@Boston Bruins

Bruins Shake Up Lineup In Win Over Capitals (Sunday Skate)| The Skate Pod, Ep. 295

Bruins Shake Up Lineup In Win Over Capitals (Sunday Skate)| The Skate Pod, Ep. 295

[Applause] this is Sunday skate with Scott mcclaflin Andrew Razer raycroft and Bridget crew on Wei Kevin shaton Kirk in round five scores P right Michael must score and swiming comes up with they get the Bruins kill a 4minute penalty in overtime and win by Jeremy San’s genius in a

Shootout welcome into Sunday skate happy Easter to everyone celebrating um SC mlin with Andrew Razer raycraft and Bridget PR you just heard the highlights of the Bruins 3-2 shootout win over the capitals on Saturday as Jack mentioned they kill a 4minute double minor in overtime which was impressive Brandon Carlo was out there

For three of the four minutes Andrew Peak just about the same Charlie Coyle was on for half of it as the forward uh Swan had four saves on that penalty kill and then three more in the shootout so it ends up being a I think a

Really good win uh you know there’s been a lot of a lot of these Sunday skates where I’ve come on here and been kind of the negative one but I’m excited about this yeah out of the gates listen like they’re a better team than Washington they probably should have won that in

Regulation but I like I liked the way they played for the most part they held the capitals to 16 shots on goal in regulation fewest the Bruins have allowed all season so sure maybe they could have done more offensively we can get into that and how different lines looked because Montgomery switched up

All kinds of combinations for this game uh but I think you have to come away from that feeling pretty good that that would have been that would have been a real let down had they given up a goal in that overtime you would have felt like man that’s a that’s a game they

Probably should have won they did a great that that the the PK was awesome that that makes the game I think if they they lose another one in like I I it’s almost at the point where it’s like well you might as well just go get the loss record in overtime at this

Point like they’re so close to it and it doesn’t affect me one way or the other see they do have a record to chase yeah exactly like that I was kind of thinking that last at Le especially when they got the heist thing I’m like all right well

You know all right go for 20 you know you might as well get 20 at this point um but I it was just a good good character it adds into the week right it ties into the week I think as well it was a kind of a good finish they deserve

To get four points out of that week um you mentioned the way they played Saturday I thought they played great on Tuesday especially defensively their structure 21 shots against Florida Florida’s got a little bit of an offensive issue right now against everybody but um and then even Wednesday

I I didn’t think that they were um taking any shifts off defensively even in Tampa so so it’s a huge week defensively huge week for their structure and and to get four points out of the week I think it’s really positive for them yeah there I mean we were talking about trying to

Ramp up to playoff hockey and and with the week before this Razer I think it was it was it was Monday right where they had that practice where they momy ran them because he didn’t like their effort and he said they weren’t and in playoff mode they weren’t playing at the

At the rate they needed to be but then you see them come back and you see them play that Florida game that looked like playoff hockey there was more intensity to that um and you see them playing these desperate teams like Washington and coming out on top now it would have

Been a different story if they give up a goal late in regulation or if they give up a goal on that 4minute power play um which it luckily for lynol they didn’t because I thought other other than like that would have been people would have look at that as maybe his fault for

Taking the high stick and taking that penalty in overtime but um glad it didn’t really put a black mark on his game because I thought he played well he made the save right in the beginning of the game and then he and then he had the

Goal in the first as well and and I I don’t know I thought he’s been playing better and we can talk about the different de Pais because today he wasn’t or yesterday he wasn’t with Brendan Carlo he he was playing with Charlie McAvoy yeah that it was a really

Strong game for hampus lindol and you’re right had he been sitting in the box when they scored the winner that would unfortunately wash a lot of it away um yeah that great Play to save a goal in the first period and quite frankly B his partner on that because Charlie McAvoy

Had a tough turnover in the offensive zone that led to that chance uh and then his goal you know just throwing it on net good things happen like wasn’t wasn’t a snipe wasn’t anything fancy um Brad Martian actually had to duck out of the way uh but yeah even aside from that

Like I thought he had a really strong game um I was going to ask Razer uh so I heard swayan after the game say he he owes lyol a a Swedish F which means coffee just and they and they love their f um how how many times did you have to

Buy anyone dinner or or uh you know anything for for bailing you out no you say you are but you never actually spend the money on how Gil there’s no way I would spend money on those guys um after all the times I bail them out they so

But you definitely say it uh no there’s sometimes uh you it’s a big you know like it is fun when that happens happens it it it does guys get excited about it when when a player makes a save Michael Ry or you know like that as a goal you

Get a big kick out of it out on the ice so Jeremy was probably fired up does a goalie have to buy like his defenseman any gifts and it because we we was here in like the lineman yeah in football about quarterback having to buy offensive lineman like Christmas gifts

Or whatever not um I mean I I I I didn’t make $10 million maybe the $10 million goalies vasileski probably should be buying his defenseman something um I I wasn’t uh I wasn’t giving away any my money um to any of those guys you know maybe maybe but no it’s funny it’s just

It’s it’s less of a it’s less um group based I guess in an NHL room just you know just that many less people where everyone’s kind of more together I don’t I don’t even really remember having a dinner where it was just goalies and defenseman um which is a good question I

I don’t remember that ever happening like oh we’re going to get all together even the D doing it get like the forwards be like you guys are losers like you know what are you doing we’re a team that kind of stuff so no it’s um that’s fine I haven’t thought about that

But no I don’t remember doing that and I don’t remember ever just even having a a a a goalie dinner not even just a goalie dinner well soan said after he said I’m gonna go give them all hugs when I finish this interview so there you go

