@Buffalo Sabres

Maple Leafs vs. Sabres LIVE Post Game Reaction – Leafs Talk

Maple Leafs vs. Sabres LIVE Post Game Reaction – Leafs Talk

Hello and welcome to leaves talk uh you’re seeing me on the left side of the screen if you’re watching on sportset Plus in YouTube which is very rare I’m usually on the right where my friend Anthony patril from May believe hot stove is right now uh you can check out

His Leaf notebook every Monday I got a great podcast on there as well and he joins us this evening after a what was a sleepy game for a lot of the game where I was kind of like keeping one eye open on the couch a little too comfortable

And then all of a sudden that third period turned into an electric Factory and I don’t know where you want to start I guess we’ll probably start with the Matthews goal I do want to start with the fight and what happened at the end but we’ll start with the Matthews 60 and

Uh I guess we can go from there but uh how are you bud I’m good man like you know that was a fun game sometime you know I know it was sleepy at points but the way it all ended and the way everything came together sometimes you

Just have to enjoy the fun ones not everything has to be a you know referendum on the playoffs or what’s gonna happen come spring you’re gonna be miserable there’s 82 games you have to enjoy it a little bit along the way I enjoyed it it it was me too it was wild

In there that was every year there’s a game in Buffalo which is much like the first one which is 93 and you go if I made that trip I would be absolutely Furious but then every couple years there’s a game like tonight where you go I wish I was there

Because it was bumping I actually had it circled uh a few of the guys that I’m buddies with we had actually mentioned doing it it was just one of those things we never followed through on and boy am I not thrilled that we didn’t follow through and it like I okay so we’ll

Start with the fans down there I you know if you’re listening to this podcast when you you get home from the game I’m sure it’s one of those games where you just want to consume all content from you know it’s like one of those things you’re just you’re doing

Your Mo morning scroll tomorrow reading every article watching every highlight when you’re coming home from the game I don’t think you could ever draw up a better game for a road fan like to be on the road it’s 80% Leaf fans like there’s usually a lot of leaf fans there Anthony

But that seemed like more I can ever remember there being it was unbelievable and in a weird way and I’ll get your take on this I think it was better that the 60 happened there like I feel like that was a much more rousing uh sort of Ovation for Matthews

And it would have been at scoa bank am I crazy on that not crazy I mean part of that I just have this kind of gripe in general with the entire league is I think goh horns kind of suck and there’s something egg I don’t like it though and

There’s something to be said about just I mean I I don’t know if we’ll play the audio if we’ll be able to pipe the audio in but you just the eruption of the crowd on a goal like no you know the goal horn is just so artificial it’s

Actually great point that you don’t hear the original pop like when you watch you’re a big soccer guy right like when you watch uh the EPL or whatever and they score a big goal the pop they’re not blowing a horn it’s like the pop of the crowd is what’s amazing it’s an

Awesome point but I’ve actually never thought I didn’t think we were going to start with Goal horns but it’s a great take yeah it’s so you know the whole thing but I you know I do think obviously if it was in Toronto you probably would have got the MVP chant I

I remember being in the arena after Matthew scored it was he scored against Dallas was I think was that for 60 or was something it was some sort of mil the leaf record yes there we go beat Vibes record and I was in I was in Toronto the

Next game and it was games pun all was Saturday night and he had two that game we were like oh my God is he gonna score like six and hit 60 right now but I like the crowd was awesome you know when they showed the replay at the first break and

Um it was it was a great standing Owen there but there’s something particularly cool about it being in Buffalo all those fans it’s a packed house you know not every there’s very few teams actually in the league that could get that kind of opportunity you know like there’s

Nowhere the you know I’m just picking them out Florida Panthers could go and get that kind of reception no there’s no team really like I mean the Habs maybe like I don’t I I got to tell you right now I haven’t watched a lot of habs

Buffalo games this year you know hand up but I don’t know when they go down there if it looks like that pry good the proximity though the proximity with the with Toronto down there it’s a cheap trip I just feel like you know there’s a big thing and we’ll get to Matthews here

In a second but I do feel that you know the perception of leaf fans is tied a lot to what scoa bank arena looks like on a Tuesday night a lot and people are like building but one of my like tle takes has always been that if you just had a

One game year where it was first come first serve game where it was like people lined up and the first 20,000 people got into the building that were Leaf fans the loudest building in the league by far right there’s there’ll be no comparison there’ll be no more loud

