@St. Louis Blues

Fargo Force Luke Witkowski vs Marcus Perrier

Hey Marcus “Thats enough for ya!”


  1. When you grab someone from behind you get booted, learn the rules… check the bloody towel and trainers room for the FIGHT LOSER.. Seriously wake up, and get on the bus HOME LOSERS.

  2. PS, Luke is gonna need 75.00 for a new home jersey, Mr. Perrier has bleed all over it, because he got DROPPED. Go on a diet fat ass.

  3. It is very much appreciated when these "cowards" capture the fights and put them on youtube for the rest of the USHL fans to see ๐Ÿ™‚

    Sioux Falls fans make me laugh. They judge a fight winner by who lands on top. Doesn't matter that Witkowski landed enough shots to make Perrier bleed, but Perrier pulled Witkowski down to win it! Um, when a player does that, he's trying to end the fight so he can stop getting pounded on.

  4. Yeah because I do play, I don't just feed the kids and wash their dirty jock straps. You obviously are stupid, if you need to tell me you aren't.

  5. it was that fight was amazing. But i have to say i do love stampede. no offence. But i just like them cause thats my hometown. Yepp. GO PER's! ILY> Stampede

    xoxo kira

  6. Force WIN AGAIN, AND Pussier didn't do shit, but a bunch of minors…. lucky for him the trade deadline is past… your stuck with that junk pile…

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