as re alluded to for people who might have missed it or

Just to refresh tries to step around and Eric Johnson check in the neutral zone I don’t think Johnson was intentionally trying to knee him I don’t think he’s a dirty player but he does leave his leg out there and it winds up being KNE on knee no call Martian a little slow to

Get up and then loses it on the refs and and you know goes a little berserk from the bench and he winds up getting penalized and Razer I know on nessen on the intermission show guys were talking about you know you want to see the ref

Come over and calm him down give him a warning we didn’t see that you know maybe it happened from afar but what did you think of how that all played out and and how it was handled by the officials well they they missed the knee that that’s you know

That’s the problem they miss the knee whether it’s and whether the Judgment of did he try and do you know Johnson’s been around a long time and you know whether it’s a major whether it’s a game is conic whether it’s a match whether it’s 2 minutes whether it’s four

Whatever you call have to call something there cuz if you call something it it just deflates everything you’re not worried about it the rest of the game the the refs have to see that they have to call it nowadays of all the and and I think at I think at this

Point in the game we would all and the players would be very happy to see that one called that’s maybe not quite a penalty that’s so close that it’s hard to see but at least they’re getting ahead of it on the knee rather than the hook or the random slash that they call

That’s not even close behind the play that has nothing to do with anything that they call seven times a week throughout the League this is the one where players would appreciate being called even if it wasn’t quite a KN but it was really close to an KN okay give me a penalty

For that I’ll take that or now I know that’s where the line is so that’s where it starts and ends for me is that they just blew the call after that anything goes because the players are fired up and you know if you want to

Give Brad a two in you know on Sportsman like that’s fine but it should have been and it wouldn’t have been an in it wouldn’t have been on Sportsman like if they had called a penalty and talked about it Brad wouldn’t have been able to go crazy he gets up realizes his leg

Hurts looks around no arm up then he loses his mind so that’s that’s reasonable yeah in terms of player safety I think players around the league would be happier to set a precedent that you don’t even go near the the like the potential to to go knee on knee like

That so like trying to get it out of the game in terms of player safety is important and it brings me back to something that comes up a lot when you’re talking about the officials in the NHL I always end up comparing it to College hockey because in college hockey

Where Scott and I and you we were all at the hockey East championship game last night what happens when you think you see a dirty play get the whistle you know ends a play you say the RS you want to challenges for five we want to see we

Want to see if this is a major and they look at it and and sometimes it’s it’s no penalty at all um you know you you lose the challenge or but other times you are able to call attention to a dangerous play and it ends up after

Review being a five minute major I know you don’t want to do that all the time but in college hockey I think that player safety is better and it seems like to be more of a focus than in the NHL because they’re willing to talk about protecting their players with

Reviews after when a guy comes to the bench and says coach I just got Ed in the face like someone just contacted me in the head you look at it you get it right well yeah it’s also it’s easier to challenge in college 2 because you only

Lose a timeout like you’re not getting a penalty if you lose it so yeah I I think Danny Chell has to has to be better on it and you know the thing is there is like if they call it a major then you can review it and potentially reduce it

So maybe you say like hey just to ear on the side of caution you know call but to raise this point like they just completely missed it you they didn’t call anything call anything like you know even which in college hockey isn’t a problem because you can review it yeah

Like even worst case they you know could have called a trip just that’s right to be something so if his arm goes up if the ref’s arm goes up Brad doesn’t lose it he’s like he he lost it right away because he sees that there’s no arm up

Then he loses it it wasn’t like he waited to hear what the explanation was and then he lost it he was losing it cuz he couldn’t believe that there wasn’t a penalty called right and do you think and this is another thing Scott and I were talking about because of this whole

Like 5minute like review for a 5minute major thing yesterday was do you think that the NHL should do what college does and you don’t have to get a misconduct if you get a five-minute major because in college hockey you can just get the five and you’re serving the penalty in

The Box you come out you play the rest of the game it doesn’t always attached to getting ejected yeah that was weird the other night I think I think at the NHL level feel like if you’re doing something that’s bad enough to get a major then you should probably just be

Out of the game and and also don’t forget don’t you think it makes refs more like less likely to well don’t forget don’t forget what happens if somebody does do something for a major in the NHL then he has to fight someone after you don’t have to fight anybody in

College hockey after the game so like that getting that guy out of the game typically diffuses the whole situation with a fiveman major if you give someone a fan major he stays in the game Guess Who’s you know Ryan Reeves is chasing him around the ice the rest of the night

Think that’s how it should be though no no because that that’s that’s buffoonery at this point like we already have enough we already have enough of that at times you know because someone lays a real normal body check on somebody then we they he’s getting chased around the

Rest of the game like uh I think we’re past that unfortunately all right we got to catch a break here call call in 617 779 7937 we’ll be back with more Sunday skate after this hey Razer I told you I was going to call into the hockey show

Uh know a couple weeks ago before I left on vac it’s called suay the show the the show where they talk about hockey he still hasn’t called in yet no do you think we need to give him the number he no he’s not yeah well someone’s gonna