Barn so I just think it’s the type of people that get to go down there that wouldn’t normally get to go sit lower bowl at Scotia Bank because it’s just absurd it’s too much right like to go to a game it’s like a second mortgage so I

I think it’s just kind of the the way it goes with with the people that get to go to that game so yeah Matthews uh actually do we have the sound up uh yeah we have sound let’s play the let’s play sound we play the clip if we

Can if we can roll it here I see a yes okay let’s rip let’s rip yes here we go yeah okay not hearing any sound or am I supposed to be hearing sound or no anyways you’re watching his goal here um oh here we go two Matthew

Ste he oh look at him once again and Matthews tried to B it he’ll Cent it back it goes to Tim shooting Matthews there it is number 16 the ninth player in NHL history to have multi 60 goal Seasons okay so the two things the reason I want wanted to play that first

Of all the goat CC Chris cuthber like that is such a huge moment for Matthews to get I know it’s this the second time he’s done it absolutely Nails it but what he says in there right only the ninth guy in history to get 60 goals twice like what we’re watching Anthony

We can talk about the playoff stuff and it’s always measured against all these failures but we’re watching one of the best goal scorers in the history of the league play for the Leafs like this full stop and gets 60 again and you just have to enjoy it you really do on nights like

Tonight yeah you absolutely have to enjoy it and if you look at the crowd they’re enjoying it too the whole that is for for Lea fans that have been around for a while that is that is 2004 Alex mcil a thousandth point to tie the

Game with like a minute left y if you if you know the game go watch it if you don’t know the game go watch it it’s up on YouTube You’ll see the game in six it’s cabet scores the overtime time winner it’s just an unbelievable extremely well that is the closest to so

The whole crowd also want to point out just as a very quick I know the story is Matthews obviously and it was a six shot of the of the night to finally score and you could see it kind of Weighing on him so absolutely in terms of like the

Perspective of the team I’m happy it’s just like it’s over with now you know and and we can all move on he got it it was awesome it was a great moment let’s all move on from you know after tonight but from him taking fadea away jumpers

From the Blue Line like we can we can move past that yeah it it’s it’s uh you could see a wang on him man I felt like it absolutely it almost felt like that for 50 as well but it was all in the span of like five minutes in Arizona but

That like five minutes you had like Matthew n going into that game saying he was gonna force feed passes to Matthews and I’m like I don’t think you are in a position in the NHL to be you know like changing your play drastically and I also don’t think Matthews needs your

Help to score so like that all coming through but just the six shots he was all over the place on the night in in terms of creating offense driving for it and In fairness that’s what you want to see I don’t think he was forcing anything to like an insane level but you

Could see it kind of seeping in and and you don’t want it to hang over his head now it’s it’s Florida Tampa this week and there’s no talk of 60 it’s like get some points in two really big division game so it’s it’s nice that it’s all

Done couldn’t agree more with you on that and I think it’s actually the perfect thing here because 70 is I think out of the question now right like he’d just have to get on a stupid heater he’d need a couple like a hat trick to really

Get back on Pace to do it and I’ve been talking about this since like the start of the year that if he got close to 70 and it’s like you’re playing those last two games against Tampa and Florida and you’re maybe playing Florida in the first round and you’re playing them a

Week before the Playoff starts and Matthews you know I wouldn’t mind him missing that one I don’t think there’s a reason to play him against a particularly dirty team you want to give him a little rest before the playoffs and he’s on 68 it’s like well he’s

Definitely playing and I just think that that that that conversation now has gone Moot and I think it’s a good one um yeah this is also a stretch of 10 and 19 for the Leafs coming up here right so some load management would be nice for a few

Of these guys I absolutely agree so one quick more thing on Matthews before we move on to I think samsonov which is the next biggest story I just the way he’s playing with mner he’s really different he is really different and like this is one of Kipper’s tent pole takes talking

About takes that we all have he always talks about how you know Marner plays the center role on their line he has the puck he passes the puck like he he has the puck more than Matthews does a lot of the time when they’re playing together and you’ve really seen Matthews

Over the stretch especially now that he’s playing with DOI and bruzi he’s passing so much more effectively and he’s passing so much more and he just is play playing and like I’m not saying he’s not a good Center or whatever he’s excellent defensively clearly but just he’s really really changed his game

Since he has and it took him a little while to get used to it but the way he’s playing with out Marner really does tantalize you into them not being on the same line in the playoffs where it’s like if you can find a way to have them

