@National Hockey League

Haha. Fuck Andrew Berkshire.

Haha. Fuck Andrew Berkshire.

by Sharks1976


  1. AccidentUnhappy419

    It’s so much easier to win net front battles against mutant NHL defenseman and take cross checks to the kidneys while burying shots past NHL goalies when your parents are wealthy. Everyone knows that.

  2. Comes across as pretty antisemitic. Where was the outrage when Reinhart, who’s family is generationally wealthy, scored 50 goals last week? As soon as a Jewish player does it…

  3. Shiny_Mew76

    Skill doesn’t come with money, unfortunately it’s just that in order to play hockey, you pretty much have to be wealthy. The skill and wealth are separate, but due to the circumstances usually fit together indirectly. Although they don’t affect each other whatsoever.

    There is no reason to discredit any player for money reasons. He is incredibly skilled. It’s just a shame that it’s so expensive to play hockey.

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