Have to text him because he’s not listening so first first you’d have to figure out the name of the show and then maybe maybe we could expect him to call after that I was I’m just going to start adding him when Scott tweets out the 29211 Sunday SK be like Christian for

You you GNA call today so confused yeah I see Nico on the phone what what’s the chances is this Christian no no zero of course not H it’s probably never gonna happen all right it’s I don’t see it happening I think I think playoffs I think he’s

Waiting for playoffs yeah that’s right I think he’s waiting for razor to make him mad enough like if you poke his buttons enough on one of the Friday shows that you call in to you might get them yeah I’ll keep going I’ll keep poking that

Bear all right so we we got a couple here on the text line 37937 uh one one first I’ve called us clowns that’s very nice you guys are clowns saying no we aren’t scared of this team they need to be scared of everyone they’re not as good as their

Record wait I think they’re talking about me because I said I’m not afraid of the Flyers listen maybe I’m not a clown because I actually like mostly agree with that I I’m not looking past anyone if I’m the Bruins or taking any series for granted like no I’ll I’ll sit here

And say you know I think they whether it’s Toronto Philly Washington Detroit like I think they should beat any of those teams I would probably pick them to win that series but I’m not taking it for granted I I I can promise you right now I’m

Gonna s last year I predicted the Bruins to sweep the Panthers promise you right now I’m not picking a sweep this year I don’t I don’t think this team has a sweep in them did you learn your lesson no that I think that’s what that’s that’s exactly my point of view as well

I’m not all whoever they play is going to be really hard we and I think that we learned that lesson so harshly last season that I that’s why I think this group is where they’re at that’s why I think the a lot of the fan base is a lot

Of the like this doesn’t matter until April 18th if they lose 10 in a row win 10 in a row lose five win five lose eight shootout games like it’s it’s all about game one and how they get through the first round and that’s how we’re going to judge this group whether it’s

Not it they’re not playing for anything other than that right now that that’s my point of view as well and so that’s why I’m not concerned about a loss or not concerned about a win it’s um they’ve they had to do a lot at the start of the

Season to prove that they could bounce back from last season and bounce back without berson and Cree they’ve done all of that with flying colors absolute flying colors but now at this point whether their first second third fifth eighth in the F in the in the conference

It’s it’s all about the first round and they’re not going to have a free pass at any point in the playoffs I’m I’m not I’m not looking past anybody I don’t think I like of course Philly is going to be easier than Toronto and Toronto is

Going to be easier than new Rangers and you could do all of that stuff but none of it’s going to be easy yeah that’s really more what we’re talking about like who who do you we’re just talking about matchups do do you have a better team than Philly like do you have a

Better team than Toronto um so I mean the flyer and they’re probably not going to draw the flyers in the first round like it doesn’t look like that’s how it’s going to line up right now so uh anyway thank you for the comment we have some other other text I will say quickly

Before we get to the next one the one match up I don’t want to see in the first round is Tampa which no right now with the Rangers now moving into first in the conference Rangers would get the second wild card team that would leave whoever wins the Atlantic between Bruins

Or Panthers to face Tampa in the first round I’d rather just be second and face Toronto you know and Tampa Tampa has Florida Panthers all last season written all over them Florida Panthers get first Tampa Bay goes in there what a like that series is going to be nuts but it goes

To show that you can’t you can’t place your playoffs you can’t set it up the way you want it you can’t have it fall perfectly like it it’s it’s such a crapshoot and we saw it last season no more than any other season ever right in

Our backyard that we have to know that it’s about getting in and and all of those cliches have to form to this group and this this season more than ever because of what we’ve seen were you ever on a team that tried to lose the last

Game or or so of the regular season to draw a different opponent no well no in no we we definitely in in um in ‘ 04 we we needed to win the last game to get Montreal otherwise we would have gotten Toronto or Ottawa where they had 105 points like

Us and and we lost I played backto back that weekend and and that never would have happened but we lost on Saturday to New Jersey when we could have clinched the division and then we had to go back to New Jersey on Sunday to win the division we ended

Up losing like I said I think it was 52 Saturday and then we went and beat New Jersey 3-1 on Jersey Sunday afternoon to to win the division but we wanted to win that division because Joe was hurt and we knew we had no we it would have been

Really hard to beat Ottawa Andor Toronto in that first round cuz they had basically the same amount of points so I’ve never been in a position where you would l i I’ve never I’ve never ever ever ever heard anybody coaches jm’s players say let’s go out and lose this

Game like no matter what like I’ve never that wouldn’t happen even if you kind of wanted to I only ask because this is a talking point that people bring up like hey do you really want to win this last game like do you want to play Tampa do

You want to play Toronto that’s guys still want to score goals and make saves so that kind of you could put in Personnel that doesn’t necessarily well sure you could but those guys want to win and play too you do that in Expedition all the preseason all the

