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“He’s A Rocket” | Buffalo Sabres Goalie Devon Levi On Tage Thompson’s 4-Goal Game

“He’s A Rocket” | Buffalo Sabres Goalie Devon Levi On Tage Thompson’s 4-Goal Game

You had some bad luck in the first period some deflections they wind up in the net how do you guys recover from that and come back yeah you know I think uh it’s a long game you know you got 60 minutes I think we’re only through the

First like eight minutes or or so by the time they scored two so you know I knew there was there was still a lot of hockey to be played so um you know it’s easy to feel like it’s the end of the world you lend two quick ones but it’s

When the mental toughness comes in that’s when you rely on your teammates um and you kind of come together as a group and you know just chip away at it and try to get back into the game um you know I have no I no doubt in the

Boys you know um two goals not a lot for for our team to score so um you know we got some some big goal scorers you know Tomer stepped up put four in there so um not not you know it wasn’t him alone it wasn’t um it wasn’t you know an

Individual effort although he played an unbelievable game I think the boys really played well today blocking shots you know um giving him the puck getting him those opportunities and then put him in a good scoring you put him in a good scoring spot he puts a post and then not

Much you could do as a goalie so you know I think uh we had a lot of trust in the locker room that we can get done when you get two deflections like that is it just it’s the luck let’s move on let’s go yeah you know I think it’s it’s

Even even if they were like goals from the red line you know it’s it’s two goals it is what it is and you move on it’s not it’s not the end of the game um I think it’s uh you know it’s easier to move on when you know you know that

There it was kind of a bad balance um but you know the mentality is to try to kind of just stay even killed regardless of how the goal goes in and you know just flip the page and you know leave it in the pass and and look forward I’m

Sure you’ve seen a ton of shots from Tage in practice over the years what makes him so effective as a as a goal scorer um I me you could snap it could snap the biscuits hear in my mouth um yeah I mean he’s got to Rocket it’s it’s

Hard to see um you know he changes the angle really well he pulls it he’s just an elite scorer he knows where to shoot um it’s it’s great going against him in practice um you know being able to see his release you know get better with him

Push him too um he definitely pushes me so um yeah what did you see from the group on those penalty kills in the first period uh it was great you know um that five on three kill was huge I didn’t I didn’t see a shot um I I felt

Like the guys played it perfectly like um you know I felt like if if they were to shoot it was uh I was seeing I I was I had the lane um and they it felt like they had all the back door threats covered um I think they did a really

Good job at kind of making it one-on-one being the shooter and then you know push him to you know try to try to score on a not high danger chance so um I think uh I think I think it very effective and then to kill off the next one I think

The the PK really gave us a lot of momentum tonight gr D was just over there calling you Beast how did you get that that game uh yeah it it started when I when I first came in um I said something to the media like uh I wasn’t

Able to play and I was like you you can’t keep the Beast locked in his cages kind of mentality that I had and um you know the voice started making fun of me for that so it’s just a playful joke and uh it’s it’s a great niame I love it so

You like it yeah I do how how does it speak though to the way you play I know you got to ask the boys that I can’t talk I asked him what’ he say he said just kind of you’re like a maniac in the crease I’ll take it I’ll take

That you Dev skills I mean you stop grabing a breakway but then you pull it away from coming way out of the net where where does that come from um I think uh you know growing up I was player I I only became a goalie when I

Was around like N9 or 10 years old so um even even when I was a goalie my dad my brother and I we’ play hockey in the basement i’ be a forward all the time just try scoring my dad so I you know I grew up playing as a player so um you

Know those skills are still be worked on it’s a different stick it’s a goalie stick but I just enjoy it you know sometimes I’m in the room shooting um and uh just just cuz it’s fun and you know I think I think uh it’s it’s kind

Of just a read you know if I get there if I get to the puck early and I you know I may able to see I’m able to scan um you know our D are so good they open up for me um you got guys that you know

Really are really good at alleviating pressure when I have the puck so you know the the D make my job easy when your mask gets knocked like that do you got to get it off your head as quick as you can so they’ll blow the whistle uh

You know what I don’t even know what the rule is like I I’ve seen seen goalies like not have their mask on and not like the refs don’t blow it I think I think if the other team has the puck they’re not allowed to blow it I’m not sure

Exactly that’s the rule um but you know I just just try try to keep it on my face as long as I can just so I don’t get a puck to the face and you know just in case someone’s wide open with a puck um you know I still give myself an

Opportunity to kind of make a save so um it happened really quick I fell down trying trying not to let it like Bank off me in the net and just try to catch my helmet um definitely was a weird situation you more wor going off the

Helmet or off your back off my helmet he’s a good shooter he he uh jacked us he shot that he likes picking those Corners he’s really good at it too so um he uh he he he almost got it thanks thanks

Buffalo Sabres goaltender Devon Levi spoke with the media after the team’s 5-2 defeat of the New Jersey Devils on March 29, 2024.

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