@National Hockey League

Minnesota pulls goalie in OT

Minnesota pulls goalie in OT

by Only-Highlights


  1. Used_Guidance7368

    So on their record does it just count as a regulation loss?

  2. Reedontop1

    I understand the need for the points. But that was funny asf

  3. crline3924

    Thanks to them for the extra point, but fr it’s a ballsy but necessary move when you’re that far back in the wildcard

  4. bigbigjohnson

    Is this the first time a team has pulled their goalie in OT and lost?

  5. NewGuy10002

    Confused why they do this, I know they won one earlier in the season doing this? But you still get 2 points if you win in the shootout and Vegas already secured at least 1 point because OT, seems reckless but has to be analytic based. Are they just absolute shit in the shootout?

  6. Conscious-Quit8207

    Hot take: pulling your goalie in OT should work the opposite way of how it currently does. If you score, the opposing team loses their OTL point.

  7. CheesecakeOdd2087

    Minnesota isn’t going to make the playoffs.

  8. Ugh, I get the need for that extra point but I feel like even that single point is extremely valuable right now. Huge risk, didn’t pay off. What can ya do.

  9. Knights_When

    ESPN broadcast floored. The pulled so hard for MN

  10. thelordcommanderKG

    A stupid gamble against Vegas. You don’t only need points you need them to not get anymore. This was a gift to them

  11. Scavenger908

    They literally just soldified these assholes into the playoffs. God damn it.

  12. Baron_VonDoom

    As long as the Knights win and the entire rest of the league continues to cry, I’ll be happy

  13. spicyvanilachai

    I mean, it worked last time lol. Might as well right?

  14. Not a bad showing for a team ~$21m under the cap and without its #1 D (and captain). Two years from now, things will be fun…

  15. bcoates26

    Seems to make more sense to at least take the loser point if you’re trying to make the playoffs. Mathematically, your expected points *has* to go down when you pull the goalie in OT

  16. CallMeTeff

    They tried to pull that stunt AGAIN?! Well, it can’t work every time 🫤

  17. guywhois0nline

    Icarus flew a little too close to the sun. No way that was going to work twice.

  18. cantbelievethename

    As a Wild fan…. Not worth the embarrassment

  19. tjplager32

    I for one, think they should do that more often

  20. OkraNo8365

    Who’s MN’s coach?? Him and Dan Campbell must be good friends!

  21. CitizenStrife

    I was working at the game.  I saw Vegas fans walking out going, “Why the fuck do that in OT?”. 

    What I wonder is if Hynes wanted to pull the goalie in regulation, but couldn’t find an opening.  

  22. Foreign_Cup2877

    Why would they do this against the knights.

  23. Imdibr156

    Fool Me once shame on you.

    Fool Me twice shame on me.

  24. kingofwale

    Great way to tank in point for higher draft picks

  25. Ok-Season-3433

    Bruh, you do that when there’s 30 seconds or less in OT, not a minute and a half.

  26. I like the idea but bad execution. You can’t take a shot from the outside like that. You need to work for a better scoring chance than that.

  27. ReignOfHellXXI

    Bold strategy, let’s see how it works for them Cotton!

  28. tristan1616

    This will be hilarious if Minnesota misses the playoffs by one point

  29. Sourlick_Sweet_001

    Why did I hear about the rules of pulling out the goalie out in a podcast days ago and now that just happened??? 🙂

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