@Boston Bruins



Bruins uh actually not to bury the lead overcame one goal deficits not once but twice in this game tied it up took the lead and held on to it for a regulation win this has been a rarity for this team this year uh but we were talking about concerns that

You might still have for this team yeah uh one of those concerns maybe came to your attention air 27 seconds into last night’s contest Puck s over to the near side Kiki has to exit Puck one Ed out in front jammed at and a stop made by Swan the rebound they

Score the puck is set side of the net San was there got a pieza and then it trickled to Rodriguez he pounds it in 27 seconds into the game one nothing Florida Evan Rodriguez scored the uh first goal of the game as you’re less than a half minute into the action uh

Barkov and tereno on the assists and it was just one of those goals that you can’t you can’t allow you can’t allow that to happen you can’t allow those guys to get that type of positioning in your end right off the bat and immediately playing from behind the

Eightball at the start of a game like that it just it’s it’s indefensible common theme though this team this team gets pushed around sometimes well that okay now you mentioned it so that’s the that’s what concerns me uh Martian had to fight a guy literally a

Foot taller than him ly holm’s a I know he’s a and it’s not the end of the world that he’s a very good player but like Flor he got he got baited too that’s the other thing he got baited into into that and you can’t afford to have him off the ice against

An opponent like this lyol got baited into like a wrestling match and then lyol is doesn’t have the ability to fight back so he it’s this lame dance where he’s just getting abused and then he goes to the box for 5 minutes for fighting and he didn’t even get anything

In go ahead I mean getting back to the Martian thing and by the way completely necessary that’s what a captain does but just John for people didn’t see the game so lyol gets into this wrestling match it becomes obvious that it’s going to it’s going to get chippy it’s going to

Be it was very physical game it was a playoff game they were taking it very seriously so then Maran the thing that kind of started the whole thing with linol was kachuck getting messing around in in front of the net so someone had to go after kachu so they look around and

Then it’s got to be the guy who’s 5’2 and uh he but so but he ends up having to fight some 64 defenseman yeah who’s outweighs him he’s he’s 5 Ines taller and 30 pounds heavier and and Maran goes after him but I’m watching Maran do this and while it was necessary

At the time and it proved to be the most necessary Thing by the end of the night can you IM all I could think about while Marian was going after him is it what if this guy lands one big shot what if Marian breaks his hand trying to punch

This guy in the face that’s what I was thinking while it was happening and behind the play Nikola got locked up with one of the Bruins Marian’s going to drop the gloves against the big man fir to right hand and Mela just tackle [Applause] him I will give credit to Marian for

Kind of taking him down at the same time and look they’re going to fight it’s a valid concern wallik I don’t worry about Marian actually getting hit with a punch it’s more likely going to be he’s going to break his hand on the guy’s Helmet or something but give the big man credit

Too I think in that moment he understood what was going on and instead of punching Martian in the face it’s like all right little man I I understand what you’re doing let’s just go down to the ice what like but why does it have to be Martian like they have big they have

Size on this team I mean I guess Marlo could be the guy that does it but I mean they have I mean beer was trying to be physical last night but I mean coil’s a big guy I mean Frederick’s a big guy that’s the guy to do it if it was going

To be someone it was going to be Frederick but I think the overall point in this is you’re going to face this team hopefully in the second round of the playoffs and you’re going to get seven games of this physical nonsense you need a guy who can police the area

And keep your skill players who get involved with something like this is that Pat maroon maroon mean not Marlo maroon they they’re going to need the I guess maroon is going to be the guy he’s going to have to play well it’s he would have to play in this series and he would

Have to be there exclusively to be physicals forget about fighting but I mean there’s a lot of chippiness I mean the the the in open Ice hits it was a really good game but the thing is is that it’s concerning because until the end the Bruins were kind of getting

Pushed around the first the first two periods it it seemed like they were getting on the wrong end of it because there are just Florida’s just so tough they’re just a tough tough team and the Bruins just aren’t and I don’t know why it’s very confusing to me because I

Never played the game like it it just it would seem like if you’re like a big dude that plays professional hockey like you’re like a tough guy like it just seems like you would be able to you know square up with not to fight them to like actually be able to handle yourself

Physically I don’t understand that just to be able to go out there and do the thing and just play you have to be right like you have to have balls bad yeah and so like but I don’t know how someone could just grab you that’s your size and

Toss you around and you and you can’t like I’m I know I sound like a two-year-old because in that with no understanding of the game but it’s really interesting to me like Lin holm’s a big guy like how is he just getting thrown around by someone his same size

As how is it he’s never fought before it was his first fight we didn’t really get our gloves off we get the sticky sticky gloves but no it’s like I said emotional game and we got the win and it feels really good right now yeah and and by

The way they weren’t going to fight and it was kind of at the end of it and ly Holm it wasn’t a cheap shot but he actually threw the first punch with his glove on which was more than a face wash or more than just a poke it’s like he

