@New York Rangers

The Debate Rages On…

Nhl hockey 2024 – The new york rangers and edmonton oilers are both having highly entertaining seasons and their nhl highlights today and all year will show you that, but two players from the oilers rangers have sparked quite a debate in some hockey circles and I wanted to cover it as it’s very interesting. For more recaps reactions and breakdowns of nhl hockey highlights 2024 , news rumors picks rankings and predictions plus team/player specific content, subscribe. Zach hyman artemi panarin who is the best free agency signing of the past decade plus? We will talk more about connor mcdavid zach hyman combo and florida panthers vs new york rangers highlights as I think they may meet in the playoffs. Nhl today

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  1. Panarin would be doing what he's doing wherever he signed. Hyman would not be doing what he's doing without McDavid. It's a no brainer who the better signing was. Media just says stuff like this because they know anything that riles up Leafs fans will get clicks.

  2. If Hyman has 50 on his wing, panarin would have 75. Hyman is having a great season but any decent nhl player could have 25+ on his wing

  3. Jonathan Drouin is on pace for 55+ points and is being paid the league minimum this year. Obviously he's gonna get paid this summer since it's a one year deal, so not the absolute best FA signing but it is really awesome how he's refreshed his career with Colorado.

  4. He's a very good player. But he's not going to repeat this season. He never had success like this before. And being in the PP with McCrotch all the time doesn't hurt.

  5. Both are great signings. Panarin is a franchise player and his contract played out well, this year he`s playing insane.
    Hyman is a top 6 player, but he plays a role. And he`s great at it. His contract is half the cap and played out great.

    There`s one difference – Hymans contract will likely turn bad, as he will become 32 and then has 4 more years. The chances that he`s a 50G scorer when he`s 35 and 36 years old are slim. Especially as this physical play in front of the opponents net comes with a toll on the body.
    Panarins contract will run out in 2 more seasons, when he`s just 34 – and he`s the kind of player that will age well.
    Right now Hyman might look like a better signing, but overall Panarins contract is better. They signed a franchise player as UFA through all his prime, and NYR are way more likely to win a cup as EDM is right now and in the next seasons.

  6. The math is simple. Are 2 Zach Hyman's better than 1 Artemi Panarin? If the answer isn't clear then, I don't know how to help you.

  7. If you watch NYR over the last 5 years, you will realize that their entire offense runs thru Panarin. He makes everyone around him better whereas on the Oilers, players around Hyman make Hyman better. That’s what you want out of an UFA and is what makes Panarin a better signing.

  8. I really can’t even believe this is a debate. Oilers fans would put Hyman in a dumpster for the chance to get Panarin 😂 Panarin is one of the best players in the entire world

  9. Hyman is better for a team that already has 2 top 5 players on the team. When you have a team like Rangers where there is not clear generational/franchise level talent on the team, a Panarin signing is more important and valuable, aka better. So its not a decision thats just flat out better in all situations, its… situational.

  10. look if Connor Mcdavid was free agent signed by the Edmonton oilers and the rangers signed like Vladimir tarasenko in 2017 for like 4 million for like 7 years, that is the argument here and no matter what Mcdavid would still be the free agency steal. That's reality

  11. How the hell is it a debate when one makes half of the other? I’d take hyman at 5.5 over panarin at 10+ 10/10 times

  12. i mean ive signed rantanen jack hughes and igor shesterkin from free agents in nhl franchise mode🤷‍♂

  13. He said best free agent signing not best player to go to free agency….Best free agent signing indicates best value signing, how is this a debate?

  14. Idk. If you double Hymans stats for double the value, is that similar to Panarin?

    Sometimes high value targets choose to go free agency because their teams are going to hell. Not surprised he didn't stay with Columbus.

    Consider the players that are making 11 mill a year and compare him to them, and likely you aren't getting the same value.

  15. Performance to cost ratio clearly indicates hyman as the better player. Is he more skilled? Probably not and I say that even as a biased Oilers fan who is a big fan of Hyman. But the simple fact that he is producing at the level he is and he has reached new career highs ever since signing here and is making less than half the amount of money puts him in the #1 spot for best free agent signing. Panarin is amazing but considering his cap hit he is not the better signing.

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