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My 2024 Hall of Fame Predictions Were WAY OFF

My 2024 Hall of Fame Predictions Were WAY OFF

WrestleMania season if you can believe it isn’t just about WrestleMania it’s also about who the WWE chooses to immortalize until the end of time with the WWE Hall of Fame because it’s at this time of the year that the WWE announces who their inductees for this

Year’s Hall of Fame class will be and they have already announced who’s going to be partaking in the 2024 class and let me tell you I tried to predict this about 5 months ago and I was way off actually one of my predictions aged like milk like quite seriously the worst

Possible prediction could have made so today we’re going to compare my predictions that I made 5 months ago to the actual Hall of Fame class to see just how far off I was there’s a couple that I got right though as always don’t forget to subscribe to the channel ring

The bell for notifications if you’re a wrestling fan I know that you’re going to fall in love with this YouTube channel because we always upload daily wrestling content first I’m going to show you who the WWE has already announced to be part of this year’s WWE

Hall of Fame class and just like in the last couple of years the WWE has kept the Hall of Fame inductions really really tight this year they only have five inductees but in previous years they’ve had as many as like 12 which means it’s harder to become a WWE Hall

Of Famer which I think should be the case I don’t think people like Coco beware should be getting into the Hall of Fame all right let’s jump into it the first one on the list that the WWE has announced is of course the wise man Paul

Hayon and this is an easy one Paul Heyman is the father of ECW which has its blood and its roots in Philadelphia which is exactly where Wrestlemania is taking place so it is an absolutely perfect year to induct Paul Haymon but not only is it like good timing to

Induct Paul Heyman like it was inevitable what this man has done for the industry is actually incalculable not only has this man had his hands in just about every major wrestling organization throughout the 90s in the early 2000s like of course WWF WWE ECW the territories WCW but this man has

Also been an announcer he has also been a writer and producer for the WWE and on top of that being one of the most recognizable onscreen talents by being one of the most famous and most highly regarded managers in professional wrestling history dare I say the greatest manager in professional

Wrestling history managing the likes of big Mar callus AKA The Undertaker stunning Steve Austin of course we got Brock Lesnar CM Punk we have the tribal Chief Roman Reigns and honestly the list continues to grow and grow and of course Curtis Axel how can we not include

Curtis Axel in there but it’s undeniable that this man’s resume was a first ballot headlined inductee Hall of Fame status quality and that is what he’s getting he is the the headliner of this year’s Hall of Fame class and I like that the WWE has now done backtack years

Where they’re inducting somebody that is actively involved in a current day storyline they did it last year with Rey Mysterio which allowed them to include the Hall of Fame induction ceremony into their storyline between Ray and Dominic Mysterio I wouldn’t be surprised if they do the same thing here with Paul Heyman

I know that the big looming question is who’s going to induct Paul Heyman a lot of people would like to see Stone Cold some people would like to see CM Punk tommmy dreamer honestly there’s a lot of options and frankly that just goes to show the amount of influence that Paul

Heyman has had on the wrestling business as a whole we have one of the powerhouses of women’s wrestling in Bull nakano who just absolutely carried women’s wrestling across not just like WWF but literally the World Japan Mexico United States she was it when it comes to women’s wrestling Not only was she it

But like she brought like the personification of danger and she was like genuinely horrifying when you watched her on screen because every single one of her moves looked like she was trying to decapitate people frankly I think that she was light years ahead of her time if we had somebody like her

In today’s style of professional wrestling she would be a main eventor and yes she was a main eventor then but women’s wrestling especially in North America just wasn’t as respected as it is today so to me she’s absolutely a Trailblazer in professional wrestling here’s one that I’m actually really

Excited to not know much about because even though I’m a wrestling content creator I’m always trying to learn about things from the past that I wasn’t there to experience and Thunderbolt Patterson was somebody that I’ve never heard the name of of course up until the Hall of

Fame induction a lot of people started talking about him and what I’m seeing is that he seems to be the father of the Modern Day promo in terms of his mic his Charisma skills like this man from my understanding from what I’m gathering really set the foundation of how people

Cut promos today so I’m excited to see what I get to learn about Thunderbolt Patterson uh throughout the ceremony I’m really excited here’s an interesting one we have the US Express here’s the thing about the US Express in my opinion like as a tag team I don’t think that they’re

