@Buffalo Sabres

The Buffalo Sabres Are Getting Hard To Watch…

The Buffalo Sabres Are Getting Hard To Watch…

Coming into the air the Buffalo Sabres had some pretty big expectations coming within one point of the playoffs last season they were poised to make a bigger push and for a lot of people they were expected to be a playoff team but this year has proved to be another

Disappointment in a long line of disappointments for the Sabers franchise and now outside the playoff picture again where do the Sabres go from here is this core good enough to make the playoffs in the future what do they need to do to be a playoff team next season

And is this Buffalo Sabers team cursed watch till the end because we’re going to be breaking it all down right here right now and hit that subscribe button if you’re new for more hockey content just like this every weekday all throughout the year now we have a lot to

Talk about with the Sabers and their struggles this season and we will get into them but first let’s talk about today’s sponsor in vet us B us is the best place to make daily NHL in sports bet so there so much going on in the sports landscape right now it is the

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How disappointing this season has been as well as how disappointing the future could be as well this Buffalo Savers franchise hasn’t made the playoffs since 2011 and even though he seen some recent Improvement technically it hasn’t really been all too successful we saw last year just how much buffalo exploded in a big

Way a lot of players like Tage Thompson really Rising above and having career seasons and lifting Buffalo to playoff aspirations and they by The Season’s end will be one point from the playoffs Florida with 92 points and buffalo with 91 and they just missed they were 72 and

One their last 10 and it was a brutal defeat but at the same time there was a lot of Hope that Buffalo will be back in the same position at least next year and hopefully being able to get over that hump for the first time and I don’t

Think it was incredibly farfetched with just how much that team was improving how young they were that they could take an even bigger Next Step but there were still some major problems for me in the lineup specifically on that defense you have players like kale clay getting top

Pair minutes Henry yaru as well in the top four and to me for Buffalo if there was any room for improvement it was going to be on that defense especially with Levi looking like a some massive upgrades and in the off season they attempted to fix it the

Sabres would actually go in free agency and sign a couple of defenseman but the players they actually got weren’t what I was expecting first they went out and signed Conor Clifton to a three-year 3.3 million deal and considering that he was probably Boston’s seventh best D last

Year not even getting regular minutes in the playoffs I thought he was a player that was negligible at best and would maybe as a third pairing guy be okay but Buffalo was signing him to be a top four piece and the same thing also with Eric Johnson which sure the experience I

Think is great to have and of course won the Stanley Cup with the Colorado Avalanche but the actual player on the ice that we are talking about here wasn’t a good one in 50 games he didn’t even get a single assist and I know that’s not his game but defensively he

Wasn’t exactly putting up record numbers either and would get shipped off for the Flyers where he would also Play Pretty horribly so far and it just wasn’t the fix that I needed to see in buffalo’s defense to really be confident in them heading in and then of course there was

The concern from me about Devon Levi and how much they were going to ride him as a starter because we saw at the end of last season just how good he was a 905 sa percentage in seven games but the problem was we have almost never seen a

Goenda after jumping straight from the n-a or Junior League to the NHL all of these successful goenda coffee in the AHL or a full season in the AHL to really get some seasoning but if Levi was going to be the starter for buffalo he wouldn’t have

Had that and to me that was a major concern and those questions lingered on and went into my standings predictions at the start of the pre-season and you could see very controversially I had the Buffalo saers finishing seventh in the Atlantic finishing with 89 points and although my Atlantic division

Predictions weren’t perfect having Florida missing having Ottawa in the playoffs Buffalo missing was pretty spot on and you can tell by the comments it was a pretty controversial take I kind of felt bad that I was so harsh and so cynical going into Buffalo season but I

Pretended to have 8 points they’re on Pace for 82 this year they were somehow worse than I predicted and trust me I wanted to be on the Buffalo Sabers train they were the most exciting team last season by far they were absolutely electric if they made an actual top four

Addition on the defense I might have actually had them in a playoff spot it was that razor thin for me the problem was it was just so close and I just saw buffalo getting sweeped under the rug and so far that’s been the case but now the question comes with another wasted

Season by Buffalo one that was actually a huge downgrade compared to last year where did this Sab franchise even go from here the weird thing for me about Buffalo’s future is that last year’s problems are actually this year’s strengths I think especially in the four group you’ve seen a lot of players

Actually get a lot better defensively Tage Thompson has definitely taken a big step on D Dylan cousins you got players like Zach Benson and JJ bku who have always been good defensive players and I think for Buffalo the defense has actually become a little bit of a

Strength for them and then you look at that offense last year they had five different players higher than to 0.80 points per game an absolutely electrifying offense that feature players like Tage Thompson Jeff Skinner Alex tuck playing unbelievably well and then you go on to this season and the