Separated it’s a real Advantage I just love the way he looks right now yeah he’s more involved in the game because he also realizes he has to take more control abut given the circumstances and that’s fine that’s fair that’s what you want to see I think there always seemed

To be this notion that he you know he needed to play with Marner and I think the conversation is more so that marner’s an awesome player in his own right so obviously playing two awesome players that legitimately comp complement each other well you have a right-handed shot a left-handed shot one

Guy’s a passer one guy’s a score I mean yes everyone a match made in heaven it really is but is the team better like greater than the sum of their parts when those two are together and so far come playoff time that you know now we’re going back into playoff conversation but

The reality is when it’s come playoff time they have not been yeah and teams can kind of put all their eggs in one basket of shutting those guys down and it was it was very much like last Saturday they played Edmonton and the Oilers loaded up their Top Line it made

No it made very little sense to me personally especially playing a depleted Leaf team and you heard Jake mccab after it was it was almost like they were a little insulted and took that personally as a group like that they were going to load up and come into Toronto and

Steamroll them and like you had Bobby McMahon after the game calling it out Bobby McMahon is like he’s not even played 60 games in the league and he’s like well there you know we thought we would be better than the rest of their team well Bobby McMahon would be playing

On their top line right now he’s one of the best players in the league all of a sudden so I don’t he looks he looks great so call him out to anyone like I just I respect his opinion now as he looks like a season veteran scoring

Winger all of a sudden so maybe you got to respect his opinion the other part to that too though is their penalty kills so I like that’s a story in this game like they were perfect the Sabers you know the Leafs kept them in the game they kept taking penalties two over the

Glass the offens like two offensive zone penalties derer and Matthews I you know I didn’t think the Beno penalty was a penalty at all call I mean we could spend that’s a thing we don’t do a lot of refs talk on this show because you could just do it the you’re going to

Drive yourself crazy every night that’s not a penalty in the National League like that can’t happen but their penalty kill was excellent and I think we’re starting to see doer in Camp kind of figure each other out a little bit to the point where maybe you’re looking at

Penalties where you don’t at least always start camp and Marner together and it’s not like Marner on the penalty kill I mean he’s good on the penalty kill but he’s not like Prime Marsha that like you know was coming down score he’s not like Travis conne this year who has

Leads the league and Shand the penalty kill was like 24th with him in the lineup it wasn’t like it was lighting it up with him there it’s been bad he’s gone but but you’re not getting the offense from him like there’s no like you might get some but there’s no like

Outrageous extra offense from Marner on the penalty kill like you just want him to kill penalties so at the end of the day if you have camp and derer kind of saving the minutes like what you want Marner doing is playing on the power play which was again awful tonight

Without him awful and you want him playing five on five like you want him producing so you know like we’re talking you know Matthews Mar not necessarily together but I think there’s also this other layer of like preserve his minutes like have him doing the things that

Matter most because he like doesn’t have to be on the penalty kill all the time like you’re going to put him there but doesn’t have to be like 24 a night for Marner clearly agreed so talking about the penalty kill uh one of the starters of the penalty kill this evening was

Elas samsonov uh who was excellent he was the star of the night he was St tonight amazing tonight I you know this really makes you feel good as a leaf fan watching him play this well and I’m trying my best to beat back the early season demons and these weird Demons of

Him leaving games for no reason when he’s like not really that hurt and every time he pushes off I’m worried I have to I have to say like I I I’m lying i’ be lying to the audience if I didn’t say my butt puckered a little bit every time he

Pushed over to his right but God he was solid tonight and this looked like the guy that was a huge reason that they got past the first round last year and you know I think everybody thought sort of thought wall was GNA come back and just

You know usurp samsonov and he was the guy that they all they pretty clearly wanted to win the battle from the start but I have to give Sams off a ton of credit man he has not just he just has not given it up like a lot of times in

The competition doesn’t go as well for him or whatever and we all know that conversation but tonight man I I was really impressed sa gets the shut out earned it and he just looks confident Swagger man he’s playing with a ton of swagger yeah and it’s also important to

Note the last time they were in Buffalo right like they lost 93 is such an Sam let in a terrible goal against Greenway to start that game yep and he ended up getting yanked and so for him to come back to Buffalo it was it was a 100 days ago I believe that’s

What Chris Chris cber said at the start of the game so a 100 L days later he comes back and shuts them out and he was he was the player he was the best player in this game I thought like the the the multiple Breakaway saves on the short-handed for the sabes especially