Maybe just hugs right yeah did you do that no Jeremy’s a hugger I we didn’t do hugs no there was no hugging so we mentioned Lind Holm was up playing with makavo that was one of many lineup changes the other was loading up the top line putting panak and marshan back

Together with zaka centering them and they were on the ice for that lolm goal uh all three involved posnik had the Zone entry pull up to keep possession zaka makes the pass over to Lindholm Martian’s at the net front that it was a good game for that line uh then after

That so you put he put Co with Heinen and Frederick de brus is down in the third line with geeky and brazo brezo gets a look there I think that’s interesting to note because it feels like there is very much a job on that third lineup for grabs uh you know

Probably had been penciled in as James Vin Reams dikes but he has been battling illness hasn’t looked great when he’s been in recently has been in and out of the lineup so seems like that sp’s really up for grabs interesting to see brezzo get a look

There it was the second game in a row that Lindholm and Carlo weren’t together uh Montgomery had also split them up for the Tampa game and I’m curious Razer if you think is this the right time to be experimenting or should this be the time where you’re trying to like really lock

In your lineup because there was a pretty long stretch before this where Montgomery had actually kept the lines together pretty consistently which is rare enough for him and anyways and now eight seven games left we’re getting he’s even called it experimenting he wants to see who has chemistry with who

And I I guess my opinion is like you’re probably not quite close enough for it to you know it’s not a bad idea yet but it I’m a little surprised that like it this didn’t start five games ago that it’s happening with under 10 games left

Well the the so so no I I’m I’m not surprised based off of last season based off how Montgomery’s philosophy I I should say um five games ago six games ago is too long ago like we were talking right we were talking a couple weeks ago

Like there’s still a month left in this season when when everyone was saying they playing they’re playing like there’s still a month left it’s too far away you can’t sustain experimenting for a whole month guys get tired of it guys get worn out you’re really not going to

Get a lot out of it because what’s happening on March 13th is completely different than what’s happening on April 13th so I think he after this week I think on Monday with the the yelling and the reset and everything else that happened I think that put everyone in

Playoff mode he decided on Monday or he decided Saturday afternoon after that Philly game that he was going to make playoff mode happen on Monday it didn’t matter how they started in practice he was going to yell and scream and make them skate it like that’s all fairly

Premeditated from a coach like he was mad Saturday mad all day Sunday sitting at home hanging out with his family woke up mad Monday morning and just was going to let loose on them that there’s there was no way that they could have avoided they could have looked like the 84

Oilers in practice and they were going to get skated and they were going to get put into playoff mode Monday so I think that’s all part of his playoff mode is is getting the D interested in who’s going to play and who’s not going to play get them focused on this is a

Competition for the next three weeks and give them an opportunity to fight their way back into the lineup in both forwards and defense so I think that’s what he did there I think he has a two-e window and you get uh let’s say next the

What what do we got the ninth who’s that Carolina at home I would say after that Carolina at home game he’s going to have a very good idea after playing Carolina Florida Tampa what he wants to do with these lineups depending on who they play in in in the playoffs now just quickly

Because I just took a lot on that just going back to I love Carlo and M or mavo and lolm statline last night that th th this defense time on ice this is exactly what I want to see basically every playoff game makoy 27 ly Holm 26 Carlo

23 Peak 21 and then you have shad and grizzli at 13 that’s essentially a winning defensive time on ice game come playoff time for me and I wanted to see it last year and orov got in the mix and I think it just threw things off on the

Back end and enough that’s not you know they should have all played better but what I want like I want to see car mavo and lindol that that’s what I want to see that parent I want to see them out there a lot of the time I want to see

One of them out in the ice as much as we possibly can see them because I think that’s really the strategy that works and now I just pulled up Z’s minutes so Dano Char’s minutes in like the 11 in playoffs cuz I was like how much did he

Actually play and it wasn’t 30 a night like like it was he played 30 a couple times couple overtime games he got over 30 but a lot of it was 26 25 27 28 28 28 26 28 26 that’s that’s essentially what a number one defense minute look like

Come playoff time and that’s what makavo is going to have to eat for this team to win and L’s going to be right have to be right behind him it’s it’s not a bad thing and they can use those minutes they can eat those minutes but that’s

What it’s going to have to look like for this team to win yeah and they’re starting to use Andrew Peak more and he had his most time His Highest time on ice for the Bruins well since he became a bruan he had just over 21 minutes and

A lot of that it felt like uh a big chunk of that came on the penalty Kell especially late and he did really well with with taking over that role and you so you see Derrik forber go out of the lineup for injury and and have to get

Surgery and and you know he’s not going to come back but you you do add someone at the trade deadline that didn’t cost you a whole lot that’s coming in and playing that role that you needed and he’s he’s not the guy that’s going out of the lineup every day either like it’s

It’s a it seems more of a battle between shaton Kirk lorai wetherspoon and that peak’s kind of carving out a role for himself where he’s valuable so they’re not going to take him out is it too early to applaud Dawn and and the crew for finding Peak I don’t think so uh a

Little too early let’s not take let’s see how he does in the playoffs I’m not not taking you get a guy like that under $3 million for the next two years in your lineup that’s like huge huge cap value to pull that out was impressive I

Think we can say yes just because the risk was so low and you need you’re you have a position of need that forbert vacated and you’re able to find someone young with still some term left he’s not a rental and hopefully he continues to do what he’s been doing yeah that the

Risk was low in terms of the return in terms of what you gave up my concern at the time was the I was that you’re committing to him for two more years after this which you had to make sure you get his game right for him to be

