@Buffalo Sabres

Catch Wrestling | The Science Behind Brutal Arm Locks in Catch

Catch Wrestling | The Science Behind Brutal Arm Locks in Catch

Um so real quick I want to re revisit those two top wrist locks that we did on um last week sorry we going by so fast I don’t even know what day it is so we landed inside control so we’re going to go top wrist lock we’re just going to focus on the

Technique itself then we’ll move like Wednesday we’ll do more setups for them so just easy top wrist lock grabbing his wrist um I like to go full thumb on this one some people will tell you not to find your own way there okay I like full

Thumb on this one here and then we’re going to throttle his wrist away as we so let me start over lots of details grab the underside of his wrist with my full hand I want his arm at a 90° angle or shallower okay and my wrist comes

Through Palm up to slide through grab your own wrist I like this elbow to be on the mat and pressuring his head away as I throttle his wrist and then I can just bring everything in tight I didn’t even have to lift his elbow so he’s at a

90° or less full thumb on the bottom side of his wrist gripping my own wrist rot throttling his wrist away as I bring everything in tight I didn’t have to lift his elbow at all you see a lot of people want to do the wrist lock top wrist lock like this

And then lift the elbow it’s a lot of work bring everything in tight throttle away from you and then just bring it in lot less movement lot less work and what also helps with that is this elbow pushing his head away so so I’m not just putting this on

The mat I’m using everything against him then throttling that’s it okay I don’t ever do this lifting stuff on a top wrist lock bring it in and tight and just throttle and then so we looked at that one and then one from here so if he’s defend like pushing against us we’re

Grabbing his hand turning it out as we bring it down and this is going to prevent him from punching out like try to punch out he’s not going anywhere because I have his wrist and arm completely compromised and then same thing okay so this one we’re grabbing the top and the

Meat of his hand right here so if he’s pushing against me I take that here turn it out drive it to the map he’s all his body is Shifting all over the place cuz it sucks get to the same position push his head away just bring everything

In tight and then you can wrist lock him from there too okay just revisit those for like 3 minutes then we’re going to look at the Double wrist lock on the other side okay this should be R viiew for everybody I think everybody was here last

Week all right let’s get it 1 two three top wrist lock is his hand is pointing up to the to the top the double wrist lock is if his hand is pointing down very similar mechanic so we’re going to grab the top of his wrist on this one

And then this one’s going to come below and grab our wrist for this one I don’t like the thumb full thumb I like to I don’t know monkey or gorilla grip this one so and again bring everything and tight and then the Jiu-Jitsu like old school way of thinking is to step over

The head and bring everything up like this double wrist lock is different so when we get here we bring everything in tight again we’re sprawled on our feet heavy we’re going to walk two steps towards his head and then our knee is going to go against his face

Right there shoe off the mat and then lift okay a lot less room we bring everything in tight first spr one two right there not stepping over and giving all this room it tight here one two drop our hip a little bit knee on his face right there you can even just practice

Submitting him with just that okay and then start doing the shoulder blck too make it super sucky and and then you’re still throttling his wrist forward bring his hand in you can do all that too again same thing we’re grabbing

Certified catch wrestler and team coach Terrell Klutting shows the fundamentals of landing the dreaded arm lock from side control.

Filmed/edited by: Sean A. Malone –

Black Flag Submission Co. –


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