The rebound followup and and the crowd going crazy I mean he like again the Leafs kept the Sabers in the game a little bit some of it was some of the you know that call on benoa didn’t help and a few other things but by and large

Like the Leafs kind of kept them around they weren’t scoring they were kind of out of a flow because of all the penalties and and he was excellent anything that they created he turned them down and as much as we’re talking about the penalty kill it’s not like the

Sabers had zero looks you’re going to get some looks and they have good play they have good players on their on their power play like they are they’re putting out guys that really shoot it well and like the bottom half their roster isn’t great but they have stars who are good

PowerPlay players like Tage and denen like they they can play so for them to you know not only kill all these penalties but a big part of it was samsonov which is any penalty kill you need your goalie to make saves that’s that’s an obvious one but yeah I just I

Thought he was really good tonight and I I we do this I say this a lot of the show but I’ll say it again I truly can’t believe it’s the same guy I think there’s a chance there’s a part of me that says they went and got uh George

Samsonov from Russia who was like his brother that no one knew and they just put him in there and just I he’s it’s crazy the start of the year he was so bad Anthony like it was so bad I thought he was done I didn’t think he had a

Career and now he’s like go go ahead truthfully it’s goal tending like it’s a magic beans like it doesn’t necessarily make sense I mean I like I remember writing back in December I wouldn’t have put him on waivers because I thought New Jersey should have claimed them because

They had cap space at the time and now I watch Sam snoff and go like imagine Jersey claimed them because they’re like gending has sunk them this year what a save that is I didn’t really realize how good a save that was that was unbelievable save but if you if you

Think about Jersey claiming them and where they could have been I mean the Leaf’s way waiver luck this year like they haven’t had this for years like wow and then immediately everyone stopped claiming the guys so I don’t know if there’s something to it like I

I’m not gonna dig in deeper on it but you look at it’s like samsonoff cleared McMahon cleared benw cleared Jones like Martin Jones cleared and he had that like 16 game Run yes I mean where would they be if teams like paid attention to the waiver wire this year

Because the the Penguins not claiming Bobby McMahon like legitimately floored me at at the beginning of the season because he’s younger that team’s old dubba should absolutely like I thought for sure I was like that’s going to be a spiteful claim the second it went down

And obviously they didn’t do it and you know thankfully they didn’t and now Bobby McMahon’s found a home here and he signed for a couple years and all that fun stuff but you know they lost will lagon on waivers who I liked but you know if you were like it’s no offense to

Will lagon but yeah compared to what’s happened I mean I don’t think anyone’s gonna lose any sleep over that and I don’t think the Ducks are like you know we’re going to lock this guy in no three years here everyone will survive with that happening it’s okay so we’ve gone long

Enough now we get to talk about my favorite part of the game other than Matthew scoring 60 but it’s the okay it wasn’t a brawl because there was a lot of weird you got to take your gloves off you got to take your gloves off it was a

Weird I love Mark Jano so much Anthony I I gotta tell you man I respect the hell out of this guy he gives you every single thing that you would want like just heart and soul he can’t piss a drop at the end of the game he gives it all

He’s got it all out there there’s nothing left but he just goes into this swinging wildly he doesn’t know who he’s hitting he doesn’t know what’s up denene does a dirty little move he’s sneaky dirty always been sneaky dirty he always been dirty and he just he which I

Respect I I think he’s a great player like he’s a hatable guy he’s a sneaky dirty dude and he doesn’t like the leaves him and Matthews my prediction is that Matthews second career fight will be against him but I just I thought that it was a borderline hit like I didn’t

Think it was that bad it was sneaky dirty a little bit but for this to happen was a really great response and you know the the the narratives and the quantifi bles and all this stuff and the the intangibles bud this is uh this is the stuff that the Joe’s and the toos

And the uncles love to see this is an excellent response from a borderline hit from the sabes so yeah I have a I have a ton of time for Mark Jano I mean you know not only does he come home but he takes the discount you know at at the

Time that he signed that deal he definitely could have wa made way more money on the open market he he wanted to be here you know which I think played into him getting traded here in the first place like I you know I don’t think they just him by chance

But we’re watching this on sport set plus here and it was just BC manah and who was he just they were legitimately dancing it looked like a high school dance look like me in high school yeah they gotta they got to turn their they got to take their gloves off for it to

