@Tampa Bay Lightning

Distant Thunder ⚡️802 to MTL

We’re traveling from Vermont for the Montreal game on Thursday. Haven’t been to a game in over a decade. 😬 Just wanted to check to see if anyone else was going. #DistantThunder

by AngryVermonter


  1. Dubstep_Duck

    At first I thought you moved to Montreal and was like “does this person have a death wish”?

  2. steelsheepshearer

    I relocated from Central Florida to Montreal 10+ years ago. I won’t be going to the game, but I think you’re going to like the ambiance of the Bell Center! Dont even think about driving there. Public transit is the best choice – the Lucien-L’allier station is directly connected to the arena, especially with freezing rain forecast for Thursday night.

  3. playa-hater

    Lived in Montpelier for awhile. Kinda miss it

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