@Toronto Maple Leafs

Derek Dorsett vs Mark Giordano Oct 20, 2009

Derek Dorsett vs Mark Giordano from the Columbus Blue Jackets at Calgary Flames game on Oct 20, 2009.


  1. why are those blow jacket tards banging their sticks on the boards and ice? "way to go, derek, how to lose a fight to a guy who doesn't fight"; "way to go, derek, now it's gonna be an extra two minutes before we can get out of here"…must say old dorsett looked like a slow, tired piece of crap as phaneuf pulled away from on his end-to-end goal

  2. You're an idiot! Why are you talking about hockey, you obviously have no clue. Seriously shouldn't you be watching and commenting on a Britney Spears video or some shit? Seriously you're embarrassment. Stay away from hockey conversation.

  3. Sabin–thanks for the explanation.

    sullivan–sorry to see mummy pissed on your cornflakes this morning. Get out of the basement and get a life.

  4. Hey everyone theres a new site call Lockerz where you can get all kinds of free stuff like PSP, PS3, Ipod Touch, Xbox 360, Wii etc PM me your e-mail for an invite since you need one because the site is still in beta.

  5. Hey, wait a minute! Aren't you that ugly old fuck who wouldn't let the cameras focus on Mick Jagger's nether regions when the Stones were on stage? If so, don't you think it's just a bit hypocritical to be telling others to "stay away from hockey conversation" (whatever the fuck that means)?

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