Worth that contract and so far he looks pretty right here he has minimal playoff experience so I’m going to wait to see how he looks in the playoffs because we saw last year you know not that it’s the only reason the brooms lost far from it but you saw a third pairing that

Struggled with forward and Clifton guys who had been good in the regular season you know looked like they had their roles carved out run into Florida and all of a sudden they struggle and your third pairing becomes a problem so I want to see Peak do it in the playoffs

You know that can’t be a weakness but yeah another good game for him on Saturday for sure and yeah four of his minutes came on the penalty Guild two of them or like two and a half just in overtime Alone um so yeah that’s very valuable I

Razor like you’re right about Lind Holm and makoy and I think it was important to I was surprised the first game that Montgomery split ly lindol and Carlo up that he didn’t immediately go to lindol makavo as a pairing he went lindol Peak and caros with we spoon for that game uh

Down in Tampa because we we’ve seen lyol and M together at times this year but it’s almost always in like an offens situation you know offensive zone draw they’re going to load those two up or when they’re trying to come back occasionally you see them together

Trying to hold on to a lead too but it was always kind of like specialty situations I like the idea of giving them a whole game together running through five on five shifts all situations all zones um and yeah that their numbers were even beyond the minutes like the

The Cory the shot attempts when they were on the ice all good um I mentioned mavo had the one boo boo that led to that chance that that lenol had to save off the goal line but other than that they they look good and I think it’s

Important to get them a little bit of time together because you are probably going to run with them together for longest stretches because as you mentioned they’re going to be the two sucking up the most minutes so you’re they’re they’re just naturally going to end up with shifts together because yeah

Carlo’s not going to play as many minutes as lolm is grizz’s not going to play as many minutes as makoy is so yeah getting them together is definitely something I think that they had to do play W with the defense and and I heard a couple of the guys talk about it this

Week when when they asked questions about it there there isn’t they don’t they don’t think that they need to play with each other very much to feel comfortable because like you said they they overlap so much throughout a season they they play with each other are so much closer and

Communicating and talking on the bench as a defense group or as those four defense sitting on the bench while there’s two on the ice so often that that that chemistry that those guys have isn’t that important um and isn’t you don’t have to play five games together

At the end of the season to know exactly where they’re going they they can do it very quickly they feel very comfortable as a group playing together um you move them around a little bit I think you’re doing it a little bit as well just to get everyone’s attention when you put

Their numbers up on the board again that’s a coaching tactic um but but do believe them when they say we don’t really need to play together a lot like we all feel comfortable playing with each other and being out there on the ice together it does help for a game

Here or there to to get a full 60 like you said with linol and makoy especially they’re used to having the puck so how do they play off each other but but they they don’t need 15 like lyol and makoy are way too good to need 10 games to

Together here to be good together in game one so they can ping pong a little bit more it’s it’s more the usually the forward unit with that extra forward in the mix that extra player that extra communication that extra person those are the guys that that want a little bit

More time together yeah my thought is is that it was more to see what the rest of the like what the rest of the D look like when those two like when you’re separating Len home and Carlo like how does grizzli look there how does my how

Does my third pair look like just to see how it all falls in line when you just to to get a a look at it basically right yeah grizzli and Carlo hadn’t been together in a while and I thought I thought you know Carlo looked freed up a

Bit too he had six shot attempts in that game uh so we’re often running here on Sunday skate we can get more into the defense definitely want to get more into Montgomery’s call out and timing of that and the week that followed you can join

In 617 779 7937 text us at 37937 a lot of shots but I thought it had playoff Pace yes I thought both teams uh were very um responsible like getting above pucks or that’s why there wasn’t a lot of shots there just wasn’t a lot of

Place to make cuz people were above you and it was pretty physical out there welcome back to Sunday skate with Andrew raycraft and Bridget PR I’m scam M golin that’s Jim Montgomery after the Bruns 3-2 shootout win over the capitals on Saturday talking about it just being a

Tight checking game they not being many offensive chances mentioned in the first segment the Bruins only gave up 16 shots in regulation uh conversely they only had 26 themselves so not like they were you know racking up great scoring chances I am so I feel like if we look

At this week as a whole a lot of tight checking games for sure the Florida Panthers game was the one that actually felt like a playoff game that you know really had the emotion and physicality Tampa felt like a you know Bruins were on the on a backto back it

Looked like that especially in the third period they’re trying to come back in that game they go seven minutes without a shot on goal uh to finish it off just looked like they didn’t have their legs Tampa I thought was kind of sloppy too that was their first game after a long

West Coast Road Trip in the Washington game I I don’t know if you guys think that that felt like a playoff game because it really didn’t to me like the capitals are fighting for their playoff lives and I give the Bruns credit for keeping them in check but they didn’t it

Didn’t look like they were playing Super desperate hockey and I didn’t think the Bruins really were either it felt like a game where the Bruins were better than the capitals and we kind of doing just enough and they end up with the two points in the end which is probably what

They deserved but I kind of feel like the capitals the way they showed up like they they were there for that could have been a dominant win for the Bruins and they didn’t quite bring it to that that next level you know I I don’t think you have to every single game

But it did feel like there was there was more there for them in that game that they kind of left on the table but still end up getting the two points on the end well in WA Washington can’t bring you can’t bring it you can’t play desperation every single night for like

2 months it’s exhausting like you’re you’re you can’t it’s it’s impossible they got smoked by Toronto two days ago so they traveled late they get in late there like they’re grinding and you’re playing desperate but you’re also exhausted and physically and mentally you get drained and that’s what