Time oh look at this lineup and they go out and beat the regulars 51 those guys want to win a job that’s right like the end of the season the guy’s fighting for his dinner rather than just like two points all right we got to we got to get

Get to a break hour two of Sunday Skate coming up call in 617 779 7937 text us 37937 we’ll be back right after this this is Sunday skate with Scott mlin Andrew Razer Ray and Bridget Brew on Wei I heard you touching on some of this

Along the lines of these last two games tough to find room tough to find shots yeah it’s uh and I just told the team like it’s what we got to get used to what it’s going to be the rest of the year so you got to have second and third

Effort to create offense and you have to be desperate getting back above the defense welcome back to Sunday skate we’ll take you up to 11:00 a.m. Christian arand on after that I’m Scott mlin with Andrew raycroft and Bridget PR that was Bruns coach Jim Montgomery talking about these last two games and

Facing tight checking from the Rangers and Flyers trying to break through something Bruns going to have to find find a way to be better at you know get creating offense uh as team teams locked down defensively here late in the season and especially in the playoffs let’s get

To a couple calls here let’s go to Jay in North Carolina good morning Jay good morning folks uh as usual your analysis is spot on I really appreciate your your Insight I have a couple of questions the first one’s for Razer Razer if uh are the are the goalies

Penalized statistically for empty net goals no they’re not no no empty Nets but they are for the overtime goals and number two I I call I spoke with the uh the screener for Wei and I said who was the enforcer for the Bruins he said we don’t have enforcers in the

League anymore I said bull crap I said you got Rey over in New York and McCormack for the Devils who’s the tough guy for the Bruins I mean sometimes that falls on Trent Frederick and and I do think talking specifically about yesterday uh where you know we talked

About the Eric Johnson knee on Brad Martian Frederick did get up in Johnson’s face at one point and was clearly saying something to him I don’t know if he was challenging him to a fight or not uh but nothing came of it Garnet haway kind of came over and um

You know sort of stepped in between them so not nothing came from that but you know look Pat maroon can do that once he gets on the ice and he has started skating uh so you know sounds like he’s going to be back at some point there’s

Still no no set date but um they’re going to need an enforcer when they place the Panthers I know that they got Pat maroon yeah all right thanks thanks Jay um yeah so that was that was Nico you were talking to and Nico’s right like they’re aren’t traditional

Enforcers anymore and you know even rampe with the Rangers that’s he’s sort of really unique in today’s game that most like I mean he’s playing four to five minutes a game if that most guy most teams just don’t have a spot for that kind of player he’s a

New shiny toy too he’s not a he’s not a legit NHL by any means he’s played six games so um his face from the first game to the last game that he’s played doesn’t even look like the same person cuz he’s gotten like he’s gotten his

Face beat in like four out of six games and and it’s I mean it’s entertaining but it’s also like that’s not he’s not an NHL except for just to to jump out there and as of right now yeah he’s kind of like a comet just streaking through

Where it’s like he he wants to fight everyone everyone wants to fight him you know kind of show the new kid on the Block what’s up and it it’s G to run its course I I’d kind of be surprised if he’s even in their lineup come playoffs

Like I it just doesn’t happen in the playoffs as much where you need a guy or even want a guy out there who’s just looking to fight or throw a big hit he already got himself suspended once he had another questionable hit that I think probably should have been a game

Or two that he got nothing for so yeah I don’t I mean listen I guess if you get to an Eastern Conference Finals against the Rangers and ree’s in the lineup and they’re actually using them maybe we can have that conversation then but in the meantime I think you’re fine with well

If he is then yeah you got kind you kind of do have to have someone out there in it I mean or you just ignore him and you ignore him not if he goes after David poock well listen if Matt REM is on the ice with David poer knocked and

I’m yeah it’s great time yeah I’m I’m choing at the bit of I’m the Bruins like I’m like great let’s let’s go that’s that’s best case scenario yeah no he’s it’s the the Goon like it’s a guy that’s not he’s can’t compete with David poso

But he can he can hurt your best player or he can hurt one of your players that you need one of your pieces that you need um yeah it’s just something that you don’t want to see happen but I’m Pat maroon is more than capable of stepping

Up in those kind of situations if he needs to stand up for marshan and on a KN to knee hit or something like that um I met him for the first time Thursday um just up on the ninth floor we both were just waiting at the coffee

Machine uh at the same time just by happen stance uh he’s a nice guy nice guy but massive like you Bruins have some big guys like when I first met brazzo I felt incredibly small same thing when I met Pat maroon these guys are are huge and then like it’s funny

Because coming from talking to some of the college kids this weekend and and then coming back to talking to the NHL guys like this the size is you notice a big difference between laye Hudson and Pat maroon so like you don’t want to go into the corner with Pat maroon Raaz you

Had uh Pat maroon on morning Breuer in an extended chat we we found out he’s he’s a big fan of media you know media scrums are fun yeah media scrums are fun uh yeah no he was great he was that a shot at Jack by the way no I don’t know