Be like a legitimate line brawl sorry for you no it’s okay and and you know when Jano went sliding into the boards there against Arizona yeah like I I was heartbroken I was like I hope that’s not his last shift ever in the NHL Oh I

Thought I thought it was for sure I thought it absolutely was and you know the father passing away and and then he comes back and he scores and and then this for this to happen tonight you know like that again like I know everyone always wants to talk about playoffs but like sometimes

You just have to like enjoy the moment and be a fan and to me that that’s to be a fan enjoy the moment like recognize what you’re seeing like I I try not to throw it out there lightly but he legitimately is a warrior the way that

He plays and throws his body in front of pu and the way that he battles you know he’s not getting by on Talent anymore this isn’t five years ago Norris caliber March Ordo this is you know I’m milking every last part of me that I can get for

This team and for you know for guys to see that I hope that’s inspiring within the team I’m sure it is I’m sure that’s not lost on guys and you know that daring play wasn’t crazy dirty that wasn’t get suspended dirty but that it was it was bad intentions it warranted

It warranted the response absolutely it definitely did and and he was the first one without blinking I wasn’t entirely sure if they were going to respond when it happened just kind of watching live there was a pause there for a second I was going oh okay we’ll see and then went oh okay

Never mind this is on it’s on now yeah and and berzi was right in there too which you know he was looking for anyone at that point he I’ll grab anybody and I’m I’m willing and ready any point here so you kind of you watch the whole

Sequence of events and and the crowd’s going nuts and it’s 90% Leaf fans and the teams into it and Matthew scored 16 again a game that was very much sleepy you know we haven’t even talked about the first two goals yet of the game right you know Robertson finally scores

Again not finally I mean he scores again yeah but after after four turnovers on the shift that before he scored was like the perfect Robertson shift yeah and I don’t I don’t know if we want to get to that at this point and start to transition from that but you know I

Think that’s part of what they’ll have to look at again going back to the playoffs is homberg had a few tonight right in the middle of the ice I I thought that was I thought the game against Carolina was his best game at Center and I thought this was his worst

Game at Center this was crazy that was absolutely crazy just over five minutes into the game the Leafs just had a lead uh you know to do that was was stunning and then the sequence before the goal happened again it started with the puck on his stick time and space and he’s careless

With the puck here I mean first a bad pass but then the play looks kind of settled down here it should be settled down this is the NHL yeah that you know you have time and space that’s a really bad Force pass that that cannot happen

Yeah so I think what makes what helps you sleep at night is that there’s just no chance these three guys are playing together in the playoffs when marner’s back and if they get yarn Croc back I don’t I mean which we haven’t heard an

Update out on at all so I don’t know if he will be back in time for the playoffs yarn Croc but uh I this is just Chef Keefe in the kitchen cooking like he you know how many different line combinations he’s had over this season like it’s in it’s he’s just he’s like

Let’s see these games are borderline meaningless let’s see what can pop here let’s put these three guys together who turns out to be the most responsible one like I do like Colberg but I agree with you with the up and down nature of his game like he does have Big Time brain

Fart nights where you’re like oh boy and I I think it can’t happen at Center no it can’t and I don’t think they’ll play him at Center I think when when push comes to shove I you know I I don’t know what they do I mean that’s why at the

Deadline maybe they should have got another bigger name Center than Connor derer but uh it’s just I I don’t I don’t picture Sheldon Keefe who is obsessed with like control of a hockey game putting uh Holberg at Center in a series against the Florida Panthers like I just

Have a hard time beleving that he’d do that yeah and he’s honestly he’s also been really good on the wing so I don’t want to take that away from him he’s he’s leg to me on the wing he’s he’s in the playoff lineup I think he’s been

Excellent on the wing he’s starting to come along as a penalty killer here which is important his Faceoff percentage actually climbed like eight% since his rookie year um so that’s good I just I don’t recall him being this poor defensively at Center last season I remember there was a point last season

Where Sheldon Keefe was praising him as a rookie saying he basically never at a position and this season whenever he’s played center it’s almost as if he’s had to slow down because when you play Wing it’s the easiest position in the sport yeah right you just go up and down the

Wall and you don’t really have to worry too much patrolling the walls of beer league my whole life buddy it’s easy game fun cut off the pass to the dman snap when you get it that’s yeah that’s it you don’t have to worry about going

Down low no you know and none of that stuff so you know I think Holberg is his game has really grown in terms of making plays and you know being a contributor along the wall but when it comes back to Center you kind of see you know both of