Washington’s done all year they they’ve been very okay obviously with their goal differential but they find ways to get points they find ways to get it to overtime they find like and and certainly they’re going to be the most much more disappointed not getting two points after having a 4minute four on

Three um so no it listen there’s still you’re you’re not going to get you’re going to get playoff intensity once a week right that’s all you can ask of these guys right now the 82 games 75 games into the season you get it Tuesday night you know you’re not getting it

Wednesday night out of this group there there was no chance that they were going to have the same Jam the same luster uh for that game Wednesday night it was impossible and then Saturday you’re still on the road you’ve been in a hotel for two days like you’re just kind of

Trying to survive that one as well so uh what do we got we got Tuesday night at on in Nashville so you could probably expect uh a slow first period I would say they’re going to get out shot in the first period Nashville is going to come

Hard then they’re going to find a way to hang around it’ll be a close game and then Thursday in Carolina will be a good game that you’re going to get a lot out of that Thursday game that’ll probably be the playoff game this week so that’s

Kind of how I look at it then they play the Panthers again at the end of the week on Saturday yeah and that’ll be uh that’s an afternoon game that’s a 3:30 yeah so that’ll be a pillow fight pillow fight where well it was a heavyweight fight this week it was 3:30

It’ll be you know Florida you know it’ll be it’ll be one of those Florida’s got to win that game that is the one thing with that Florida can’t lose all four to you know the the horrible the the Bruins team that doesn’t you know has a hard

Time against good teams can’t win is 7 and0 against the Leafs and the uh Florida Panthers folks just saying seven I think you hear just it’s the fear talking you’re talking about don’t want to match up against Florida yeah don’t want to match up those guys they’re

Seven and0 and they they were in that the game was Tuesday right kachuck was was doing what he does Bennett was was getting involved like that team just has agitators that um luckily for the Bruins they found a way to to use it as their own motivation and

Raise their level of energy and emotion up to that level that Florida kind of Drew them to a higher level in that game it kind of felt like yeah and I think I think this brunes team sometimes needs that like they sometimes need to be drawn in I don’t know

That I don’t know that like it’s in their DNA to consistently be the team that starts the agitation and the physicality and all that but it’s encouraging to see when they go up against a team like the Panthers that they can bring it they can match it and I

Know I I don’t know how much of this you guys caught if it’s none then great job by you avoiding sports radio but um somehow there was like this narrative this week that it was actually a bad thing that like the Bruins respond like it showed that that they’re not that like they

Don’t want to do that or something and I I could not disagree more like I you have to respond when you’re playing the Panthers and if you respond the right way then it’s absolutely good thing and the brunes responded the right way I don’t think they crossed any lines I

Know they got the extra penalty once or twice but I I didn’t think it was like we spoon I don’t think he deserved an extra two if anything kachuck should have been you know he kicked a skate out at him and like got away with it like I

I don’t know what you want wetherspoon to do there but K Chuck’s really good they’re really good at not getting caught with the first move it’s unbelievable they’re really rat and good but I I get my guess would be the narrative would be negative had they not

Responded as well my guess was like like Jim momery deciding that Monday was going to be a hard skate day and I’m going to yell at everybody my guess is starting tomorrow morning for five days um these microphones will be fairly negative about something that the Bruins

Have done this weekend too so uh that’s kind of standard uh are you looking at Scott no I’m not no I’m looking I’m I’m I’m looking at not not me this week the we no he’s Mr positive this morning not at all I’m talking about the uh maybe

The daily shows that somehow only work on negativity that you do have to call into occasionally yes yeah that’s right and some and and and be Mr positive or Mr reality uh that that everything’s okay when you have 101 points in 75 games again again and the good thing is too

Right they’re not winning the president’s trophy now now they’re just a great team like second or third in the league that’s like the perfect sweet spot for this group that you can still now win the division and yes folks they’re I would you feel like they’re

Still in the driver seat to do that I I the game in hand I I haven’t looked at Florida’s schedule all the way through I’m assuming it’s a back toback somewhere like games in hand at this time of year I think we’re seeing aren’t a good thing they’re they’re they’re a

Good thing in December and and you can kind of say oh we’re going to get those games back at some point but this time of year you don’t want to be Washington or Toronto with nine games left compared to a team with seven because you don’t

Get the rest and you can dollars to D Donuts you’ve got two backto backs on a Saturday afternoon that that are just hard to win so well they they have a back toback coming up Monday Tuesday Florida yes there Toronto and Montreal but their schedule is pretty soft

Besides they have two games against Toronto they have the game against the Bruins other than that these are all non-playoff teams oh yeah I’m just saying I’m not worried about who they’re playing or what they’re playing I’m just saying the timing of their games I’m just saying you know those you know the

Extra game the fact that you have seven games and two weeks the Brun the playoffs aren’t starting till April 20th so they have 21 days to play seven games it’s crazy light schedule very good for a team going into the playoffs and different than playing nine and 20 yeah

And I think I think that that’s you also get more practice time leading into the playoffs like it’s preparation so much better yeah whereas you look at last year they had a pretty crowded schedule down the stretch and and I think that definitely did hurt them like I I know

At the time you know no matter what’s going on players coaches will try to spin it as a positive because you don’t you don’t want to give your team any excuses leading up to the playoffs yeah well it is what it is right it’s like kind of like no one’s

Really be ready to be a but you have a baby and you have to take care of it like that’s like the same idea with these play like when coaches have these teams it’s like this is what we have so this is how we’re going to do it but but

