@New York Islanders

Pro Town: Colin Winkelmann – TransWorld RIDEbmx

We pay tribute to Colin Winkelmann with his section from Mark Losey’s Pro Town documentary.


  1. Its terrible what happend but that stunt he did was kind of stupid even if he would land on his bike he wouldnt come out unharmed

  2. good of you to make this video I lived in Greenville for five years and he was a hero to me coming up. lots of love for that man always friendly and pushing it one of the few to visit me at the hospital when i almost died riding

  3. At least Colin didn't have any kids (that I know of) so you know what, if you wanna go, as sad as it is if a person wants to off themselves that doesn't bother me, but Mirra had 2 young daughters and that's just a selfish dick move in my opinion. At least they're not in the poor house though and have the whole pro bmx community to help them out with whatever, hopefully they'll get a father figure in their lives…

  4. Winklemann was a legend at my old skatepark because he blasted the wallride, something like 20', then landed flat and broke the 2 hip pork frame he was riding. Only person to ever snap one of those frames

  5. Colin signed my shirt "Ride hard then Kill Yourself" back in 97. I still have it with Daves on there too. It gives me the chills to look at.

  6. RIP Colin and Dave. There is a plaque at Jaycee Park Skate Park with Colin Winkelmann's name, and a little excerpt about him..that's why. Here.

  7. Thank you Losey for making this perfect edit.
    Extra thanks for NOT including the footage of that fucked up slam off the van/launch ramp.
    I never want to see that clip again.
    I spoke with him briefly at an X-Trials comp in Louisville, 1999.
    Dude was super kind and friendly to this nobody stranger.

    Seeing Mirra in this context made me wonder
    if Colin also was suffering from CTE.
    He definitely had his share of brain traumas.
    But like the man said, "We'll never know why."
    RIP to a legendary rider.

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