@New Jersey Devils

Allen, Bratt, Hischier, Green Post-Game

0:00 – Jake Allen
1:57 – Jesper Bratt
3:07 – Nico Hischier
4:33 – Travis Green


  1. This team is hopeless. Good luck to Fitz in the off season – he’s going to need it desperately. This roster will NOT cut it. You can dream and be delusional all you want. I think most of us can say that we have very little confidence going into the next season. BTW, effort was garbage so please stop with this BS scripted excuses! Looking yourself in the mirror and F Off!

  2. 2 goal lead after the first and they thought “oh that’s enough to get us a win”. Pack up boys it’s over.

  3. This team is a joke. No heart! Most important game of the season and this team is still trying to be cute with the puck and make the pretty play happen….sick of this.

  4. Late in the game they were on the ice for some long shifts; this preceded the game winning goal. This was the result of not getting the puck out of the zone.

    I have wondered about their conditioning at times. They seemed out of gas during those shifts.

  5. Wat a crap show,,,!!! How in the heck do u keep Hughes wit holtz n haula game after game n not see their doin nothing….

  6. Problem is they can not score. Jack is not the same after last bad injury when he took a hit. He can't score in situations he should have no problem too. Defense is not there at all. Why the hell do you need 2 guys chase 1 guy at our end??? I think defense is a major failure here and hence why offense hesitates. Nico is the only player with Allen that show up to play and work their rears off.

  7. One thing is certain, Travis Green's not the right guy going forward. Need a Berube or a Brindamour type of coach with a whole new staff. The ONE coach they should have kept was Brunette and Fitzy let him walk. Plus, the Devils have to seriously contemplate trading the Hughes' brothers. They'll get a load back for them. If Fitzy doesn't want to make the effort for a trade, then he has to go as well. The "future" is practically here. Can't be wasting time on players that won't be able to make the grade. Lots of changes should happen this offseason.

  8. No heart. No grit. No passion. No testicularity. This team needs an overhaul and a new coach. Fitz is on the ropes, too.

  9. Same thing all year. They beat a good team like Toronto, and immediately follow it with a loss to a mediocre team like Buffalo. They've had just enough big wins to tread water in the playoff race, and enough bad losses to make this a very painful year for themselves and fans. I only hope they it makes them mentally tougher next year. Or eventually.

  10. “We knew they were going to push”. So we thought playing only 20 minutes would be enough… the fish stinks from the head to the tail!

  11. Was obvious the season was basically done with the poor performance on the California trip. Recent play got hopes up for the playoffs but that was just a pipe dream. Bring it strong the next game on Tuesday. Lets Go Devils!

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