@New York Islanders

Brian France’s Controversial Scandals: Jeremy Mayfield & Michael Waltrip Racing

Dale Earnhardt Jr. and Mike Davis ask Brian France if the failed drug test and suspension of Jeremy Mayfield was personal. They then cover the 2013 Richmond scandal involving Michael Waltrip Racing that led to France’s decision to add Jeff Gordon to the playoffs in a 13th position.

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  1. Well his last name is France, so he should be qualified to run NASCAR. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ˜†. Nepotism at its finest.

  2. Nope. I Disagree with Brian France owes Jeremy Mayfield an Apology!! Jeremy is a Druggie and I would have FIRED HIM!! If your on Drugs you shouldn't be in a Race Car on Tracks going over 100 MPH. You're putting yourself and the other Drivers in Danger!! Bill France did the right thing 100%!!. Just Saying. Happy Holidays Dale Jr. To You Amy your Children and your Whole Family ā¤ ā¤

  3. Love how France sounds like a car with a starter issue when heā€™s asked bout mayfield then he gives a lane answer and they move on from it. We got what two days of mayfield talking to jr bout the situation but only get at best 1 minute of France talking bout it I call BS man I love Junior but bro should of pressed him more bout it cause that was bs response from him especially with all his word fumbling when trying to talk bout it. Clearly he has things heā€™s afraid to talk about about Jeremy. Not saying Mayfield didnā€™t bring some of it on himself cause heā€™s no peach himself but I just think itā€™s a little BS that more questions were not asked and Junior just settled for his lame response.

  4. I said it before he makes Tony George look like a saint in Indycar and NASCAR and Brain France benefiting from it but then he ruined it due to his stick up France family crap. The France family needs to get out of NASCAR in the next 5 years if not the sport will become a small as Indycar was in the early 2000s. Itā€™s time for the RTA and SRX to finally break away from NASCAR and tell the France family weā€™re done with them.

  5. Brian France is flat out full of SH*T! Listen, the France family has some seriously ugly criminal connections, so I have nothing that comes out of his mouth holds a ounce of credibility in my opinion. I can barely even tolerate listening to him trying to make himself sound like he's a fair businessman. He's mafia to the core!

  6. But it's okay for Nascar to alter the outcomes of events by throwing debris cautions, when there is no debris.

  7. Doctor/patient confidentiality isnā€™t an excuse to not have a banned substance list that lays out what is and what is not allowed to be in an athletes system. Honestly Iā€™d rather have the guy that just popped an adderall rather than the guy nursing a tequila hangover..

  8. That man is a evil one.. you can easily see it.. you talking about Jeremy and how his life was destroyed and this man wears that like it's a badge of honor or a purple heart etc. He's proud that he has the authority to make up lies and whatever or whoever he wants to destroy is done. I wouldn't want to be this guy if I'd screwed as many people over as he has. He's a snake.. you can see it.. what he did to Jeremy and others isn't something he thinks about because he has no morality and his soul is black as the night. He's just like his father satan who's been a liar and everything else that's wrong in this world.

  9. Knowing what happened with the drug testing lab at the time the Mayfield incident occurred removes any credibility from Brian France and his comments here. Top experts my ass.

  10. I wish Jr. & Mike we a lot more direct with their disbelief towards Mr. France because even a blind starfish could see through homieā€™s bullshit

  11. Was anybody expecting him to tell the truth about Mayfield? Anybody at all? If it would make him look bad, there's no way he would fess up. The only option for him is to minimize those situations and belittle it like he did in his opening response to Dale's first question. Expecting the truth from him is like expecting the sky to rain diamonds when you're in a financial pickle.

  12. Just like taxes, nascar rules allow loopholes. Every team out there is ready to use these "Legal Loopholes" in the rules. When nascar governing body makes rules, they fail to scenario out, to close loopholes. They can blame and penalizing the teams for manipulating the rules but all the team did is use the "legal loophole" that was provided by the governing body. Hypothetically speaking, if these were court cases going in front of a judge, nascar wouldn't have a leg to stand on.
    I'm not against nascar and their rules, but the governing body has got to do a better job when establishing a rule, they scenario the rule out enough and cover the by-rules to the rule. Making decisions on the fly is not a good look.

  13. Nascar understanding and righting a wrong is something we could use in Politics, Women sports, School boards and when other Woke Crap creeps into society.

  14. Franz Jr, is like the Colt's owner. Except that a woman didn't allegedly die of a drug overdose in Franz"s sugar shack.

  15. I don't think I can believe anything that he says with a kernel of truth. This is a person who practically single handedly buried his family's business. NASCAR is a joke now and I believe will never recover. Im actually surprised it still exists.

  16. I am learning about this nascar/stockcar stuff. This guy seems like the coke head son of a great man. "He seems like a bad person to me" IMO. rich kid mentality.

  17. This dude is answering questions about NASCAR's drug policy while he's obviously not sober. šŸ˜‚šŸ« 

  18. Lmao okay so hereā€™s what I learned from this video. Brian is a born with a silver spoon lying sack of sā€¦
    Heā€™s still on drugs which as obvious . He is exactly like a democrat with dancing around every single question. Always was uncertain but now Iā€™m fully convinced that mayfield was right all along .

  19. Then, the dude with a drug problem, judged a sports drug issue and screwed the drivers we all love by changing the championship scoring. Big Bill, would have beat that fcker if he knew what Brian did!!!!!

  20. 1:34 what a ridiculous answer. Being transparent about what substances are prohibited is not a HIPAA violation. Itā€™s being fair to participants.

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