Only player that has had a points per game higher than 0.75 was the player they traded in Casey middlest stad he’s not even on the team anymore Buffalo went from their highest scorer in Thompson having 94 points last year to their highest score most likely this

Year being on Pace for 58 points that drop off is asinine biggest disappointment might actually be the power play as well last year Buffalo ranked ninth in the league of a 23.4% rate this year they’re all the way down to number 28 and they’re at a 16.1% power play conversion which is

Just insane the drop off there in pretty much everything offensive has really just destroyed Buffalo’s season and it’s really quite a shame because uko pekanin has had a outstanding year especially since the new year and even though that game vers Ottawa was not good whatsoever

Ever for the most part Lucan has been a great goenda a 9911 save percentage he’s been the goal tender that they needed and if that offense was just marginally better if that power play was in the top half of the league they’d be a playoff team

Right now now when we look to the Sabers franchise their future what they can do this off season to hopefully be a playoff team next year I got a few suggestions first I think unfortunately the Sabers will have to fire Don Granado I think this year has just been a

Disappointment in so many ways the UK cannot bring him back next year I don’t care the philosophy he has I don’t care how well-liked he is in the room I don’t care what he’s gotten out of Tage Thompson in the past it’s become increasingly obvious that this Sab team

Won’t be complete enough under his time to be able to take that next step he was a great developmental coach taking them into that bigger position bringing a lot out of those younger players but it’s become increasingly obvious that Buffalo needs somebody that knows how to win to

Get the most out of the team entirely and not just one part of it and to me hiring with a lot more experience hiring somebody that can win in the playoffs is the most necessary thing Buffalo cannot skimp out there they cannot be cheap in their next head coaching hire because it

Is going to be the most important one over the last decade and it sucks because I think Don gado is the perfect developmental coach for a team of younger players to get out of that losing mindset grenado is perfect I mean the shark should be running to hire him

If he ends up being fired but to me that is the first big step secondly I still think they could use another top four D even though their defense has improve this season I think if they were to add another guy it would be absolutely perfect get somebody on that right side

To fill yokoh haru’s spot and even though again they’ve been fine they’ve gotten the job done I think they need somebody that can really push the defense really make it into a good one in the future and actually establish defense that can get the job done and to

Me I think they’re one top four D away from making it happen now for Buffalo if they don’t want to trade for somebody they actually are pretty lucky because there’s a lot of good defensive free agents especially on the right side that I think could instantly pop into

Buffalo’s lineup and provide some pretty good results first you got Brett pesi who might cost quite a bit but he’s appending UFA with the canes and obviously he’s been a big part of that defense for a while I think is still pretty good offensively even though the

Point totals don’t pop out at you and pretty decent on the defensive end too but would be mostly a puck moving transitional guy which I think for Buffalo they could still use even though they got a lot of guys like that I also like Shawn Walker in that position too

Just loading up on players that can play out with the puck that could really dominate possession Shawn Walker has been brilliant this year for both Philly and the ABS in that position and I think especially if we’re going for realistic options that could really boost the

Defensive side I think Matt Roy would be an excellent addition this is a guy that’s been a really sturdy really consistent D for the Kings over the past few years likely wouldn’t cost too much likely around the four or5 million range but I think especially defensively could

Put up some massive numbers for Buffalo whether he’s on an ow and power pair potentially if you want to go with Dalene they could go with a lot of different options here but I think W Roy as a really likely fit on that right

Side Mak sense here and to me would be a much much better signing than Conor Clifton and hey you could have Roy on that second pair then have Clifton on that third pair and have both players where they need to be and I think that could work out pretty well on top of

Getting a d I think getting a veteran forward would be instrumental there’s a couple free agents that I think could fit Jordan marchu to me is the main one though a player that can still play will get you around 30 points but strong defensively and absolutely brilliant locker room presence uh especially with

Them trading kic pose with a deadline this year getting somebody that can again be on the older side of things know where to be know how to win that to me is important a Martin duok would be perfect and then we go on to the third thing here that I think is especially

Important for Buffalo to Target throughout this offseason at the start of next season as well and that is just their health this last year has been a disaster for them and even though I don’t think they still made the playoffs if they were completely healthy it would

Have been a lot closer you of course had the big injury to Tage Thompson which put him out for quite a bit this year and he has miss a lot of games 11 games if he ends up playing the rest of the year you also have Jack Quinn which was

Another big loss for them he had a great rookie season and was poised for a great sophomore season and in the games he’s played he’s been pretty good 12 points in 18 games but has missed a big chunk of this year and you also have Matias Samson who’s just looked just not 100%

Throughout the entire year obviously he’s missed a lot of games and even when he has played he hasn’t look to his true self and getting him especially back 100% on that defense on the bottom pair to me is absolutely critical to me there’s so many things for Buffalo that

