@Nashville Predators

Mark Borowiecki vs Francois Beauchemin Feb 25, 2015

Mark Borowiecki vs Francois Beauchemin from the Ottawa Senators at Anaheim Ducks game on Feb 25, 2015.


  1. Can't blame Beauchemin for trying to spark something on his team, but he so had his ass handed to him. 

  2. I feel this fight would have been better if Beauchemin didn't lose his footing. Good job to Boro stepping in for his teammates though.

  3. I can picture hoffman saying "good fight beauchemin!" Thats why you see beauchemin saying "fuck off" at 0:32 hahahah

  4. The most pathetic part of this clip is Beauchemin kneeing a guy when he's down.  What a cheap prick.  He should have gotten a much bigger ass kicking for that alone. 

  5. Borowiecki with a couple of shots after Beauchemin was clearly down. No class and disrespective of the fighters code.

  6. Are you going to put up the fight that ended up in the benches at last nights Caps-Pens game?

  7. NO fan of either team but I like situations like these when a Robocop appears and takes care of someone who played a bit cheap and dirty. ..

  8. You know what, it's obvious that Borowiecki won this one, but he doesn't know the strength of Beauchemin.  I would like to see a rematch someday, we would probably see something different. 

  9. Bobby Ryan is such a pussy. Slashes and punches Beauchemin in the face and skates away as fast as he can. Such bullshit. 

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