Necessarily Hall of Fame worthy as individuals I absolutely think that they are because this is a tag team made of the legendary Barry Windam who’s already in the WWE Hall of Fame as a member of The Four Horsemen and of course Mike Rotunda who you might know better as

Irwin AR eer I do believe that their induction as a tank team in terms of their accomplishments and what they did as a tag team is a little bit peculiar but I do believe that this serves as a great place to do a tribute for Bray Wyatt as well because Bray Wyatt’s real

Life name is wendam rotunda a name that he got from this tag team Barry wendam and Mike Rotunda Windam rotunda you’re starting to see the connection here again as individuals I believe that these guys are absolute WWE Hall of Famers as a tag team I think that there’s something deeper going on here

Involving Bray Wyatt this year we also have a celebrity inductee this being the late Muhammad Ali who if you didn’t know was involved in the WWE by being the special guest referees slsp special guest enforcer of the very first WrestleMania Main Event so of course when it comes to the celebrity wing

Muhammad Ali was involved in one of the most important moments in professional wrestling history I went with a different celebrity that also had major involvement in WrestleMania one that we’ll talk about in just a second but yeah as a celebrity Wing member I absolutely believe that Muhammad Ali is

A good option plus Philadelphia also has this history with boxing with Rocky as well so I think it fits the whole vibe of the night do you want even more wrestling content cuz you could be getting more wrestling content over on patreon the RAW reviews Smackdown reviews and over the next

Couple of days you’re also going to be getting my watch alongs of WrestleMania 27 and WrestleMania 30 with fully synced footage for you to enjoy so go check it out 10 different inductees which in retrospect was just far too many to go with either way let’s jump into my old

Predictions so I did predict that the WWE was going to induct Bray Wyatt wam runda into the WWE Hall of Fame after his passing when I look at Bray Wyatt’s resume I do believe that it’s a Hall of Fame worthy resume he did win the World Championship multiple times Universal

Championship twice WWE Championship and was an iconic character throughout the the 2010s in in WWE to me he is also somebody that contributed a lot to the business by being an inspiration to others because of his creativity and from a personal standpoint he’s also one of the masterminds of one of my favorite

Professional wrestling matches of all time the Firefly funh house at WrestleMania 36 so yes I absolutely believe that Bray Wyatt is absolutely a WWE Hall of Famer the only difference here is that when I look at his resume what he’s accomplished had he retired I believe it would have taken about

Anywhere from an extra three to seven years to be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame I don’t think that he may have necessarily been a first ballad headliner Hall of Famer had he retired now of course with his passing everything changes and it’s a completely different narrative and I really believe

That they were going to pay tribute to him at the hall of fame now the WWE has clearly taken a different approach by doing the peacock show starring his brother which will showcase the life and creativity of Bray W which I think is an absolutely beautiful way to to pay

Tribute to Bray Wyatt around this time and of course with his uncle and his father also being inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame class this year as the US Express both of which when put together have his entire namesake of Windam rotunda Barry Windam and Mike Rotunda so

I do believe that Bray Wyatt will inevitably be involved in the Hall of Fame he will be inducted it might just be a couple of years but I do appreciate the WWE for at the very least taking this time to pay some tribute to Bray Wyatt’s Legacy as well well didn’t this

Just [ __ ] age horribly I I picked Vincent Kennedy McMahon to be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame class now hear me out for a second okay I figured that this was going to be tko’s final goodbye see you later get the [ __ ] out of here we have nothing left to do

With Vince McMahon we have ousted him from the company he’s in the Hall of Fame so no one’s ever going to ask again if he’s going to be involved in the Hall of Fame he’s already in there and now we can fully get rid of of of Satan’s

Favorite demon Vince McMahon and never talk about him again which in hindsight like I think is a perfectly fine strategy for TKO to finally just move on from Vince McMahon and so that there weren’t any future conversations about additional Vince McMahon involvement in things like the Hall of Fame here’s the

Thing should Vince McMahon just in terms of contributions to the business when he was in the WWF ww what he did to grow uh professional wrestling from a Carney business into this multi-billion conglomerate is that enough to be in the Hall of Fame yes however to me at the

Very least to me the Hall of Fame isn’t just about what you do when you’re in wrestling it’s also about the lasting Legacy that you leave and the fact of the matter is is that he has left a very very tarnish Legacy on his way out from