Could have gone a lot better the health was a massive one though and hopefully next year it’ll be a lot more consistent the good news I think for the Sabers is that I don’t think they have to change too much with that fundamental core they already have the guys locked in place

And I think again that Improvement will happen next year you’ll likely see Levi back in the NHL after he’s gotten this great taste in the AHL looking fantastic by the way which is great to see but I think these core guys are still going to

Be good enough to get them in the right spots but I think filling out the roster with the right d getting better health and also getting the right coach under them that can really push them into the playoffs is the most necessary thing but I don’t think there’s many sweeping

Changes that Buffalo has to make which is a good sign but they still need to put some work in the offseason to truly get themselves in that position the Atlantic is not an easy division man and that’s a big reason why I thought Montreal would still be down in the

Dumpster in this season was just because of the teams they have to play you just look at how good this division is how consistent it is from top to bottom and just how many decent teams there are it’s just such a log Jam and to me for

Buffalo if they’re going to make a push changes need to happen they’re going to have to push out a team like a Tampa Bay or push out a team like the Boston Bruins next year A lot has to go right but they need to assert themselves they

Need to truly make big changes and big substantial ones because last year’s tiny adjustments obviously aren’t working I want to see the Savers make the playoffs I want to see what’s best for them and I want to see you guys the Savers fans out there actually have some

Happiness for once it has been 13 years since a playoff birth and you guys deserve so much better better than what your team has gone after that’s why I’m critical for this team because I want to see them be electric again I want to see

Them be the team that I think they can be with that core they have so much talent and it’s about unlocking it and this off season will be huge for them but let me know in the comments down below what do you guys think about this

Sabers roster do you think they’ll be a playoff team next year do you keep Don Granado as head coach if you don’t who do you want to see him be replaced by I want to know all your thoughts Down Below on this Sabers franchise and what they look like going forward of course

Make sure you hit that like button hit that subscribe button hit that notification Bell if you guys enjoy the breakdown today and of course share the video with all the hockey all the Sabers fans you guys know online and get of course click on this card for all of my

Trainer content right in one playist for you to binge for all your heart’s content and I will see you in the next one have a great hockey day y’all and goodbye n

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The Buffalo Sabres are heading towards ANOTHER disappointing season without the playoffs in 2023-24…

So what went wrong with this Buffalo team? What’s next for this Sabres franchise? Can they still be a playoff team in the future in the Atlantic Division? And what moves could we see them make in this 2024 NHL Offseason? Let’s find out with analysis, breakdowns and more!

#NHL #BuffaloSabres #Sabres #LetsGoBuffalo #LetsGoSabres #NHLNews #Hockey

(Buffalo Sabres vs Ottawa Senators Highlights / Tage Thompson Highlights / Don Granato Buffalo Sabres / Jack Quinn / Rasmus Dahlin / Devon Levi / Ukka-Pekka Luukkonen / Owen Power / Alex Tuch / Casey Mittelstadt / JJ Peterka / NHL News Today 2024 / Buffalo Sabres News Today / Buffalo Sabres Trade Rumors / Sabres vs Senators Highlights / Anaheim Ducks / Arizona Coyotes / Boston Bruins / Buffalo Sabres / Calgary Flames / Carolina Hurricanes / Colorado Avalanche / Columbus Blue Jackets / Chicago Blackhawks / Dallas Stars / Detroit Red Wings / Edmonton Oilers / Florida Panthers / Los Angeles Kings / Minnesota Wild / Montreal Canadiens Habs / New Jersey Devils / New York Rangers / New York Islanders / Ottawa Senators / Philadelphia Flyers / Pittsburgh Penguins / Tampa Bay Lightning / Toronto Maple Leafs / Vancouver Canucks / Vegas Golden Knights / Washington Capitals / Winnipeg Jets Highlights 2023-24)

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  1. Sign up for BetUS with this link to get 125% sign up bonus on your first THREE deposits up to $2500 with code JOIN125. LINK:

    This season has been a rough one to watch folks… What are YOUR thoughts on this Sabres season? What are YOUR expectations for them going forward? And what do YOU think they should do in the offseason to make the playoffs? I'd LOVE to hear y'alls thoughts! #GravGang #RoadTo75kSUBS

  2. Regression from tage and cozens killed us. Tage had 47 goaks last year hes got 22 now. Cozens had 32 and he has 13 right now. Our offense regressed

  3. Sabres fans:

    How would evaluate Bensons first year? I’m an out-of-marketer so I don’t hear too much Sabres/east coast team chat here

  4. Consistentcy. they're like all the rebuild teams (mine included) are able go out and kickass, but not able to play with that type of edge every play and get back more leads, and take more games.

  5. IMHO they need a top pairing defensive defenseman that can play with Rasmus Dahlin. It’s a no brainer to sign Brett Pesce in the offseason if he is UFA. Also maybe a veteran goalie for a year or two so UPL doesn’t have to carry the full workload and Levi can develop. Just my thoughts, Buffalo will be a dynasty in no time.