He no no no comments about why hasn’t anyone asked about that I’m surprised you could have I think we we not me no one actually no you probably couldn’t we just haven’t we we had that first I don’t ask questions in there if you’ve noticed we had the first scrum with him

The day he got here like literally like as he walked in the building the first thing he did was meet with media which I’m sure he was thrilled about but we haven’t talked to him since then because he hasn’t got it I did I talked to him

Thursday he’s very nice he was very nice you ask him about Jack no I could have though I could have I was just standing there like I was like what do I say to this guy and I just I chickened out didn’t say anything except for asking

Him what he was getting and he said he was getting coffee cuz his hands were cold and I was like same I’m getting tea cuz my hands are cold yes for PE most people obviously have not been up there the ninth floor of TD Garden very cold pretty much all the

Time very um all right let’s go to let’s go to David in the car who has some concerns about brunes in the playoffs hey good morning guys thank you for taking the call so I do have some concerns because what happened last year you know in professional sports it it

Can hurt you it can motivate you but it can also hurt you when you lose when When You’re expect expected to win all the way and and and there are games that you lose throughout the season especially towards the end of the season that that it stays in your mind and and

I know people talk about the goalies and all this but at the end of the day defense is key you know I play professional sport so I kind of have a I know what it’s like to be in that situation and what happens is as much as

We try to tell ourselves and a professional athlete we try to tell himself well that’s last year that’s behind you there’s always a thought about it and and and that’s a concern that I have because there there’s been many games that this team should have won and they went through overtime and

They lost it and and that is a problem because you cannot have those chances you cannot take a chance and think okay we bounced back before you know maybe some of the ones that they’ve won but there been I I believe there been more

The other way and and as much as I I really want this team to win and to go all the way you know I really do I really do but I do have concerns that you know I know there’s a lot of questions about goalies and this and

That and at the end of the day every player has to play their part you know it’s not just about being having a tough player on the ice it’s U you know European hockey people talk about it being a finesse game but sometimes you need finesse it’s not always just you

Need technique you need somebody who can skate who can go around the players who can score who can get by defense you need defensive players who can stop the offense from the other team and not just depend on the goalie to do so and I find

Sometimes that’s what we do we depend on a goalie too much to be the last one to to do the stopping when somebody else should have done it before that D David what did you play I played soccer in Europe for eight years oh nice soccer is a very similar

Game to to hockey in the way it’s a bigger feeli but it’s you’re out there you don’t have a timeout you can’t just call a timeout like that you don’t you don’t have designed plays it’s all on the technique of the players you talk about it before the coaches coach you

They tell you what to do but when you’re out on the field you know just like hockey you you gotta you got to be the one developing the play you gotta observe you got to see what’s going on you you got to set up your players you

Got to make sure your defense is where they need to be when when something’s going on and and that’s why you know I really enjoy hockey because it’s I look at it it’s it’s uh it’s faster than soccer obviously a lot faster because it’s a small Arena but also it’s it’s

It’s the technique of the players it’s real at the end of the day I don’t care how good of a coach is if your players aren’t playing the right way if they’re not developing the plays you’re not gonna win all right thank thanks a lot David thanks for the call Scott had to

Ask CU Scott’s a huge soccer fan I am yeah uh Manchester City my team yeah that’s probably Who David play for right in a title race off this weekend I think it’s International break but uh yeah so scar tissue from last year year does that carry over does does that play in

At all when they get to the playoffs this year any of those feelings because normally normally I would say no like you’re a full year later the one area where I do wonder if it still Creeps in is the problem with holding leads that we’ve seen throughout this season which

Really first started in the playoffs last year I do wonder if there’s still a mental block there that that will I I’m not sure if that’s I that’s just a problem right that’s just a a problem I’m not sure that they would think that it’s it’s carryover from last season it’s just

Something that they have to get better at they have to find a way to excuse me close out and or you know score a six on five goal too right have they scored many six on five goals I I I feel like they haven’t they haven’t been in that

Position too often fortunately but um you know watching Tampa score one last night I was like yeah maybe I wonder how many of those we’ve had this year it feels like they’ve had some bad turnover six on five like the other the other day you know Coyle in the offive Z

Threatening six on five yeah it’s like they’re almost not even giving themselves a chance because they’re not keeping possession long enough you know they’re they get sloppy and it goes the other way and game over so that that that’s just that’s that’s something they’re going to have to prove come

Playoff time they’re going to have to close out a series with a go you know with a six on five against they’re going to have to close out two or three of those games every couple of weeks to to go on a run and um I I I don’t think

That carry over from last season but it’s carrying over it’s going to carry over from the regular season certainly uh mavo we talked about this going into the game makavo seemed more shot conscious I thought he was Dynamite tonight um you know not only shooting a

Puck but I just thought he I mean that pass he made the past in the first and a couple of big hits and then he was ending plays and then he’s carrying the puck I mean he was really good tonight welcome back to Sunday skate I’m Scott