The plays that we just showed were him trying to make plays you know it wasn’t the puck he couldn’t handle the pass or anything it was him trying to make a play for it and it it was a terrible decision both times so you know but you

Also see the benefit of Robertson you know I don’t want to totally slag the the whole play and I’m not saying that he should be in the lineup full or anything but you know that’s a goal scorers finish that that is hard to teach I mean for a

Team that has not scored they scored two goals or less seven straight playoff games to get eliminated last year that puck was off a stick in in about a second yeah and he beat him cleanly how many guys do the Leafs have that can do

That uh few a few for sure and they have the best one in the league but you can never have enough guys that can put the in the net so it’s a beautiful finish and he loves five a great finish Robertson loves five hole that little shot bang like that’s a quick fast

Release there’s no chance for Lucan in on that so I also don’t know what Bryson’s read There was I I mean I’ve probably watched it 10 times it was a two-on-one and he just went I’m gonna skate right at n we’ll see what happens he’s like buddy I’m in Cabo mode it’s

Buff that was the EAS that was the easiest pass that n could have you know n made a great play to win the battle get the puck out and turn up ice yeah and you see the advantages of to him on the third line because he’s coming out with way more

Pucks and you know he has every game he seems to have a chance where he just kind of drops his shoulder and makes a play a little bit more than when he was against top guys but that pass was so easy to make because Bryson just went

Yeah I’m just gonna skate at him and that was crazy bad by him so the last thing I’m gonna bring up and I don’t want to end on a negative but I’m just gonna bring it up I don’t get why when Marner is not out there the idea of

Bruzi and Taris on the same power play unit to me is in who’s passing they don’t have anyone passing it’s so weird to me like they have they’re so hesitant to do doy on that top unit they’ve only done it I think maybe one or twice during this stretch when marner’s been

Out but they’re just so predictable like it’s gonna go up to the top it’s going to go over to neander he’s going to hold it for a little bit GNA try to C go cross ice to Matthews they have one guy on him and then it’s just the two guys

At the side of the net not touching it ever like two guys touch it all the time it’s it’s they need another passing option out there it’s really really predictable and it’ll all be mooded I guess when M when Marner comes back and they can get in more of a but right now

It is hard to watch it’s so predictable the so the very the first Power Play they had they had neander and Matthews on their one-timer side yeah and we we’ve shown the clip of of neander finding Matthews with a cross IED play Matthews it wasn’t a one-time but it was

A quick release off it it was the only good chance they had on that power play and then the second power play they had they flipped them because presumably they weren’t getting any sort of down low play and the Sabers were pushing three up you know one right on Matthews

One right on neander and R one right up on Conor Timmons who’s not exactly gonna break of a pressure or four check or whatever you want to call I hate him up there can we put some could put Gio up there I don’t like I hav him up there is

A wild ride it’s unpredictable I think it’s tough no matter who they have at this point because teams are just forcing them up top and when they switched neander and Matthews for the second power play neander had a few sequences where berzi was wide open down

Low and he was holding it or curling back or looking cross ice and to your point it had to be a bump down L at that point you have neander ory on his strong side passing it to bery a lefty who’s also his stick is away from the net at

That point and it’s wide open the blade and berzi is a good passor down low that’s one thing that he’s very good at and one thing I didn’t know about him that like has surprised me throughout his time with the leaves is how good of

A passer he is yeah and if you go back and watch his Series against Bost or his series with Boston against Florida that was where he did a lot of damage he created a lot down there with that passing play so you know in the absence

Of Marner I think they really have to be trying to push that that neander berzi bump down low and instead they’re too up pie yeah but I I will say as I see we’re at the 30 minute mark one thing I I do want to flag and it it’s getting a

Little bit lost in this game but neander was was unbelievable tonight I thought my God that movie he made into the middle that movie made into the middle I wish that went in because that edge work is otherworldly man that was highlight of the month type play absolutely like

This was awesome the the little cut in Bobby McMahon also just driving the net and taking bodies with them but then you also go back to the first first gool I mean he got the puck at the top of the circle in his own Zone and he just just

Blazed down the wall you look at it done neutral Zone’s over see two guys right at him Acres of space Acres of space for tarus because two guys went right at neander he just totally broke their whatever they were trying to do in the neutral zone he just said yeah I’m done