At the end of the day if you really get them on lie detector test to your point they’re going to say I’d rather play seven games than 10 games in the next 10 days yeah and and you also have that little like almost a week break between

End of the regular season in the first game of the playoffs so you know like you’re going to have to have good practices in there just a a lot of time a lot of prep time which should be a good thing it’s certainly better than just having games

All all crammed together yeah uh let’s take Maria and Watertown here who has some some thoughts on on an area we haven’t touched on yet and that’s the Bruins power play good morning Maria yes but F good morning everyone happy Easter and um H you know happy however you all

Uh choose to celebrate it just um quick quickly on the negativity here’s what I do right I close out the Odyssey app and move on to award-winning podcasts such as um the skate pod and morning Brew because I just can’t listen to the madeup nonsense I need reality when

We’re talking about this team um quickly on the on the power play you know what unit one has still has is having its struggles they they were moving it a little bit less deliberately in the game um last night but I’m I’m having a very difficult un time understanding with all

The talent that is out on the ice on that first Power Play unit why it seems to me that the second power play unit is moving it around much more quickly creating a little bit more confusion and chaos and how long of a leash does the coaching staff provide to that unit one

To to find find its way um on the power play because you know at some point does need to work a little bit I’m not saying it needs to work all the time but it does need to work a little bit so um those are my questions today thanks a

Lot thank you thanks Maria uh on on the power on that top power play unit I feel like they’re starting to move a little bit more and I I think maybe Maran going netfront forces some of that because he’s not he’s not going to be stationary at the netfront so if

He’s moving it kind of forces everyone else to move but but what you saw on Saturday was a lot of movement around the outside like guys switching positions moving to different Wings rotating cycling but then the puck just stayed on the outside and it’s like the ne all right that’s a

Good first step The Next Step has to be just get it to the net and look for ugly plays just look for banging in rebounds tips whatever get it off of skate and in it seems like they’re still looking for that perfect seam pass and good penalty kills just aren’t going to

Give you that like you got to be way more willing than they’ve been to just get it to the net and bang away and I think that’s what that second unit’s doing like you see you see Justin brezo and Trent Frederick just banging away at the net front right Tope simp very

Simple throw throw the Box on goal hope for Hope for a rebound if it doesn’t go in hope for a rebound just put it right back on goal it’s it’s very simple what they’re doing and and it’s working for them them yeah they’re they’re struggling they’re struggling and and they’re they

They’re working through it I I think we’re seeing that small small incremental Improvement they’re at least getting in the zone yesterday uh better in the zone two Wednesday than they did Tuesday um you hope they’re saving it uh again they flipped it last year because they went through a bad power play

Stretch the last season even though they were scoring a million goals um they’ve done it a couple couple times over the last three or four or five years fortunately the playoffs uh penalties are less but are more important like you need you need David to score Power Play Goals and I think at

The end of the day unfortunately it is kind of an individual thing you want to talk about the unit working and everything but it’s the reality is they Marshon has scored one goal in 20 games I mean that that’s that’s where it kind of starts and ends David Pak hasn’t

Scored a power play goal forever and that’s kind of what so you start looking I’m I’m looking at that top unit and I’m looking at the individuals like at some point you guys just have to figure it out um and that’s I’m sure where the coaches are getting at you can only guys

We can show you video over and over again but the reality you just have to be better you have to outw workk the Penalty killers and we have to figure it out do you think that James Van Reams not being there has a is part of the the

Negative effect like of why they haven’t been doing as well because I mean that he I mean the role that he plays is a very simple role um and I know when you have a guy out in front of the net that can take away the goalie’s vision and

When you have a guy out in front of the net that can grab a rebound and put it in it does kind of simplify your your game plan just get a shot through and it could either redirect off him or the goalie couldn’t see it it I think to me

There’s some correlation to not having the best net front guys out there on the top unit uh and them not scoring as much on the power play uh I hope not I hope the the this unit isn’t depending on James Van Reams DK I mean not him as a player but like the

Role that he plays importance no it’s and it and and it and he’s good at it and he was good at it I think it is an element that they could use off and on at different times I I think and and maybe in a small sample size that’s the

Case I think in the big picture these guys should be able to score with me in front of the net right like that’s that’s kind of where it this is what you get paid to do put me in put put put me in front of the net put matd faler in

Front of the net and back in the day the other four guys should be able to move it around and score goals like that that’s kind of um so I because they’ve had Coyle they’ve had zaka they’ve had de bruss they’ve had a bunch of other pieces there and that’s

And geeky worked for a little while so um I I I’m not I’m not I’m not diminishing that you would like to have a netfront guy that can tip the puck but these guys don’t really want to keep it simple it’s very obvious they don’t want

To just put it to the point and wrist it that’s not what David Pastak does that’s not what Brad marshan does so I don’t think if you did have van like I don’t think van reik was there so for them to take RS in front that that’s I guess

What I’m saying like there they he was kind of there and he worked it a little bit but they were still trying to to find seam passes even when he was out there yeah and that’s why where I think move I don’t know if it lasts moving Martian there at least for a

Little while I think it’s a good idea just because it forces Martian to get to that area more rather than holding on to the puck in that right Circle looking looking looking you know and then all a sudden he forces something nothing really happens like if you’re going to

Be around the net everything’s going to have to happen faster you’re going to have to be more aggressive y so I think it should in theory at least help get him into that mindset and they also like they did it really quickly on against Florida on Tuesday night where David was

