@Florida Panthers

Paul Maurice refused to answer any questions regarding the Panthers clinching a playoff spot. He was not pleased with tonight’s effort. “Today is free quote fucking day. Take whatever you think I might say and use it. I won’t bitch about it.”

Paul Maurice refused to answer any questions regarding the Panthers clinching a playoff spot. He was not pleased with tonight’s effort. “Today is free quote fucking day. Take whatever you think I might say and use it. I won’t bitch about it.”

by Duffleman0609


  1. gumball_olympian

    I’m with Paul on this one. I mean, it’s a hot take, but someone had to put that guy in his place. I just can’t believe he had the gall to say it like that. That man had a family, and Paul just obliterated him. 

  2. Jaxson_GalaxysPussy

    They gave up a win to rangers. They gave up a win to the bruins at home. And now they shit the bed and rolled in it with an inferior team. Never mind the officiating bc it was bad. They’re too talented to let that get to them

  3. MilesDavis_Stan

    Hope he chews them out in the morning, exactly a year to the day from when he went nuclear on the bench vs. the Maple Leafs. The rest is history.

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