With this and just blew right by everybody in the second period he drew a penalty doing the exact same thing I mean he was he was flying all night he gets rewarded with the point there he easily could have had a couple more he was really really good tonight it get

You know Matthews gets 60 samoff gets the shut out there’s the lme brawl we talked about all those things it gets lost but neander came out and really was to me the Difference Maker for the first two periods of this game for the Leafs that coupled with the Leafs getting the

Robertson you know bang goal and the penalty kill as you know as part of Samson off really shutting the door so a lot of good things for the Leafs to build on and you know some things particularly power play that they still need to kind of sort out the last thing

I’ll say about neander is the the the long well not long but the stretches of offensive apathy with him where like we used that’s what used to drive you insane with him where he’d go through like a week or two where he just wouldn’t be there it’s just completely

Gone like you can talk about his attention to Def DET detail defensively say that 10 times fast right now during these meaningless games but it used to be that would go and the scoring would go and it’s like not anymore he is just filling it up every night like he is

Truly one of the elite elite offensive players in the league right now and you’re right for pointing it out he’s just he’s been he’s been awesome so anything else driving that he no he’s driving that line and and yeah the last thing I’ll say is it’s always nice to

Win in Buffalo that’s a house of fours for Toronto cut it any way you want if you’ve been a fan for any length of time it’s never mattered how good the Leafs are how bad the Sabers are they go into that into that barn and it’s usually a

Mess and you know to come in the big win like that samsonoff standing ovation Matthew Standing Ovation 60 the shut out the lime brawl I mean enjoy it that’s a fun one dream night for them down there and the thing is they’re wearing those jerseys too so I’m like I got Ryan

Miller at the start of his career I got hassk I got pville got all oh yeah like hated those te Tim Connelly threw his own legs Connelly sneaky unbelievable hands one of the unbeliev really really good mixtape if you want to go back and I think on that

Note Anthony on that we will end it uh so again Anthony Petr oh I gotta do the old bunk stuff like on YouTube uh like uh you got to subscribe to this podcast leave a comment as long as it’s nice and Anthony follow him on Twitter at apet

Trelli go to Maple Leaf hot stove and read his Monday thing where borney pilers all his takes for a show from your from your wonderful piece it’s uh I love having you on there buddy and I uh I really appreciate it and we’ll talk again soon okay thanks for having me on

Man my pleasure

Sam McKee and Anthony Petrielli will react to tonight’s game between the Toronto Maple Leafs and Buffalo Sabres immediately following the final horn!


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  1. Anthony's point about the goal horn is spot on. My favourite hockey experience was when the World Juniors were in Buffalo. Canada played the US in the Semis. It was 90% Canadians and the pop when Canada scored was electric. Always thought teams should give it a try for home games.

  2. Samsonov dominated his net tonight. Dominated. And I agree, it's way better Matthews got it in Buffalo rather than Toronto. The crowd would not have been as excited as it was in Buffalo. The die hard fans got to witness it, and I am happy for them.

  3. Would love to see Keefe blender result in Marner at centre line 2 for a few games. See him as Dennis Savard 2.0

  4. I am 100% convinced we should not have 34 and 16 together to start playoffs. It works, we know it. They pop when taken apart and put back together.

    Other teams do everything to shut them down when on the same line. Spread out the wealth, let their elite skill drive different lines. And, give them a reason to try their heart out on the powerplay and get that awful thing back on fire!!

    Motivate them to do their best individually at every single opportunity. If we lose the first game or two and it’s obvious they need to be together, then go right back to it. Also can put them together at random points 5 on 5, their chemistry is that automatic. Will mess up other teams match ups (just listen to Paul Maurice’s interview on Kyper and Bourne)

  5. Pretty sloppy defensive game, but Sammy bailed them out. Leafs have to clean it up, they have Florida and Tampa coming into town this week. I'm not going to get all excited about Leafs beating a non playoff team, who could have easily won if they had buried some of their many chances. Keefe can't be happy about the way they played defensively.

  6. It’s too bad such a great sport has been ruined by America. Oh well, at least European sport is still real

  7. Agree with Sam. Should not have Tavares and Bertuzzi on the same powerplay.

    Either have two units spreading out the talent or tell Bert to accept the 5on5 focus.

  8. Hey, Sam/All! I'm coming over from UK, for first round of playoffs, and hoping to get tickets to Tailgates and Home Games. If I can't, are there any go-to pubs where I can meet up with other Leafs fans? GLG

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