@Buffalo Sabres

Levi Solid Again, Tage Nets 4 In Sabres Win – Postgame Thoughts

Levi Solid Again, Tage Nets 4 In Sabres Win – Postgame Thoughts

You know really I did I thought this whole season was on the line and uh they showed up they showed up and Tage showed up and Devon Levi showed up and uh yes we had our usual crap start we were not prepared once again early it felt like

But uh they seem to be able to play 50-minute hockey games and survive this season I think that’s the story this year folks really we play 50 minutes and we and this is the result of a 50-minute hockey team not 60 so big win okay we’re still alive as

Much as you don’t want to hear that we’re still alive don’t forget we got the capitals twice the Red Wings once and if you look at the out of town who they’re playing also some of these teams you got Washington Detroit I think we’re going to catch Detroit I’ll keep saying

It I think we’re going to catch Detroit Washington’s going to be I think the team that’s going to be tricky to catch and perhaps the Islanders and even this Devil’s team this Devil’s team isn’t done yet so anything can happen down the stretch folks we hope for the best that’s

It okay let’s take a look at the numbers let me get my wire off cuz my I forgot to charge it up guys okay here we go uh shots were 3630 for the Sabers Final Shots there and look they dominate on the faceoffs if you if you were

Wondering why the hell does this team somehow keep getting momentum back well that’s it right there and now I’m not a believer that faceoffs are a monster set but they’re a huge stat we got to address that in the off season Sabres did not get a power play The Devils were 0 for

Three and here’s why I think we won the game folks 38 hits to 15 we had 15 blocks also they had 12 they had eight giveaways we had three five takeaways a piece shots and goal per period 118 jersey in the first they were confusing us they really were in that

Period it could have been worse they were confusing us but Devon stood on his head on a few saves and then 1211 and the second you could feel the Sabers were not letting go of this one too in that period especially when we tied him but I we’ll get to that in a

Sec uh and then the Sabers in the third make their push win the game 177 shots on goal there scoring okay Wilman opens it up at the thre minute mark on a tip in I thought it was a lucky goal from luk Hughes and terney makes it one- nothing devils and jper

Brat makes it two to nothing from hire and Meyer at the 10:31 Mark makes it two to nothing Devils the boo birds are out that’s the end of one we Cod it a second Tage gets his first of the night at the 28 second Mark and the sabers make a

Statement they’re in this game cuz unassisted goal early unassisted is always kind of a statement goal for me makes it 2 to1 at the 28 second Mark then Thompson ties it up from Tuck at the uh 1729 Mark so we tie it late we go to the third Thompson with the natural

Hat-trick from delene and Tuck at 1526 late goal and the fans are thrilled at this point and petka really with the dagger because they were pushing guys they were pushing with that empty Netter from cousins and power makes it 4 to2 and I was happy about this goal

Folks because we let in so many damn empty net goals this year it feels like but Thompson gets Another Empty Netter from Yoki Haru makes it 52 Sabers with 6 seconds left in the game so Thompson folks finally finally has a monster game today finally you know took to this point of the

Year and we’re going to look at the standings in a sec I want to talk just a little bit about that though and the reason I believe Thompson was was on his game is because we were taking people out tonight if you noticed we were actually finishing hits

We could have finished more hits I thought we could had like 50 hits in this game but it’s okay you know they were engaged tonight the scoring was there cousins I don’t think is going to get more than maybe two more goals the rest of the year it feels like over with

Him if we’re lucky um Devon Levi once again stellar and Nets really solid goal tending it seems like he’s always playing good teams this guy I’m telling you but it you know that Ottawa loss really sucks right now it really sucks it’s the way our Seasons went remember that when that

Rubs you the wrong way thinking about last game that’s just the way this season has went it’s okay let’s just see if the the boys can finish out strong and win out all those important games and get right back in this thing all of a sudden unexpectedly wouldn’t that be a

Nice treat for us so talk about that in a sec we’re going to take a look at the standings here we go okay so there you see Washington 81 points 72 games play the Sabres have 74 games played 75 points we’re six points out I’m not worrying about their game in

Hand because you just got to figure they’re going to lose one of them for sure the question is will they lose the other one so I’m just looking at that like if we win out both those games against them then we’re two points behind them

And we got to win both those games in regulation I can’t say that enough if I’m Granado and that game is tied late in the game I’m tempted to pull the goalie to put the dagger in that game late you know I’m tempted because really we can’t afford them getting any points

In those two games so if the Sabres could win out in regulation it would really change the whole face of this the way this looks and if you go look at Washington schedule it’s possible they could collapse it is possible Detroit are on a road trip right now I think they’re

Going to collapse Detroit the Islanders it’s an older team it’s hard to tell it really is hard to tell their legs could be running out it’s hard to tell because they do have some good young players too so it’s really hard to tell over there the Devils they won’t run out of