Up top and makoy was over on Theo like I wouldn’t mind seeing more of that too maybe that’s how David you know that’s the simplification of uh getting pucks to the net but at least it’s pasta who can actually beat a goalie from up top with a one-time there rather than AER

From maao so maybe that’s that’s the answer to simplifying too um is moving him around and Mar Mary needs Mary needs a score like I’ve said it three weeks in a row now he’s been stuck on 399 for a long time God it’s killing it has to be

Killing him it has to be it’s in his head he’s missed open Nets now he can’t like the empty net six on five the like it’s like that was automatic remember remember those days when like Brad Marsh on six On Five Oh automatic goal automatic goal automatic goal he’s

Scored 50 of them over two years six on five and now it’s it’s such a slog and a St struggle like he needs a goal so badly and I I really do think that that will free a lot up when he gets it I really do well I heard Jack try to give

Him credit for that linol goal he’s like I think he might have got a piece of it yeah everyone’s dying for like oh that might be 400 like no he didn’t touch it that would have been that’s what he needs he needs one to go off his head

Yeah that’s how that one would have gone in it had got a piece of him it grazed off his helmet yeah uh you know I also think makavo has been a little bit more shoot first recently which also is something that needs to happen on that

Unit he hits a crossbar in the power play Saturday if that shots two inches lower we’re talking about hey great to see the first Power Play unit get one great to see makavo shooting so look at how simple they are yeah right all right

So we we got to catch a break here but more Sunday skate after this call in 617 779 7937 we’ll be right back oh they have a ton of ton of weapons on their power play they’ve they’ve been known for that for years and uh it’s just a

Credit to to their players and their coaches understanding that you know they have threats all over the ice so you have to respect a shot that’s why guys are getting shot lanes and you know different guys open up and obviously OB being one of those guys is is one that

We all keep an eye on but again you CM makes a big block in regulation Brando countless blocks you every night and and that’s something special for our team moving forward so this win definitely goes to my Decor blocking shot welcome back to Sunday skate that was Jeremy

Swan talking about the work of his defense against against the capitals and specifically Alex oetkin who has come on a little bit in the second half of the season and been part of this Washington playoff push for a team that looked dead in the water uh earlier

This season actually sold at the trade deadline and now has gone on this run and doesn’t just look like they’re going to be in the plays looks like they’re going to be the three the three seed in the Metropolitan Division they they only needed the one point move into to third

In the Metro so the fly the Flyers are giving away that spot there they technically they’re tied they both have 82 points but right now with with the head-to-head Washington’s in not even in the Wild Card anymore when they actively made their roster worse at the trade deadline and they’ve been playing

Without Tom Wilson yeah he he’s been suspended shocker yeah I know I people back soon now it’s got to be what yeah four five games he’s got one game left yeah so um yeah Washington they’ve they’ve done a great job lingren has been awesome in gold and and we saw it

Yesterday like they’re minus 31 gold differential and they’re going to get into the playoffs that that’s going to that has to have set a record or will set a record that that is bananas to be to have yeah that few they’ve got 2011 goals at least the most in like a long

Time like if you go back to the days where everybody got in 16 out of 24 made it it doesn’t count you know you’d get you’d get some teams that were probably minus 100 but um yeah certainly in the modern era like they they goal differential wise they’re going to have

To be one of the worst and that roster like you look up and down that roster and you’re just like who are these guys it’s like like yeah and it’s I I talked to I did this somewhere else um and a it’s very very um similar to the Bruins in

That they’re minor Le team is good they won a championship last season all of these players that no one’s heard of that were made that we’re laughing about right all won trophies last year they all figured out how to go on Long playoff runs you don’t have to know who

Justin brazzo is he doesn’t have to be this fancy hockey news five-star Prospect to be this important player for your organization and this is what Washington’s done and it’s very similar to what happens here oh the Bruins have no prospects the have no draft picks the

Bruins have no but all these guys go down to the miners and they learn how to play over two years the beachers the brazzo they understand wers spoon they understand going down to start going down they they they go there and they learn and they get better and they

Develop and then they come up and they’re like oh they’re nhlers that’s what Washington’s done Hershey’s the best team Providence is second in their conference in the AHL right now Hershey’s running away with it and they’re just continuing to build these players that learn how to win that learn what a

Pro game is and and now that they have a coach that’s able to to harness that and make it better that’s that’s what their model is so um I wonder if they would change what they did at the deadline like in hindsight I don’t think I no be

I what no I don’t think so because I think you get rid of I think they’re going to be able to build in the summer now differently and I would expect them to go get and spend money that ketov you know salary is is a big one that they

Get to spend money on and and help these guys out I think um from from 5,000 miles away the two guys they got rid of don’t have never been uh accused of being great teammates or great culture guys amantha and aetv so I think it’s probably more along those

Lines and why you got rid of them and mantha was another big contract too that y he got traded as soon as Eiserman showed up in Detroit he got R he couldn’t get rid of that kid fast enough and the capitals capitalized on a season where he has the best shooting percentage of

His career y you know pucks are just jumping in the net for him like no absolutely a smart trade and realistically they’re not I know anything can happen but like they’re not a team that’s seriously making a cup run yep so if they can retool and and set

Themselves up bet it for the future and then still make a run this year like that you know I best of both I think they took the smart path yeah I I have a hard time seeing them where they’re matched up right now beating Carolina Carolina has 19 more points to them in

The standings Carolina is a better team uh if it’s a Carolina Washington first round series I think you can you can go yeah I don’t think that they needed to be buyers at the deadline um because I think that would be a that’ be a matchup that favors Carolina pretty heavily I