The WWE a tarnish Legacy that you know I’m probably not qualifying to make the Judgment call as to whether or not the the morality of of what he’s done outweighs the things that he has accomplished in the WWE I I I’m I’m just not equipped to have that

Argument but I am a human that can have natural reactions and my natural reaction now to hearing Vince McMahon in the Hall of Fame is GH and if that’s my reaction then it’s probably a good thing that Vince McMahon isn’t being inducted in this year’s Hall of Fame class

Frankly I wouldn’t be surpris if he’s never inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame class yes his contributions are undeniable I will never ever downplay those because if it weren’t for that dude on screen right now I don’t do what I’m doing right now in professional

Wrestling is not as big in any capacity frankly it might be dead but again it’s all about lasting legacies as well and it’s a rough lasting Legacy that he left on his way out and again to clar the my prediction of Vince McMahon being involved in this year’s Hall of Fame

Class was long before all the stuff leaked during the Royal Rumble um about like all of his text the the full details of the lawsuit and and frankly to me this induction like I said wasn’t supposed to be a celebration of Vince it was supposed to be okay we’re done with

Vince McMahon let’s move on but yeah this uh this didn’t age well did it I know that there’s going to be some people in the comments that believe that he should still be in the Hall of Fame and you’re entitled to that opinion just like I’m entitled to mine let’s just I

Guess wait and see how all of this plays out and maybe somewhere down the line we can revisit this but I think the at the very least the the recent future memory of Vince McMahon is so tarnished that it’s possibly he doesn’t get inducted during his lifetime it could be a

Postmortem induction bro here’s one that I would really like to see and I do think that it’s inevitable but clearly this is not the woman that they decided to W go with B Nano is a great choice don’t get me wrong but where the hell is

The love for Victoria where is the love for the crazy woman Victoria you know so many people credit Trish Stratus and credit Lita being the ones that carried women’s wrestling throughout the ruthless aggression era n n yes Lita was good trist Stratus was amazing but in my

Opinion it goes like this it goes trist Stratus Victoria lead in terms of women’s contribution in wrestling during the ruthless aggression era her name is not uttered enough when it comes to revolutionizing and Paving the way for women’s wrestling today not only did she contribute a heck of a lot of great

Matches and a lot of and won a lot of great accolades in the WWE but she would go on to have another Hall of Fame worthy career outside of the WWE as terara in TNA as well so not only Paving the way for women’s wrestling in the WWE

But also helping pave the way for women’s wrestling outside of the WWE for for women that didn’t want to work in the WWE ecosystem she is absolutely 1,000% Hall of Fame worthy she has from what I know kept her Legacy untarnished as well so to me it’s just a matter of

Time for Victoria Tera to be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame class frankly I think it’s a little egregious that she’s not already been inducted I also predicted Jazz and Jazz to me was like a a second just like a safety pick after Victoria the reason I went with jazz is

Yes she also did accomplish quite a bit in women’s wrestling during the ruthless aggression era and in the late Attitude Era as well she W some women’s championships and she was also like one of those like legit badass women of professional wrestling as well kind of

Like a bul nano actually but really the only reason I had her here as a backup to Victoria because I do believe that Victoria has done far more than jazz is that she cut her teeth in ECW and cutting your teeth in ECW means that you

Have lasting ties with the c city of Philadelphia phelia she’s not from Philadelphia but she’s got those ties that I thought maybe the WWE would use in a time when WrestleMania is in Philly I did get this one right I did guess Paul Heyman and I do think that this was

An obvious one um obviously like I’ve already talked about Paul Heyman like his contributions to the business are absolutely incalculable immeasurable and this is a man that will never ever be replaced there is no one that will ever be able to fill the shoes of Paul Heyman

And Wrestlemania 40 was just too perfect of a year too perfect of of a location to induct Paul Heyman and to have him be the headliner I also had Tommy Dreamer on here as well once again because of his lasting ties with the city of Philadelphia ECW everything that he

Accomplished in the world of professional wrestling in ECW and WWF in the Indies in TNA as well I’m sure eventually these types of ECW originals are going to find their way into the Hall of Fame like the likes of Rob vanam have already done so uh but I don’t

Think that this is a year where you can just have multiple of these ECW people I do think that Paul Heyman is enough ECW representation when it comes to this year’s rest uh Hall of Fame class now I do think that it’s possible that he still makes an appearance at the hall of