Mlin with Andrew raycraft and Bridget PR that was Jim mcgomery talking about Charlie mavo game yesterday I have my own thoughts on makavo play but we also have a call here who wants to talk about McAvoy and Lind Holm so let’s go to Joe in Ohio what’s up

Joe hey guys how you doing uh first off I’d like to say good job by Razer talking to forier about hockey but you might as well save your breath I don’t think it’s going to get through he’s too football Centric anyway to Bridget yeah and to Bridget

Good job with college hockey and go lady Buckey thank you and to I’ll be there today yes oh great great I’ll be watching and um to uh Scott you have my condolences on be any um you’re welcome um the reason I’m calling is um this team on defense especially in

Their own Zone they have two studs in makoy and lyol and I don’t think either one of them have been very consistent this year and the things that are bothering me and this might be part of their defensive structure so maybe they’re trying to make plays that aren’t

There but I have seen on several times where lolm is in the corner or behind the net and makes a no look pass in his defensive zone right into the slot or tries to clear the puck up the middle and I’m telling you this isn’t going to

Work in a play offs and Razer I heard maroon on your show at Billy jaffy and he made a good point in the playoffs boring hockey puck off the glass and out around the boards one goal could be the difference in a series so I would like

To have your thoughts on that all three of you on linol and makoy and I I like both guys I’m really a big Charlie makoy fan but I I see the way ly Holm played last year in the first half of the season so it’s there but it’s almost

Like played like that because makoy was injured ever since then I haven’t seen the same lolm so I would like your thoughts please thanks Joe uh yeah so I’ll start with lyol because I do think one thing that gets lost or overlooked a little bit is that his role this year’s

It’s just different than what it was during that opening stretch to last season when he was putting up points at a career high Pace he was getting a lot of offensive zone starts they were relying on him as the offensive guy on the blue line this year lyol Carlo’s

Been that’s been their shutdown pairing they get buried with defensive Zone starts they’re out there for every big dzone faceof they’re facing other teams top lines and so you don’t get the offensive zone faceoffs as a byproduct of that um you just don’t get as many offensive opportunities so not to

Totally make excuses for Lindholm I do think there’s been times he can bring more offense than he has this year um but and Montgomery’s said this like his primary job and that Ping’s primary job has been defense and I know listen when you’re in that role you’re gonna make mistakes like it’s

Just impossible for an NHL defenseman to be perfect all the time the game is too fast other teams are too good for that to happen uh on the whole their numbers this season are still very good like if you you look at uh goals five on five

Goals against per 60 minutes I think I did this last week and I think it was like among 60 qualified pairings you know however many minutes whatever lyol and Carlo were on the ice for the six fewest goals against and among pairings that get the kind of

Dzone starts that they do they were second so I I know it’s easy to pick up the mistakes and to look at lol’s Point totals but for the most part like he is still doing the job that he’s being tasked with very well yeah and he when

He came back from injury he was playing well but I think the Rangers game he got off his game like he was off his game that night he gave up that very late in the second period turnover that turned into uh one of the paner goals that that

Banked in off debras like that was a bad turnover that directly seconds later led to a puck in the back of your net um had some had some tough shifts in the Philly game as well um not clearing pucks and and just some uncharacteristic stuff so um he’s a great player I I

Don’t think you could argue that as a whole like that deep pair has has been solid and and is a trusted deep pair for you but just the last two games I think you saw a bit of a slip and you want to see him get back on track um and not

Even saying necessarily offensively but some of the some of the basic stuff turn turnovers in your own end transition um just weren’t as clean the last two games it’s they’re they you have to judge them on on Long spells right because of the way they play because of

How many minutes they play they’re going to make mistakes they’re going to have shifts they’re going to have periods where the puck just doesn’t Bobble correctly um and and they’re the second last line of defense so so it ends up in the net early or quicker when they make

A mistake rather than um a brazzo down in the corner 200 ft away from the net it just that’s the way it is they’re they’re highly respected they’re they’re they’re such a good um such great players understand the game I would say to the to the past to the middle it’s

It’s that’s a bruin staple and it has been for a long time with berson up the middle and Cree up the middle I I do want to see them get it play more simpler and I that that’s I guess that’s one thing I could really see being

Important over the next few games is simplifying against Tampa and Florida and Washington and Carolina when they’re on the road and I would like to see them go off the glass and out a little bit more I’d like to see them punted a little bit more like Florida did last

Season to the finals like Vegas did to a cup last season um live to fight another day rather than make a perfect possession out of the Zone I think that’s really what did them in last season in the the playoffs I think they continue to force things when when they

Were getting pressured and and I think there’s times when you can use it as a safety valve so I I have no issues with any of the the top Defenders again they’re going to be 25 30 minute guys come playoff time I’m excited to see

Them take on that role um a little bit more I think last season it got diminished a little with orloff coming in and and basically having a big three now you have a big two with with the secondary pieces Carlos great um grizzly pairs so well with makoy but I want to