Gas um but they’re learning this year that you can have a step backwards one year later you can have a step backwards and then uh the Penguins with all those Hall of Famers I’m just not writing them off not yet there’s seven points out 10

Games left a lot of things can happen in 10 games and that’s the way I’m looking at that so if there’s anything we can take lately is the goal tending of Devon Levi uh Tage getting a hattick was really it felt like old times again you

Know honestly I was just I was so happy he got the another when we got the empty net I just was looking at that clock as say oh please get one more you know and it’s not to stick it to New Jersey because I have no dislike for the New

Jersey Devils they’re one of those teams I kind of like in the East really there there’s not any dislike I have for them um you know it’s not like one of our Vision Rivals that I can’t stand and it’s not like that but I wanted the momentum to keep growing going into

Tomorrow and here’s the thing now the hands the hands of the Season lie on UPL they lie on UPL in this game tomorrow and if he comes out with a bad effort I hope they ride out Levi the rest of the year really you know don’t be a pretender UPL

We need you tomorrow so show up show up and really get the job done I I if if you want to proove on your next contract this season was not a fluke this Toronto game’s a perfect opportunity The Season’s on the line Levis staring at your job all of it so

There’s a lot of things on the line for UPL tomorrow I believe with the contract coming up and all that stuff there’s a lot of things on the line for him he has to have a good game tomorrow there’s just no question about it if he has another crap performance right out Levi

The rest of the year like we did last year no more UPL sorry no no no no this is not till we’re done not till we’re done we’re not done yet so no I I I don’t want to take chances with what little minuscule chance we still have I

Don’t want to just give it away because we want to be nice to UPL no so if he shows up and he plays a crap game tomorrow Levi has to come in one more time to bail him out right out Levi the rest of the season season then that’s it

Really you know this is our our our last backtack of the season right now so if we can win tomorrow we will pick up points folks now how we’ll pick up points is a good question right let’s take a look at tomorrow’s schedule and I’ll uh I’ll try the best I can

To to stay uh stay positive with with all this because anything can go on anything can happen in in hockey Detroit’s up Florida Detroit’s up Florida Florida have had their struggles lately I believe Florida is going to win that in regulation Toronto at Buffalo we know we

Can beat Toronto if we’re on our game and we sure as hell don’t want their stupid fans in our building cheering as they’re screwing our season no uh Pittsburgh at Columbus Pittsburgh will probably win that Chicago at Philadelphia we have to hope Bard shows up in that game Islanders at Tampa Bay

Tampa Bay’s rolling right now I expect Tampa to win that in regulation and Boston at Washington folks things could change in 24 hours is what I’m saying could if we win that’s the key if we win you know if the Sabres could win one more I’d like to see what

The standings look like by tomorrow night we could be four points out all of a sudden if everything went our way Four Points you guys know how quick it changes with a win streak and then if we’re four points out the next game we have is Washington you get what I’m saying this

Is why I’m not throwing in the towel not yet but I’m frustrated I’m very frustrated with this season but they keep giving us hope they keep taking it away and giving it back taken away giving it back we’ll see we’ll see tomorrow if tomorrow could go our way

We’re in it if it doesn’t go our way we’re pretty much toast really if we lose and both those teams win in regulation too you know that pretty much does it pretty much I mean you know the chances after that are like one or two% I’d

Figure and I’m not going to give you gambling odds guys just tell you as a fan I don’t care about the odds I’ve as an athlete when I was younger whether it come to martial arts or hockey I didn’t care about the the the odds I don’t care

The odds don’t matter the odds are a fictional thing they’re just not real unless you make them real in your head so for me I don’t care about odds uh so what the odds are right now with the Sabers I don’t really care people say they have like 5% chance

To make it I don’t care next guy might say they have 8% this guy might say he has three this guy might think they’re getting in like I don’t care I want to see after the games are played and then I’ll tell you what our odds are cuz after 82 games I’ll

Tell you if it’s 100% or zero till 82 games are played I don’t care what the odds are I want to see if they can just make a real strong push now down the stretch you know eight games left one tenth of a season left 10% of the Season

Left can we win seven out of eight here of the next eight if we can I think we’ll get right back in this one if we can but how close I don’t know that lost to Ottawa really things right now but we had no business winning it we had no

Business winning that game so I’m not really that game doesn’t really bug me like a 3 to2 loss like Jersey must be hurting right now because it was 2-2 late in the game they were pushing they were trying uh they couldn’t get one in on Levi uh you know the last 50 minutes

They just couldn’t get one in on him and their season now takes a major hit you know but they’re in the we’re in the same race that’s what they you know Devil’s fans have to understand that we’re in the race too you know we’re not giving up either here so so that’s it