Fame ceremony either in the audience because Paul Heyman is there or actually inducting Paul Heyman into the Hall of Fame class because it’s been proven that this man Tommy Dreamer loves but also hated for a while Paul Haymon their legacies are just so intertwined here’s the celebrity that I thought was going

To get inducted this year and I frankly believe at this point that she just doesn’t want anything to do with the WWE frankly it’s possible that she just wants to have fun get it Girls Just Want to Have Fun Cindy loer to me has made bigger contributions to helping popularize professional wrestling in

The80s than Muhammad Ali ever did this is a woman that was on Piper pit yes she was also at WrestleMania one she made multiple appearances in in WWF television Saturday night’s Main Event she also had Hulk Hogan has her bodyguard during the Grammy Awards on

Stage when she won she was a huge huge contributor to helping G helping wrestling gain a foot hold in mainstream media frankly it’s shocking that she’s not already in the Hall of Fame which leads me to believe that she just doesn’t want to be in the Hall of Fame

I’m sure that the WWE has reached up multiple times Cindy loer is such a huge name in pop culture that they would love to have her there to the point where like I said I just don’t think she wants to be in the Hall of Fame and frankly she’s made bigger contributions than

Muhammad Ali I said it Lex Luger I I I guess this was one of those guys that I I feel his name in like in terms of wrestling lore is bigger than it was during the actual time that he was popular because yes he was supposed to

Be this replacement to Hulk Hogan but when you look at what he actually ended up accomplishing in the WWF it wasn’t actually a heck of a whole lot they never ultimately trusted him with the ball even though they really tried to make him the new face of the WWF and it

Just never worked out he did go to WCW had an extra back half to his career over there that was pretty noticeable but aside from that that’s kind of it but when we as wrestling fans now in the 2020s when we look back at these names

From the Golden Age Era from the from the early ’90s we think of them as these legendary figures probably more legendary than they ultimately actually were and I think that Lex Luger might actually be one of those people and maybe one of the reasons why he hasn’t

Already been inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame also Luger is looking rough these days uh so if they want to induct him before he passes away feel like they should probably do it sooner rather than later I mean this was like come on if

This is going to happen at some point I just think Batista is just too damn busy and frankly I get it the man’s a Hollywood Superstar he will be in the WWE Hall of Fame he was already supposed to be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame

But then like the pandemic happened so then they they pushed it back and now they they just aren’t able to make things happen here and maybe they just didn’t want Paul Hyman and Batista to have to share the same stage um because they’re both worthy of being Headliners

But Batista for sure as a Hall of Famer is going to happen I was wrong about 2024 but I’m not wrong about him being a Hall of Famer he’s first ballot for sure all right folks those are my predictions yeah the Vince McMahon one did not age

Very well but let’s sound off in the comments are there any of my picks that you feel could have benefited from being in this year’s Hall of Fame class let me know down in the comments below but that’s it I’m done get out of here


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  1. Victoria should absolutely be inducted. Besides everything mentioned, she trained almost every top female star in WWE right now. Her and Nattie helped this entire generation of female wrestlers a lot and continue to do so.

  2. so i'm looking at your predictions on who should be put in the hall of fame from your POV and having Bray Wyatt as your first choice, i'm just curious if you've seen the dreadmare stuff that Bo Dallas is coming out with now? it's pretty interesting. If you have seen it, what's your opinion on it?

  3. I think Vince will be inducted after he passes away which is sad but I think that’s the only way

  4. Santi you realize first ballot means they were put in the hall of fame on their first year eligible for it… so no, Batista isn’t first ballot😂😂

  5. One thing I wonder is, the day that Vince dies, how will the WWE handle the news. We know how news networks and the IWC will express their ideas bla bla

    But what about the WWE themselves. Will they address it? Will they just give a quick “oh and by the way RIP Vince” on a random episode of Raw? Will they give him a whole episode dedicated to his life and accomplishments? I see the arguments on both sides but it’s just intriguing to think how they’ll go about addressing the death of the blacklisted Godfather of WWE

  6. Cydni Lauper has done more for wrestling than Ali? ARE YOU HIGH SANTI? Ali has done 1 million times more for wrestling. Shea Stadium in the 70's Late great Gorilla Monsoon, Inoki v Ali (first MMA style of a match). In the 80's his Parkinson's was acting up and he couldn't do much. Watch the Legends of Wrestling on Peacock to learn about celebrities in the early wrestling.

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