See those big two really take over come playoff time and and a lot of those minutes can be done simpler well one well one of the big two that was the other part of his question was Charlie McAvoy and I think nobody’s going to argue like just put this out of the way

First like he’s he’s great um we’re not saying anything about him not being great but Razer do you think over the last two weeks say or or stretch of the last few games has he been playing as good as he needs to play well he’s he’s gone 10 games

Without a point yeah so so does he have to get points or like I I think he does I think for this team he does yeah I think that that’s a power play issue more than anything right like he’s he’s he’s got to shoot the puck that’s why he

Again I I’ve said this this is pro this is I I’ll say probably I don’t mean probably I just don’t know what the other word is but never say never he’s not going to win Norris trophies because he’s not going to get enough points in this new age NHL like guys that win

Norris’s are going to have to get 80 90 points he’s not going to be that guy that doesn’t mean that he’s not wouldn’t get drafted in the top five of defenseman in the National Hockey League so so yeah but you’re you’re right he does need he they need him like they

Need Brad like they need uh zaka like they need cole to chip in at times um they they do need that secondary scoring and makavo is right at the top of that so I I I I I I want to back away from criticizing him for that because I think

There’s sometimes in different games where that 25 minutes is is needed other places but but they do need power playwise he needs to get a shot through or Riser through or or make a perfect pass to somebody that that buries at the other end yeah what Montgomery was talking about pregame yesterday was

There was this phrase that he that both the reporter and him were using was shot ready like makoy not being as shot ready in in particular on the power play and momu was saying well his Wingers are very demanding of pucks like you have Marshon to one side and poso to the

Other side those guys are looking for the pass so and we know he has that perfect setup pass for a pasta one timer we’ve seen that work on multiple occasions just hasn’t been working recently um just they haven’t been getting those looks recently um but do you think he

Isn’t shot ready like what is your opinion of his shot selection and does he need to to just put more on net or is he doing the right thing in dishing to Wingers because those are guys that that are deadly scorers like poock well that’s that’s where the the whole pp1

Gets into issues is when they try and make too many plays I think they they get thinking seen too early in the units at times in the opportunities I think they uh they can they can lose the shot mentality and and Charlie’s a big part of that he’s the quarterback up top he’s

The one moving it so um I I think that’s what he means I’m assuming they mean power play I I don’t know they only had 20 shots again last night so maybe maybe means five on five as well but but I get the sense that it’s it’s more that power

The power play opportunities they need to to simplify a little bit is there something that you brought up earlier in the year like that sometimes Other Guys numbers on the power play have been better than mcavoy’s offense but that they don’t really seem to want

To move off of maoy on the top unit no and and you know I think with the top power play unit which continues to struggle and has struggled for a little while now you know most the majority of the Bruins recent Power Play Goals going back a month have

Come from the second unit like Montgomery mentioned it you know I think he said I think he thought it was like eight of 10 I went back and count I think it was seven of 11 had been scored by the second unit and with that top unit it’s you

Know to me it’s mavo and marshand have to be more shot ready like have to be more dangerous scorers because if they’re not if teams think they’re always just looking to pass well it becomes really easy to overload on posano and try to take him away and you

Know poso has what I think one power play goal and it’s been a while I don’t have the exact num in front of me but 15 games 18 games something like that um you know mavo has gone a couple months without a power play goal not again not that it’s

His not that you necessarily need him scoring but you do need him shooting just to get things moving looking whether it’s for a tip a rebound like the best way to get a power a penalty kill scrambling is to get shots and then retrieve rebounds and and keep

It moving and get guys out of position scrambling like when you’re structured and you’re just standing there passing around most penalty kills most good penalty kills can defend that they can stay in their structure they can take away that seam pass to poock so you have

Other guys have to be willing to shoot and have to have that mindset of getting pucks to the net and and I specifically I would like to see the brues getting pucks to the net very early in the power play like you see other teams do this

You saw the Rangers do it the other night where it’s like they win a face off and I think it was panan from the top of the circle and like clearly not looking to score but shoots 3 seconds into the power play and then the Rangers

Get the rebound and like now they’re off and going Bruins it feels like a lot of times even when they win that opening face off it’s like they’re looking to get set up first and then they’ll start to look for a shot and I just think you’re I just think they’re giving

Penalty kills too much time to to get set yeah typically they’ve done that when when they want to fight out of it that I remember in Dall they were in Dallas earlier in the year and they they did that and they were struggling and they they shoot that one off the skates

Off the side of the net of Marshon and Pastor comes off the wall and just rips it right away off a face off it typically gets them better uh and and I’d like to see that as well and it’ll be again that let’s see if that that’s

The mentality as they get on the road too let’s let’s see how this kind of changes and I guess as we’ve gone an hour and a half of and we started out of this talking about them playing tougher teams and getting on the road I think it

Will it should serve them we should get a pretty good understanding of where this group’s at these games and and again it’s not the wins and losses but but as I think about it them going into Tampa them going into Florida is going to be different than having the Rangers