Don’t see them being able to upset you know Boston New York Carolina whoever they were to draw yeah it it feels like the way things are setting up right now you look at the standings all the Atlantic teams would stay together you know it’ be as of right now it’ be

Boston versus Tampa Florida Toronto and then all the Metro teams Stay Together You’ get New York Philly Carolina Washington feels like that those should be like pushovers for the Rangers and hurricanes like yeah can’t really see Washington or Philly giving those teams much of a series but those two that’ll

Be quite that’ be quite the battle in the second round uh we got to we got to hit our last break here of the hour hour two of Sunday Skate coming up join in we got couple calls we got to get to see you Joe Jay some texts we want to

Respond to uh so we’ll be back right after this this is Sunday skate with Scott mlin Andrew Razer rayr and Bridget Brew on Wei what does it say about this group to be able to win so many different ways and be able to respond when things don’t

Go your way means a lot especially this time of year um you know I think we had our moments there where you know we we were losing a lot of these games a couple months ago going into uh overtimes and either losing there or losing in shootouts so I think uh you

Know just it’s great to see us turning a corner and and obviously taking strides there welcome back hour two of Sunday Skate coming back with what I believe Nico told us was his alarm clock song at one point and is really happy about that they were not I snoozed it a lot didn’t

Realize they could hear it through the um the walls walls were too thin they hear this in their nightmares now yeah you just get this on Loop like four times a morning I think you would I think you’d probably hate it after after not so much

Time all right let’s bang on a couple of these texts here 508 says Raz are doing great job on ESPN and caas I I agree yes thank you yes working hard working grinding absolutely working hard I know again today yes I was going to say still has energy level this morning I’m not

Bad yeah I’ve been taking care I haven’t been uh partaking at night so I’ve been trying to like I have energy in the morning it’s nice well I got to tell you what jaffy said about you in postgame because because it goes to this he said

Um your hair and makeup look great oh that’s very nice yeah that’s very nice yeah they got you wondered how big a team you had yeah they they have much bigger teams there than they do uh the jaffy got to do my hair at Ness um they

Have other people down there yes yeah uh be gotta shout out be terriers in the Frozen four already after big win over Minnesota on Saturday we’ll see today if BC joins them they face Quinnipiac I got another one about Razer here uh where did it go uh now I can’t find it perfect

[Laughter] oh uh yesterday afternoon they were saying Razer doesn’t have his Canadian accent isn’t enough you need to be more Canadian yeah that was for you the other day yeah it was Friday yeah I I don’t know how I didn’t hear the leadup into

That I so who knows how that’s but no I I don’t have much I’ve I’ve been told I have I don’t have much of a Canadian accent anymore there’s random little words yeah there’s there’s a few words but I think I’ve been indoctrinated enough down here that there’s no AB boot

I’m in the I’m in the middle yeah I’m in the middle doeses it come out like if you get mad cuz you hear that from people like a lot of people their accents come back when they when they get mad but I I feel like you never

Really get mad no I I I try not to I I very rarely get mad I Not much bothers me what about when you have too many Molson my kid when I when I’m I maybe when I’m drinking it comes out a little bit I but it is funny because I hear my

Friends with can like I hear a Canadian accent much I’m very in tune to it now where I probably wasn’t 20 years ago that’s the big difference for me I hear it out of other people and when I go home I hear M yeah I S sof has it a lot

Of words that she still allows her her accent to come through we also have uh from 603 how would one go about making Razer Lou and Christian their best friends um I probably I I mean I can’t speak for the other two guys I mean desserts always a good start yeah

Bribery is is certainly the best that’s how the world Works offer to bring some food over to the nesson studio intermission absolutely yeah I could use a butler uh 617 says last year the Bruins wasted energy on the dumb record down the stretch so I I still don’t agree

With this one because it’s like listen they said they were going to go for the record because it was there to be had and they needed they just needed something to try to motivate themselves some sort of Target to try to hit yeah guys had to play like you have

To play games on the stretch you can’t just be like oh we clinched the president’s trophy we’ll just take the next three weeks off and you know see a game one like you have to results aside you have to try to keep up good habits and and play the right way

And obviously it all crashed and burned for the Bruins in the playoffs but I don’t think there were way wasting energy trying to get the record like I think they were just trying to give themselves something to to chase yeah they were still limiting guys minutes

During all that like you know it’s not it’s not like they were M playing berson and poock and marshan 23 minutes a night so they could so they could get the record yeah I I I still believe it was the right decision to lean into that

Record to lean they were trying to put pressure on themselves by trying to they saying they wanted the record that that’s the whole mentality of that was we were going to put pressure on ourselves to try and go and get it to make it feel like we’re just like we’re

Trying to win the Stanley Cup we want to have these pressure situations uh unfortunately I don’t think they replicated it quite enough I don’t think they I think they thought that they could play a certain way by winning the record and do the same thing to win the Stanley Cup and they they

Couldn’t they couldn’t change change pass and they couldn’t chip pucks out and they couldn’t just live to fight another day and that’s what I loved I loved that on Tuesday night against Florida they finally for the first time in eight games that I really wanted them

To do it they flip pucks out they threw pucks off the boards after they screwed up in the first period trying to make plays and two goals again ended up in the back of their net by make the defense trying to hit a reverse and

Trying to make a tough D Tod play after that they Rim pucks out they threw pucks out of the zone and that is the key against Florida it’s very obvious to me if they play Florida and even Toronto for that matter and they try and make too many plays in the defensive Zone

They’re going to get burnt and they have to just be simple in in [ __ ] Puck and icing Puck I they iced the puck three times in a row to start the second I was ecstatic like thank God like and it wasn’t because they tried to make a play

