@Vancouver Canucks

Post Game Thread: Anaheim Ducks at Vancouver Canucks – 31 Mar 2024


VAN wins, 2 – 3 .

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by HockeyMod


  1. CanucksKickAzz

    That’s okay Sportsnet, we don’t need highlights or anything….

  2. Mikeywestside

    Man, I don’t know if Hronek is going to be worth whatever money his camp is asking for, but it was really cool to see him stand up for Silovs with zero hesitation at the end of the game. Good on him.

  3. gangstarapmademe

    Dakota and Garlands chemistry is Sedin levels at times its nuts how many highlight passing goals they get.

    Speaking of passing, Petty fucking show some confidence and roof that bitch on that 2 on 1 rush. That pass to Ilya was ambitious

  4. mikull109

    A win is a win, doesn’t matter how or who against in this league. It only matters that they got it done.

  5. Nier_Perfect

    People are way too doomer about that game. Canucks we asleep for the first 5 minutes in the third but otherwise controlled the game.

  6. snakpak_43

    Coach wants them to find 5th gear, but when your playing like your running on one less cylinder this is what it looks like, all jerky and sputtery.

  7. thesunsetflip

    If we’re using Mason Marchment as a comparable, they gotta find a way to afford Joshua

  8. lindenfan1

    Doomers r the biggest losers, enjoy the ride we have 100 POINTS

  9. Da_Chib_625

    had me rooting for the ducks to teach them a lesson honestly. disappointing game, from everyone but daks and silovs

  10. Lazycanuck

    a wins a win, against a team they should absolutely not be struggling with but whatever

    Not really a good homestand in the grand scheme of things, only 1 win against a playoff contender despite all the rest they had on this 9 game stretch is …really underwhelming, its a good thing they had 4 of those 9 games against bottom feeders i guess?

  11. This should’ve been the game that Bains and Podz prove they’re deserving of being on this team, but they got severely outplayed by a terrible ducks team on every shift. Don’t think they should be getting much more of a run here until next year.

  12. sailflower

    It’s so funny. People rag on the team for not scoring on power plays. Team scores twice this game. Now we need to find something else to be mad about.

    Damned if they do, damned if they don’t. Sure, not the most awe-inspiring game ever, but can’t we just be happy we clinched a playoff spot and our third-line looks insane?

    Always fun watching with the Reddit community, but can’t say it didn’t suck to read all the negativity today.

  13. RockyBoatsank

    This team is an absolute roller-coaster and i love it. Don’t let the our record fool anybody here, come playoffs we’re underdogs. Games like this are proof, nothing’s gonna be easy but we can surprise some teams. Good win, hats off silovs, let’s clinch this div! Love this club

  14. julesieee

    13-0 this season for me 😍

    Next game, Golden Knights! 👀

  15. cheguevara9

    The game thread would have you believe we are one of the worst teams in the league. Too many fucking doomers and haters here on this sub and the toxicity is overwhelming.

  16. xtothewhy

    Nice to see us get that win with our 3rd goalie Silov. Not happy with losing the lead but we won. And Dakota Joshua rocks.

  17. Megamedium

    Means-nothing game but I’m still glad that Hronek and Miller were more than ready to give that McTavish kid hell for doing that stupid shit. All the true upper echelon teams will swarm you for breathing in their goalies direction, and I’m glad the Canucks are handling business like that. Just a few years ago I remember Demko constantly getting *hacked* with no response.

    Game kinda really sucked and might be a worrying trend but I’m chilling. We sealed our playoff spot, and Dakota Joshua is a Vancouver Canuck. That’s enough for right now.

  18. Rahtgooves

    This league has a ton of parity. Edmonton lost to Ottawa last weekend. Not the homestand we were hoping for but we at 100. Enjoy the ride!

  19. PatchesTheGreat1

    Inevitably people will come in here to say we suck and we’re pretenders.

    Look, we played super sloppy. Not a good game by a long stretch. Start to the third was one of the worst all year. Absolutely brutal.

    BUT I’ve seen the narrative thrown around lately that we can’t turn it on when needed. Every time that accusation gets thrown out I get a bit lost. Once we were tied it was dominance from our guys. We saw similar stuff in that comeback OT win against Boston a while back and a number of other games when needed.

    We shouldn’t be choking leads but the team does seem to have another gear at times which does make me happy for playoffs.

  20. I was a big fan of Petterssons effort today.

    Oh shit my bad he wasn’t playing today.

    Edit: okay he actually was playing today but he must be playing through any injury.

  21. Loose-Manufacturer15

    Great team effort today! They kept the Ducks to the outside for most of the game

  22. 100 points. Very few saw that coming (and certainly not me).

    Yes, the road has been bumpy lately. And yes, the ultimate prize is the Cup. But this has been the most fun Canucks season we’ve seen in over a decade.

    Enjoy it while it lasts, folks.

  23. Joshua, and Miller are the heart and soul of this team

  24. helixflush

    That third period was way too much excitement in a bad way

  25. Sandoozless

    I know stats don’t tell the whole story but

    * Canucks were 66.7% on faceoffs tonight – 40 to 20
    * 2 for 4 on the PP
    * 4/4 on the PK
    * Hits 34-10
    * Shots 30-22

    First goal against shouldn’t have happened.. Not the greatest goal to let in but also an unreal shot from the perimeter. Feel like the defence did everything right there.

    Canucks beat a team they should’ve beat. And out played them. Had a 3rd stringer in net and one of our top-4 dman scratched.

  26. A_Crazy_Lemming

    lol the game thread meltdown was hilarious as per usual

  27. kerosenehat63

    Is Pettersson injured?? Because he has been a non-factor theses past few weeks. Against a team like the Ducks, he should be padding his stats.

  28. thorcheenma

    Whos idea was it to sell clinched Tshirts, how greedy are these owners?

  29. shadownet97

    How did we do? Missed the game entirely but only checked score which obviously doesn’t tell the entire story…

    We blew a 2-goal lead apparently? Oof.

  30. Your pessimism isn’t protecting you from disappointment, doomers. It’s just increasing your odds of heart disease.

  31. dthrowawayes

    This game might mean nothing, also might be what keeps us having home ice advantage and I wanna go to a home playoff game again

  32. I feel betrayed by my own team. I lost my fantasy by .2 pts. Petey did nothing this game! 1 shot that’s it.

  33. Rude-Adhesiveness575

    If we beat Vegas this coming Tues, all will be good again.

  34. electricnux

    We’re the first team in the league to 40 regulation wins btw.

    I’m glad Silovs had a good game and DeSmith got some rest, but I can’t wait to have Demko back hopefully next Saturday vs LA

  35. Garret_Sylvar

    Alright, great job everyone! We all stayed positive and definitely didn’t get worried about them losing this game at all!

    (Fully acknowledge I’m usually one of the culprits getting upset)

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