@Seattle Kraken

Three weeks ago today I started to have the urge to beat the shit out of this dumb fucker. It has not gone away

Three weeks ago today I started to have the urge to beat the shit out of this dumb fucker. It has not gone away

by Distinct_Mud_2673


  1. Uhhh context? (For those who pretend to know what’s going on)

  2. I wouldn’t leave the house to buy booze with facial hair that bad, much less to picture day.

  3. EwoksEwoksEwoks

    I wish I had the self confidence necessary to think I could beat up a pro athlete.

  4. mournival77

    You’re not alone. That hit made me wish a once-per-game beating on Piss-pot, and I dislike CGY much more than before.

    We don’t play them until next year but I hope Kartye feeds him punches again at first opportunity.

  5. Distinct_Mud_2673

    To the flames fan who came through this post and downvoted everyone, fuck you

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