  6. Although I thought that Kevyn Adams did The Best he could, given that all of his players had wanted out (Eichel, Reinhardt & other), so, he got The Best he could in Tuch & others, there are 2 important downsides to him. First, if he'd gotten rid of Ralph Krueger, that Eichel, Hall, Staal team could've gone so much further than they did & therefore, Adams is to blame for that. Second, right now, in getting Greenway & others in this year's trades, he's putting A Bandaid On A Bullet Wound. Therefore, he's to blame for it. Finally, as an extra, it should be noted The Pagulas/Owners are willing to spend money (I believe that they also own A Basketball Team that's quite a Success). Therefore, it's not as if Kevyn Adams' hands are tied as to making acquisitions. Let me know what you think. As always, enjoyed the video.

  7. I watch the sabres whenever my team isn't on so i watch around 35-40 games every season and it is just fascinating how they continue to take a step forward, then a step back.
    My take on this year, bad coaching, poor development of prospects, too quick to insert thier prospects into the nhl. I think they draft pretty well but development, nah.
    Poor team defense, also stands out.

  8. This team needs a Hard Coach that will bench the players when they suck & do a healthy scratch on the star players to send a message this team has no one to do that & that is why this team underperforms each dag on year!

  9. The Sabres could really benefit from having a coach like Tortorella.. I know he’s controversial and all that but he makes teams perform and succeedZ

  10. You have missed a few things. When you looked at the current D pairings, you did not notice that Mattias Samuelsson, who would be the other RD, is injured. After getting Byram, their top 4 D may be fine with Samuelsson back.

    The other important thing is that they have 4 first round picks (Kulich, Ostlund, Savoie, Rosen) not yet in the NHL, plus another high first rounder this year, plus several second rounders like Walhberg and Strbak. So much talent not yet on the NHL roster.

    It is a mystery why this talented roster did not make the playoffs. Someone needs to be able to blend all the existing talent with the upcoming talent. Is that Granato?

  11. In terms of the Sabres and playoffs: Until they actually make it, I honestly don't care what they do in the offseason or how many people decide to pick this team to make the playoffs next season.

    With how the team performed last year and comparing it to this year, It's probably the most disappointed this fanbase has ever been during this drought. When this team was playing good last season, that building was rocking and there was belief that this drought was coming to an end. Now the franchise has lost the respect of the fanbase once again and has to build it back up with them, and this time I don't see that building packed to capacity regularly until they actually clinch a playoff spot.

    And with the players you mentioned who the Sabres could go after, guarantee you none of them want to come to Buffalo.

  12. A team full of middle/bottom 6 forwards, an elite defenceman and 2 second pair dmen is not a recipe for success. This team has no natural goal scorers and no leadership. No one on the team besides Clifton even knows what the playoffs are. They are a full proper rebuild away from making the playoffs.

  13. Great video man and it's being discussed on Sabres forums almost everyday here. Most would agree Granato should go, I'm fine if Adams is gone also. I'd love to see them hire a disciplinarian like Berube, since they're now past the developmental stage I think they need someone to whip them into shape. Another goalie who can win us some games while Levi hones his craft in the AHL a year or 2, a faceoff guy since we're abysmal and them, we need more grit & toughness on the bottom 6. We'll probably have to buyout Skinners contract because when he doesn't score the guy is a complete waste of space who does nothing right imo. Those are my hot takes!

  14. Why would they bench victor olofsson for Zach benson victor had a 20 goal season last year how many goals did benson get this year hmm not worth it right now

  15. “Getting hard to watch”? You’ve always been a Sabre hater. You’ve underrated the Sabres and their players for years, yet the one time they don’t live up to your predictions, you’re here stroking your balls about how correct you were in saying they would only get 89 points this year.

  16. You missed Mattias Samuelsson, so your second point is useless. Plus, Ryan Johnson is a potential replacement for Bryson.

  17. The Sabres last made the playoffs just before the Thrashers moved to Winnipeg. Atlanta will have a NHL team once again before the Sabres make the playoffs.

  18. 5 of the Sabres main defensemen are 24 and under. Dahlin, Byram, Jokiharju, Power, Samuelsson, leaving Bryson, Clifton and/or Clague.

  19. I can't blame Granato, if key defensemen aren't present. He hasn't played since Jan 20th. Dude needs a healthy season.

  20. Having Dahlin, Power, Byram I think it’s too much. How about some right handed experienced muscles instead of, Radko Gudas 😀 Experienced forward could nice as well. Kane 😀

  21. I just can't believe that after 12 years of rebuilding they haven't attained quality defensive depth. It's a core need for any team wanting to make the playoffs.

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