Didn’t even do it right which I I don’t know it’s like can you blame him he’s never F got to be careful with this team you got to be careful because as Jack and brick said multiple times during the broadcast and Fred you just brought it

Up this is what they do they they are chippy you saw kachuck Taking Liberties in in the open Ice hitting guys you have to somehow figure out a way to stop that thing immediately maybe it’s maroon maybe and you brought up guys that are big that don’t do anything that kid

Brazzo is a mammoth guy but not known for physical play at all well yeah again not fighting physical play you’re going to have to match their physicality and you’re going to have to be chippy too and you’re going to have to and it can’t be your stars that are doing it it’s got

To be you got to have depth pieces that are willing to get in there and look I I very pleased they won the game they showed a lot of heart but I mean do you want Maran you know at his age and his size being the the the most the the guy

Who sets the tone f physically for thisam you can’t afford to have any skill piece off the ice because Florida has more depth scoring wise than you do they’re bigger than you are and they’re more physical than you are now the Bruins have the better goal tending but

At the same time those other three things matter big time over a seven game series the goal tending is almost negated the better goal tending when you’re playing a team like Florida because what they do is they get the puck down in front of the net and they

Get those scrums going and they just Jam the slot with guys and bodies and pucks go off skates pucks go off Defenders sticks they’re ugly goals they’re they’re dirty area goals and if the Bruins get into a series with this team they’re going to have to play like that

And that’s essentially how the game winner was scored it wasn’t a big scrum in front of the net but it wasn’t drawn up to Perfection 229 remaining in regulation we’re tied at three here in Florida held in at the Far Point the Bruins slap it to the right Circle poxo centered ni

Go post knock dished it out in front I don’t know if it went in off a panther or a bruin so tell me that’s a design play no it went off zaka skate okay so cool play but that’s how you’re going to have to score it’s not

Going to be a bunch of sniping and a bunch of like highly skilled Bruins offensive players just netting more goals and watching San or even allmark stand on their head you’re going to have to get dirty against this team well in the other POS goal was him just being

Able to float in front of the net with no one around him it was just the total mental Labs by Florida so yes it’s it’s a little concerning uh Steve go ahead hey boys good morning yeah Freddy T you’re exactly right it’s a lack of physicality that you just kind of can’t

Explain the Panthers had no respect for the Bruins you can see how kachuck was flying around the ice laying dudes out and I think it was a huge win for the Bruins to step up to fight that was Martian sending a message to his own

Team hey boys time to step up time to be men it was a big win it was great to see exciting game I loved every minute of it thanks boys yeah it was it was the first game and I and you you guys know John was off doing basketball but it was the

First game this season that I was like okay like I like it’s time to sit down right and you know turn everything else off and focus on the game and delivered I mean it was a great game yeah it was that was fun from beginning to end and

That’s hopefully what a playoff series against Florida would be like in hopefully the way that things would go it’s a big win on the road they’re just going to have I just it’s going to be interesting to see how how they figure out who’s gonna do what in a series like

That because it can’t be Martian go ahead was it a little scary to you that it took getting beat up by Florida to wake up and instead of the head coach no I mean you saw Montgomery run that team silly and then they come out against a

Very good team like Florida and they couldn’t have looked worse in the first 10 minutes no because the the thing is is that I don’t think Montgomery you know Montgomery didn’t didn’t pick the players he didn’t build the team he’s just dealing with what he has and that’s just the that’s what the

Advantage Florida has over the Bruins and then you know it maybe like they they haven’t you know just the physicality of that game was overwhelming at first and then they adjusted so I would I would tend to lean towards the positive than the negative oh but positive they won the game they

Played they they responded they looked great it just the first 10 minutes worried me a little bit but well sure and but but it worried me too but not I don’t know if it’s Montgomery look if they lose in the first round again you got to fire Montgomery and I I like

Montgomery a lot and I hope that that doesn’t happen but you know did his future with the team is going to be based on how they do in the playoffs and because it doesn’t matter how they do in the regular season if they lose in the first round of the

Playoffs again look at they win the playoff series he’ll probably be back but they got it I mean enough with the great Point totals in the regular season and losing in the first round you just can’t do it no and Montgomery as we know lit up the team earlier this week and

Then this had the playoff feeli to it so inevitably he was asked about that after the game that give us the confidence you know like in three weeks when it starts for real that we’re down three times keep coming back just believe in our process believe in our identity and keep

Playing so confidence building heading into the playoffs that’s what they’re looking at Fred and that’s what they took away from that game last night

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(Image courtesy of USA TODAY SPORTS)


  1. Jesus Christ Beasley, do you have ALL idiots working for you? It's "UNDIVIDED." Not "UNDIVIEDED." If it looks wrong, it probably is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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