Guys I’m going to um come here come here my little angel is here and she’s getting ready to go out I got this cute little tag ordered for online I I can’t wait to show it to you guys when I when it comes in it’s a cute little

Tag and um you’ll get you guys will see when when uh when it comes in okay I’m going to put you down we’re going to go out okay we’re going to yeah yeah yeah I know we’re going to go out okay guys so the boys win they stay alive six points

Out could it be four by tomorrow night that’s the question going into the Washington game I don’t think we can ask for a better scenario than to be four points out with those guys with that imagine how big that Washington game becomes if tomorrow night goes our way

Think about it think about it later on before writing off the season things could change I’ve seen it happen in the past all right done for the night done for the night I’ll see you guys tomorrow I will be putting in a big day of videos

Tomorrow you got my word on that I will be putting in a big day regardless I’m going to do a lot of stuff I got to do tonight while it while it’s late I’m going to do it tonight so that way I got tomorrow to put up four or five videos

That’s what I’m hoping to do and I’ll see you guys uh no matter what in the videos tomorrow and in the pregame see you then A

The Sabres keep their very thin playoff hopes alive in a clutch 3rd period in this one tonight as they now sit 6 points out of that final playoff spot facing the Leafs tomorrow..thanks for watching and see you all in the pregame tomorrow ๐Ÿ˜Ž
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‘Khatchaturian Sabre Dance’ was licensed and purchased from Audio Micro (License #U269T3409)


  1. I must say that it has been a tough season for Tage but overall his effort and grit has been spot on since January. Nice to see him be rewarded and get some goals on the scoresheet

  2. I thought it was gonna be like the Ottawa game after the first period. Iโ€™m glad they fought back and got the win. They were buzzing right before the third goal. Iโ€™m glad they were rewarded.

  3. you nailed it. I thought they had solid hustle in this game even when they were down and i could see them coming back. Glad to see Thompson finally get something going this year, I'll be rooting for him to hit 30 goals.
    edit: preferablly hit 30 goals against the leafs tommorow.

  4. What makes me happy is every red wings fan thinks they had a great season and Buffalo has had a terrible season yes Iโ€™ll admit Iโ€™d wish we were higher but reality is we are 4 pts apart we spent less money we have better prospects

  5. People keep saying Cozens hasnโ€™t been himself since his concussion but I thought heโ€™s looked horrible since preseason. I hope to god he has a bounce back season because paying 7 million to a 3rd or 4th line center is gonna hurt.

  6. What really grinds my gears is the fact that we have ONE less win than Washington, but are 6 points back!! Those OTL points are giving teams that lose a in OT or a Shootout an advantage over teams that lost in Regulation!

    If the Sabres finish one or two points out of a playoff spot, while having one more win but Washington has 3 or 4 more OTL Points, something needs to change, because that not right!

  7. This team is so confusing. They look like an AHL team most nights and never seem to care if they win or lose and yet they win games like tonight when they didnโ€™t really need to. So confusing.

  8. Wayne, just by your ending statement about the odds and etc. You would make a good coach! You got a Herb Brooks mentality going on there! That type of attitude, leadership, and etc could really pull this team together. Who cares about what the odds are, in reality the team holds the chances in their hands, not analytics! They want it, go get it!!! Play 100% every game moving forward and the team can do this. Oh im hoping Donnie leads like this, but dont see it. Hope the team watches this videeo and realizes that numbers dont matter. Its all about the performance and where we are at after 82 games!

  9. NJ was outskating us early. Tage, Tuck, and Levi got us the win tonight. What has happened to Skinner? He and J.J., were our best players during the first half of the season. Now, he's disappeared it seems.

  10. I agree Wayne, regardless of the odds, what we (as fans) need to see, is some playoff style hockey out of these boys!

  11. I wonder if the 2 tenders actually get along like the Boston goalies I hate that the goalie position should be a competition until it's figured out ,I hope I never have to see our goalies hug

  12. Peterka should have been playing this much the entire season and losers on the bench. 5 goals in 4 games, but all season we watched Okposo on PPs. I donโ€™t know what the coach was thinking playing his kid and old man Okposo so much

  13. Buffalo has a 1% chance to make the playoffs. The odds are better my X wife becomes a nice person bs Buffalo in playoffs

  14. THG (located in Vancouver BC) donated 50$ to the Bald for Bucks campaign for Roswell he's getting a "goat head" T-shirt!!! the math is still there for the Sabres however slim it is don't give up until and if the math doesn't add up

  15. Best case scenario, UPL goes back to his normal form and starts letting in two to three softees a game and the sabres lose out. Higher draft pic (i know everyone wants to lose out so granato is fired but i guarentee you he will not get fired no matter what this year), UPL will not get overpaid in the offseason, maaaaybe adams smartens up and wants to bring in some actual sandpaper to protect the kids/dahlin next year.

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