Come home after they’ve been home for a week already on a Thursday night it’s going to be different than them playing the Philadelphia Flyers on a Saturday afternoon at 1:00 like you can see the difference and the contrast in those kind of games and and you can see how we

Sh or you we should see the the difference in how they play and how they keep it simpler and I think this groups better when they keep it simple I I think that I think there’s been times where they still are in that razzled Dazzle mode at times but I think at the

End of the day this group goes as far as simple they can play and and find ways to score and offensive and defensively by not having the puck razzled Dazzle that’s what I took out of that yeah rasle Dazzle there was a lot of that

Last year until game six yeah and and so I guess the real question is like how do you get people to buy into like know when it’s time to stop with the The razzled Dazzle the fancy the you know like how how is it how do

You get through to let’s just make that clear up the wall like like how well I don’t think yeah it’s not it’s not a it’s it’s just a it’s just a little bit of a mindset I think it’s just being being okay with with uh not trying to

Make a play there’s no like buying or like I they these guys are all bought in it’s not I don’t mean buy necessarily I mean like how do you make the switch if you’re if you’re doing it too much to to simplify I know it s like it sounds like

Just do it right like do it but sometimes it’s like okay but they’re they’re not in this situation well that but that goes I think a little bit of that goes to playing the Flyers on a Saturday afternoon like that the mindsets a little bit different you’re not as

You’re you’re a little more comfortable than than being being uncomfortable which again going into some of these buildings you should be a little more uncomfortable and I think that’s why you know a lot of teams including the Bruins are so good on the road at different

Times with with the way they use their structure just in a different way they don’t force that extra play through the neutral zone or in the defensive Zone by the way you wanted to see a beautiful power play operating in all cylinders see i’ I’ve ignored I’ve ignored this

Long enough but the Boston College Eagles beating my be terriers in the hockey championship Saturday night scored in their first four power plays of the game and yeah they just have an insane amount of talent four first rounders on their top power play unit um Will Smith six overall pick of the San

Jose Sharks this past summer freshman who leads the country in in points had four goals and an assist in that game um first rookie to ever have a hat-trick in the championship game for Hockey East yeah I mean he just he was phenom the whole weekend uh that freshman line is

They’re all like NHL ready I know guys I know everybody at BC wants them to stick around for the for another year I doubt you’re getting all three of them back um but they’re they think faster they move the puck faster they move their likes faster than pretty much anyone in the

Country it is going to be hard to beat them for a national title uh I feel like they’re the odds on favorite going in after what we just saw easily yeah oh yeah like I you know I think be has a national title Cali team I was telling you guys this off

Air and they very well could end up in the national championship game in a rematch against BC and it just feels like unless something happens with BC or they have an off game or you find a way to completely stay out of the box like

BC’s one you know we we all watch a lot of college hoey BC’s the best team I’ve seen in in a long long time for me maybe ever since like I really started following closely I was too young for that 93 main team with Jim Montgomery

And Paul Korea leading the way like I you know I can’t really speak to that but modern modern era like I I don’t know who really comes close to this BC team no and if if you’re I I hope everybody’s College hockey fans I Love College hockey obviously um but there’s

Two Bruins prospects on that BC Top Line um Andre gaso is you know he I think he’s right-wing um and uh Oscar El is the left wing in centered by cutter goer so there’s somebody to watch yeah by the way that that’s the other line that

Isn’t the three fresh who are all first round picks who are like top five in the country and scoring that that that other line just has cutter goer who leads the country in goals like the top five pick and the pro actually the best NHL or

He’s going to be the best NHL out of all of them that guy’s legit um and the Flyers traded them well they had that’s still still a crazy I know yeah situation I’m still trying to sus out what was going on with that it’s very obvious what happened there whatever you

Think is obvious that’s what happened um they’re really good the the only thing the only thing that’s saving everybody else and and when it comes to that team is that it’s a oneandone and I I think they’re built for oneandone because they’re power they’re special like I was saying their

Special teams are great their goalie is great their players are great so they they’re going to be fine in one and DS but anything can happen when game if you’re playing that team in a seven game series you have no chance every other college team would have absolutely no

Chance one and done anything can happen like at the bean poot where beu gets a couple early ones and and time Runs Out essentially um that’s that’s the hang on any of these teams are going to need BC will be in Providence and they should roll through regionals um to to be used

Point they are kind of that second best tier there there’s beu there’s North Dakota there’s Denver there’s Michigan State uh and those guys will kind of battle it out to be in the finals with BC by the looks of things Yeah you mentioned be did beat BC in the bean

Poot that was also the last time BC lost yeah that’s 12 in a row that that was February 5th 12 in a row they’re they’re kind of rocking and rolling right now all right we got to catch our last break well come back I I have some thoughts on

The defense because we got a text about this as well so I want to wrap up with that uh still time to call in if you want 617 7937 yes Christian forier call in uh we’ll be back right after this playing the sunshine that’s what that’s what I’m

