@Dallas Stars

Brad Marchand fights Zack Smith after hit on Grzelcyk 10/23/18

Brad Marchand fights Zack Smith after a hit on Matt Grzelcyk, on October 23, 2018.


  1. Anyone couldve hit Grizz like that in that situation. Smith couldve held up. Whatever everyone’s fine. Good for Marchy

  2. For all the retarda saying "good for Marchand, he's sticking up for his team" it was a clean hit, there was nothing to stick up for.

  3. The son of a bitch that he is, at least he stands up for his teammates. Nobody else is. And that is the key missing element in hockey today. There has to be a price to pay at ice level on every team.

  4. Marchand is the ugliest piece of shit hockey player in the NHL. Why do players feel the need to retaliate on a clean, hard hit? What a bunch of fucking babies. Hockey has become so soft.

  5. Glad Marchand got whipped, he showed heart but we can't be like "Oh no fuck Marchand he's a rat" then we praise him, fuck that he's still a rat

  6. Can any Bruins player, any, get hit without someone having to start a fight. Even ankle bender lucic is still doing it on edm. Got hit other night very clean by riikola on pitt and immediately after and rest of game was trying to start with him. So annoying. You got hit, get over it, go make a play and maybe mcdavid and drai don't have to carry you enter year. .

  7. You know you're a scumbag piece of shit player when everyone watching is waiting for you to throw a suckerpunch and then are shocked when you dont.

  8. Beauty hit, beauty fight, beauty step up from Marchand – good to see this kinda stuff from him instead of him slewfooting or cheapshotting someone

  9. Nice to see Marchand doing something admirable for once instead of slew footing or spearing a guy in the balls. Keep it up Brad

  10. I've played hockey my entire life. I'm sorry, but I will never understand why people feel the need to fight after clean, hard checks. If it's a cheap hit, sure, but why "stand up" for someone who just got cleanly checked!? Dumb.

  11. Go, go guys beat the crap out of each other 🤗😁 but please not in front of the ladies incase they pick up YOUR bad habit

  12. Liney's jumped in so fast to save the rat. Can't even throw a good hit anymore without having to fight, solid hit from Smith.

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