@Boston Bruins

Bruins Highlights: Best of Boston’s Second Straight Physical Matchup Vs. Tampa Bay

Bruins Highlights: Best of Boston’s Second Straight Physical Matchup Vs. Tampa Bay

Welcome to Bruins overtime live presented by bi for offers Not Seen On TV visit biat with Billy and Razer I’m Sophia 31 the final for the Tampa Bay Lightning over the Bruins it was 2-1 until they scored that empty net goal but guys it’s not

Like they lost by five so winnable game for them but where was the breakdown in their game that they weren’t able to defeat this team maybe plural breakdowns who knows um oh again Tampa I’m G to give Tampa some credit here first of all vasileski good okay he’s getting better

He’s finding his form I thought Tampa was really good in the neutral zone okay so where are the Bruin’s mistakes probably not getting it in as much as they’d like when they did ear they scored the goal you know successful there they passed up four or five opportunities I of shooting of chances

That they got so again is that vasileski in their head or just trying to make the fine play who who knows um I don’t know maybe the back to back’s the other thing maybe they just had a couple of ounces less energy in them too they used a lot

Of energy last night yeah they really did that was that was a big game an energetic game they lost a lot last night you give credit to Tampa for recognizing that and and just playing not giving them anything for free that was their message and and passing up

Shots I think I think that’s what we’re going to hear we’re going to hear the opportunities that they missed or turned down or didn’t capitalize I think that’s what we’re going to hear but you know I they they worked as hard as they possibly could they they gave it what

What they had but but you could see the energy was nowhere near what it was last night yeah uh second tough it’s tough tough back to back second game of backto back Florida or Tampa liing tonight sorry Tampa coming off the road too uh give them credit as well they brought

The energy that’s typically the hard game not just the road west coast trip right they did a nice job with that well they did you said they didn’t give him any gifts it’s true but they did get a goal overturn that being the Tampa Bay Lightning so the Bruins got a gift with

That with Celli being offside here yeah I mean that’s I you you know it was offside and and they kind of turned it over a few times here in the middle of the ice which wasn’t pretty uh great job by the video staff um all video staffs

Are on top of these off sides like crazy you know it’s amazing how uh how on it they have to be because you forget about them after plays like this but it was offside the right call and the Bruins got a bit of a break there at least kept

Them in the game because um they scoring two in the third for sure any my regular I can’t stand offside review I just can’t I I mean I’m I there absolutely the right call oh it’s horrible that that whole thing is hor I know I hear

You I hear you doesn’t matter which it’s good for the Bruins yet they didn’t take advantage of it but on the other hand I’d say the same thing if it went in the Bruins you know the other direction too like come on this much they turn the

Puck over a few times but we have it so we’re used we we got to deal with it yeah if it goes one way it’s got I mean if you’re doing it for half the season you got do it for the whole season obviously and and I agree with you on

The on the rule but okay guys so they didn’t capitalize there the Bruins though did have a lot of chances in the third some of them Miss shot opportunities for sure but why don’t we show you the chances they had in the last frame yeah you know they had a

Bunch of chances to get the second period razor right we kind of hoped that they would build off that and they had a few I was hoping for a few more uh how’s that for analysis I thought that they you know this was a good look right here

Pumping it towards Anette but Vas that the last second actually was able to see it pretty clearly uh coming up there’s going to be another good opportunity three on two but don’t over that’s the overpassing right there you’re taking it out of a out of a Bonafide shooting area

Scoring area and putting into a hopeful area and but that was good and then this one I think was the best of the period that ended up being the last chance too right that was the last chance at 12 minutes only seven shots in the third

Seven shots on the second for the Bruins so 14 shots over the last two periods and and none of them were of the oddd man variety like we said lightning were were packed in pretty well so just not enough and you see that especially the fouron three one I know they’re trying

To open up for David Pastak but at that point in the game like it wasn’t one of those games it just wasn’t one of those games so you got to find a way to get it on that someone we highlighted pregame for good reason Braden Point uh excellent season and as you mentioned

Recently putting up the points but he got his 42nd of the season this one was the game winner it was and it was a really nice goal by Braden point a pretty simple play again Tampa Bay taking shots on net very quickly they get into the Zone fairly easily and then

It’s they’re just pumping away and the first time it doesn’t work goes right back two for a dollar and this time Point gets it from behind the net and he freezes lenus just enough at the side of the net opens up the the the stick blade

Just enough right there and then is able to wrap it around because Lena squares up can’t rotate fast enough uh he was the best skater on the ice I thought both lenus and vasileski were very good in this game point was the best point started out slowly this year he’s

Getting going vasileski started slowly he’s getting going right now good time to get going and he is our Subaru star of the game so take a look at this he scored his 93rd goal dating back to last season which is the third most over a two season Span in lightning history B

Steven Stam Co in 2010 2011 to 2012 and Stephen Sam Coes twice there you go all right guys Lena alark over to go tending talked about baski getting going late in the season Lena alar has been great all season how do you guys feel like he performed in this one with the threats

Offensive threats that they have no he was great he was very good again tough tough call getting the the second half of the back to back you got to know you have to be into the game you know you’re going to get your action and he faced 29

Shots two on 27 again can’t fault him on either of the goals I thought he coralled his rebound BS well I thought he played the puck really well he was as solid as he’s been since since the trade d to line and continued his strong play

Yeah it was great uh no issue whatsoever there I I really thought he was very uh sound structurally sound all night very didn’t didn’t overh handle the puck at all didn’t didn’t do anything that caused uh you know a bit of a fire drill in their own Zone you know

I mean he was he was great absolutely no issue whatsoever as I said point was the best skater and then you go to the goalies each goalie was in their own right was was excellent those were the the three best players I think in this

Game 27 saves on 29 shots and Lena SAR in his last five games 32 and0 with a 945 save percentage and 1. 81 GAA so you guys are back on the mic it’s not a short night for you you’ve got to do another morning Brew today you be

Talking this are you going to be talking some NCAA stuff too or that’s no we’re going hardcore okay ruins okay hardcore ruin and home and home and home okay and home Ra’s got to work I got to work we’re both on the road tomorrow podcast or wherever you get your podcast

Proudly presented by Berkshire Bank Jim Montgomery goes oneon-one with brick after every game let’s get his thoughts on this loss to the lightning right after the break

Highlights and analysis from the Boston Bruins second straight physical matchup, this time with the Tampa Bay Lightning.

Bruins goal: Danton Heinen (15)

Bruins goalie: Linus Ullmark (27 Saves on 29 shots)

Lightning goals: Mitchell Chaffee (4), Brayden Point (42), Nikita Kucherov (42)

Lightning goalie: Andrei Vasilevskiy (23 Saves on 24 shots)

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