Going to be doing getting unight rub it in rub it in a wonderful thing not if I don’t decide to take you to the airport after this I’ll I’ll get there eventually walk my flight’s already delayed 45 minutes oh boy here we go love that love is there rain there

What’s that no rain down there right just whatever is going on here hurricane you know what though it’ll be it’s a nice Sunday afternoon there’s tons of stuff on on TV to watch you get to the airport at the same time let it delay

All as long as you get out at some point today you can Day drink at the airport all day it’s a beautiful thing it’s perfect I I would admire I would that would be the best part of the trip I’m imagining that’s what’s going to happen as soon as he leaves here I’m

Going to drop him off at the airport and he’s going to have a margarita in his hand within 10 minutes of getting through to his terminal absolutely what time the basketball start at noon yeah 12 1210 I think the first game you literally you don’t have to leave until

8:00 tonight you’ll be happy be a good night all right so wanted to touch on so we got a text here uh P Pak is in now but he essentially replaced forart why is wetherspoon all of a sudden a Perma scratch I think he got in one game since the contract

Extension he was playing well and it’s puzzling PS I like Peak so far and he needs games since he only played 20 coming in but some of the regulars look tired to me and could use a game off here and there so we saw Mason lorai draw back

Into the lineup on Saturday I think this continues to be fascinating how the Bruns handle uh specifically the depth spots on defense I think you know whe whether guys in the top four get a game off at some point I think it’s kind of said it’s certainly they like the linol

Carlo pairing it certainly seems like Montgomery has settled on grizzli being with McAvoy doesn’t really look like Mason Lura is going to get a chance to to challenge for that job but you know we could sit here and debate whether he should or whether he’d be ready but

Those third pairing jobs very much still up for grabs uh we saw ChatOn Kirk come in on his offside play on the left had one great game then a quieter game they want to get Andrew Peak as many games as possible to see exactly what they have in him um obviously

Because you know he came over at the dead line but it does lead to these situations where you know Mason lorai had was for two games before he gets back in Parker we spoons now been out for three so Razer just what do you think of this situation and how do you

Think it eventually shakes out in terms of what their best third pairing is going to be I think the I think the third pairing at the end of the day and that I hopefully you don’t think this is a cop out is is completely matchup dependent they’re really going to favor

Matchups whether that’s on the road in Toronto at home against Toronto on thead wherever they’re playing it’s going to be very matchup dependent and you’re going to see it you’re going to see it move a little bit I think depending on how series is played how how games are

Played um you go to the the the regulars makoy lyol aren’t coming out of the line like they might get one game but we saw that last season when there was like this whole rotation rest those the big guys don’t want to not play they’re playing in the National Hockey League

You don’t like say I want to take a game off it just doesn’t load management isn’t like that in in the NHL so you might see them sit a game at some point if there’s like a little ah my my gr you know something but you’re not going to

See guys sit out games that that are in the top four um I am curious with wspoon why he you know he seems to have been the odd man out recently which is interesting I don’t know I don’t know why or how I think them putting guys on the opposite side

Is very different and interesting the other day when they had shatty over on the left so I that that kind of stuff is interesting to me I I don’t know the answers to any of those questions I just find it interesting watching how they’re working through those those three extra

Defenseman and I think it’ll continue to be interesting but end of the day it’s matchup based who starts game one I know bridg doesn’t thought I heard I like when Seline starts singing I have to stop you it’s like standing up for the national anthem as a Canadian I have

To stop I heard for trying to get you to say something mean abouton like yes of course no you can’t you cannot say anything mean about impossible just even being in the hallway with her I was like oh my God like I didn’t know what to do yeah they

They had to like block us off after the game because she came down like the same hallway where the media waits to go on the locker room for for if anyone missed it Selen Dion was at the brunes game on Thursday R red sang off the opening

Lineup in the locker room uh was showing on the Jumbotron she was she playing air guitar to bonjovi it was so awesome and random and totally random she’s not from around here she’s can she’s a huge Canadians fan I mean I her husband owned the team at some point or had piece of

Maybe maybe Boston won Seline Dion by winning in Montreal last week that’s right exactly all right that’s it for this week of Sunday skate uh Christian Aran coming up at 11: we’ll be back next week 9:00 a.m. I’ll be uh sunburnt so it’ll it’ll be great we’ll talk to you

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Skate Pod hosts Bridgette Proulx and Scott McLaughlin are joined by former Bruins’ goalie Andrew Raycroft to discuss the Bruins’ losses to the Rangers and the Flyers. What parts of the Bruins’ game are still concerning heading into the final 10 games? Analyzing Jim Montgomery’s pro-playoff-rotation comments.

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  1. Same issues as last year vs Panthers in playoffs. Pasternak cant score against good teams and defense cant defend once the other teams sets up in their end. It becomes a shooting gallery in Bs end.

  2. Turnovers, pasta giveaways. Not being able to clear own end. Fredrick not willing to drop gloves to get his team going.

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