@Buffalo Sabres

Rochester Americans Highlights | 03.24.24

Rochester Americans Highlights | 03.24.24

Face off first look with Griffin delapena gentlemen thank you physicality will be on full display between these two bit Rivals joining us in a moment dri down pen the Emirates are above the playoff line they’re in a playoff picture right now but by only three points UD comments are on the bottom

Look Brandon gillo and TJ dck are the linesmen and in the comment Zone trying to dig it out merel on the backboard jobs chasing it right wing on the near boards legay and Over The Line feet off and backhander by leers is blocked away wing on the near boards legay and Over

The Line feet off and backhander by leers is blocked away again on the left wing side vco all the way down round behind the am Hower clears it on the glass and that one is up and out of Play It Was uh there now the referee it looked like he indicated it went

Directly out but out but the comment take it right back camberella on the left wing carries it down in the corner looking for an opening in front takes a shot rebound the board’s down Ice Race for Dowling moving up spins around beander and Hower makes the

Stop off the board’s down ice the raise for Dowling moving up spins around beander to The Far Side Davy’s long feet and Over The Line breaking it a goalie shot by Ros and his tip wide and might have pass to the point for metah pass

Back on the right wing side Kik with a rer missed the short side to the other side chased after by Johnson he slammed up the way of the slot and now up I on the amers long cross ring pass sliger in over the line feet in the SL line the

Amers take it right back and reenter The Zone on the near Wing Ed Shu bander along the near side M throws it in front shot him by saone is blocked away a return shot they score return shot on the near side M throws it in front shot him by saone is

Blocked away a return shot they score return shot thrown towards the net by Davies might to get off Sone inside the back post and the am fo one away I think this might this uh may have actually went off the skate of on the near Wing it’s Shu backand along the

Near side merge throws it in front shoty by saone is blocked away a return shot they score return shot th toward that by Davies f it off to Cody inside the back post and the comons Pucket the Rochester blue line is tipped Out Over the Line to

Center RS Carri forward Ros and up the right side back for side pass in front oh sure goal two that bounc comment Pucket the Rochester blue line is tipped Out Over the Line to Center R Carri forward Ros enough to right side back for side pass in front oh a sure goal to

Kik that bounce draws it out top kept in now by prow and the puck pops up in the air comes out top of the slot prow gets to it again on the left wing feed through Kik with a rer and that one off the glove of Dodge behind the in front

They score brought behind played out in front Ros and Murray were there I think Murray might get this one as the aage now take a two nothing lead he certainly will Don br Murray with Goal number 17 on the year and we talked about taking the good with top of

The SL prow gets to it again on the left wing feed through Kik with AER and that went off the glove of Dodge behind the n in front they score from behind played out in front Ros and a Murray were there prow gets to it again on the left wing

Feed through khik with a rer and that one off the glove of Dodge behind the that out in front they score from behind play that in front Ros and Bur were there I think Murray might get this one as the a now take a two nothing lead he certainly will Don Brett Murray

With Goal number 17 on the year and we talked about taking the but it’s stripped off the Stick of of Richards still the inside the into the corner chased after by prow as they bag hard to the backboard centering pass in front locked in on goer and his knees makes

The stop of the rebound pulled aside into the corner chased after by prow as they bang hard to the backboard centering pass in front locked in on goal Hower in his knees makes the stop with the rebound pulled aside as after it as he’s turned back trying to get

Away from kissaka pass out in front and grabbing the loose Puck is hoero holds on for the face off we’ll have a little discussion in front of the Rochester n as players very calmly and quietly talk things over yeah okay something like that theet is I don’t even see the as he

Turned back trying to get away from kissaka pass out in front and grabing the loose Puck is Hower holds on for the face off we’ll have a little discussion in front of the Rochester Nat as players very calmly and quietly talk things over yeah okay something like that pass to

The point for met it pass back on the right wing side Kik with a rer miss the short side comment Pucket the Rochester blue line is tipped Out Over the Line to Center R Carri forward Ros and up the right side back for side pass in front oh sure goal comment Pucket the

Rochester blue line is tipped out Over the Line to Center RS Carri forward Ros and up the right side back for side pass in front oh a sure goal Davies drops it on top slager will slip it off the right wing boards into the corner and up with

It from behind the end we have a penalty coming up tripping will be the call and this will be on the amicks as the right Point again for villan to the left side as henin lays it on top villan he’ll try the right wing boards and

There’s a shot down to the side that feet in front back to side and they score comes through the SL SP on the left wing at the face off dot is H in one timer through the legs of an amored player in the open side and now on the

Power play the comments are on the board lays it on top villain he’ll try the right wing boards and there’s a shot down to the side that feet in front back to side and they score comes through the slot it on top villain he’ll try the right wing boards and there’s a shot

Down to the side that feet in front back to his side and they score comes through the slot on the left wing at the face off do is had in one time slammed along the wall but not out pass in on goal across the goal mouth as getting a piece

Of at Hower here come the am now two on one off the left side is kique pass to the right side they score kique beats it across the go out back first side rosan with timer and the aage connect for the 3 to one lead and that’s a nice little bit of

Roll reversal there you’d often see it be Ros in trying to feed but Hower here come the am now two on one off the left side is kique pass to the right side they score kique beats it across the go back side r with slammed along the wall but

Not out pass in on goal across the goal mouth is getting a piece of at Hower here come the am now two on one off the left side is CL pass to the right side they score goodi beats it across the go bound viory side R went timer and the aage

Connect for the three to one lead and that’s a nice little bit of roll reversal there you’d often see it be rosan trying to feed k for that explosive shot but Hing a piece of at Hower here come the EM now two on one off the left side is Ki pass to the

Right side they score kique beats it across the go about back first side Ro in with timer and theage connect for the three one Le and that’s a nice little carried away up the right side works his way to Center I throws it on the left wing

Continuing head Davies in over the line shoots and scores empty net goal for Davies as the aage will salt this one away what a big goal right there now that’s icing on the C for Jeremy Davies and the Rochester Americans who have found we continuing ahead Davies in over the line shoots and

Scores empty net goal for Davies as the aage will s this one away way up the right side works his way to Center Ice throws it on the left wing continuing head Davies in over the line shoots and scores empty net goal for Davies as the ERS will salt this one

Away what a big goal right there now that’s icing on the CATE for J so the am Come Away with a big win here tonight as they defeated the UDA comets final score Rochester four and the Comets one


  1. Some guy was screaming and yelling at a Utica player number 2 saying that's why his team sucks and ther in last place because they were watching him not the game

  2. 2 take-aways from this highlight…. #1. These highlights are definitely put together by a 13 year old intern or something… #2: Kulich was nowhere near the net on any of his shots lol.

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