And they missed it was because they were getting the puck out of the zone and and I I that is the key to those teams and I was really um excited about their their mentality changing a little bit on Tuesday yeah let’s go to uh Joe in Ohio

On the phone here uh has some wants to say something about the lindol McAvoy pairing what’s up Joe hi guys how you doing and happy Easter to all yep happy you as well thank you this is kind of an extension to a call I made last week and and I

Talked a lot about dumping pucks out like Razer just said and I agree with them 100% but on Lin Holman mavo I called last week and I said I wanted both of them to up their game I mean I love both guys and I think they’re studs

And the Bruins need them big time in the playoffs to get where they want to go and for me what’s the better way for two guys to up their games both to and to play together I mean you could split them up on occasion but I think when

Those two guys play together offensively and defensively I think they’re both uh more in tune and they’re your best defenseman so you get them they get the most ice time anyway but putting them together I think creates more of an offensive flow too for the team which they need some scoring from their

Defenseman and um as far as uh uh Peak goes I’m not worried about him because I think his game translates really well to the playoffs and I think he’s going to be a a big player for them and he blocks a lot of shots he plays physical and uh

Stay at home a little bit and that’s more of what they need so I like his play he needs to stay in the lineup so I just wanted to comment on that you guys do a great job and one more thing somebody in Boston please get Rick

Middleton in the Hall of Fame thank you all right you Joe thanks I’m with you uh yeah so on on linle mavo I think another like another aspect of this is when Lind Holmes with Carlo Montgomery uses that as a shut down pairing they get all the toughest

Assignments they get all the big defensive Zone draws they they start way more shifts in the dzone than the offensive zone and that can be that can be a pretty taxing job and they had a little bit of a tough stretch here before these last couple games I think it was over

The span of four games they had been on the ice for five goals again 04 and it just felt like a really good time to split that up and kind of ease their workload and give them both a different look look if nothing else just like mentally like just give them some offensive

Chances like get them out of beinged in their own zone so often yeah no it’s a that’s that’s a great point that was my first thought is they’re just trying to relieve some of that pressure and that’s a way of building in a little bit of

Rest for those guys you know we we don’t need to see any more of lindol Carlo can they shut down Matthews or barov or whoever they play in the first round we’re we’re going to see a lot of that as much as we’re going to see Lyle makoy

Hopefully because we’ve all agreed that we kind of like that at times we’re also going to see a lot of lindol Carlo when they’re up three to2 in the third period coming over the boards that that we know that’s what’s going to happen we don’t need to see them play anymore and I

Think it’s a great way to to give them both a bit of a break where they’re just doing half of those shifts and you still got one of them on the ice over the next seven games but the other one gets to take a little bit of a blow and get a

Little bit of offensive time and Carlo gets four shots and linol gets a goal that that’s good to to build them up going into the end I think it that that’s the smart that’s what I thought of when I saw the roster I’m like okay you’re giving these guys a break because

They’re just getting smoked with these defensive responsibilities yeah uh let’s go to Jay in North Carolina here um who I think has uh some other thoughts on the defense Jay what do you got yeah well first of all you people run a good program I really enjoy listening to you

Because you’re always on point yeah yeah you you you guys run a good program but um being down here in North Carolina watch out for the Hurricanes they are coming but I thought that I thought squatting was illegal and the Bruins seem to allow squatters in the front of

Net especially with the Florida Panthers that’s got to end and I think um Razer I think highly of Russian goalies but uh if the Bruins win the Stanley Cup it’ll be on the backs of Swan and elar I’m going to rearrange my mind on them

But and and lastly I will say that I I I really appreciate C you and what buron did but it’s maron’s team and he’s got the heart of a lion and let’s let’s go Bruins let’s let’s take it all this time all right J thanks Jay hey let’s let’s

Hope first for that 400th goal yeah we’ll get start with that y squatting is legal inass isn’t it or like on some level like it’s hard to get rid of those guys anyway know that they have some protections yeah exactly too much yeah I so I did think

Especially early in that Florida game you did see some of the net front issues surface again you know the Panthers right off opening shift opening minute you know get in there and get an early goal um their second goal Bruins also kind of got little scrambly Around

The Net Peak doesn’t cut off the wraparound so yes there were definitely still things to work on there and you know look I I’ve highlighted this a few times like they do give up too many high danger chances of the 16 teams currently in the playoffs they rank 15th in high

Danger chances allowed uh according to Natural stat tricks so it it has to be cleaned up you’re it’s not it’s too late to turn it into a strength of the team but it’s got to be better than it’s been most of the year I think there’s been signs at times recently that there’s

Improvement even in that Florida game I thought as the game went on they got better at it like they weren’t giving up those chances but it was definitely there to to start that game and we know it’s a strength of Florida so that is the kind of thing that you know probably

Decides a series like can you keep them away from the netfront they’re going to get some chances for sure but can you do a a better job against them yeah and the way to keep it the the reality is it’s not the the days of Darren Hatcher

Crosschecking guys in the face to clear the front of the net like the the way to clear the front of the net is not be in your Zone if you if you get pucks out of your Zone and you make Play Hard plays out of your Zone that that’s that’s

Really the secret I think if you went through the top teams of that lead in those stats uh of net front Etc you would see that they move the puck out of the Zone better than everyone else it’s not because they have it’s not cuz they’re all Victor hedmond in front of

The net no one has that no one’s built like that anymore you can’t do it yeah you’re not you’re just not in your Zone very often so then you don’t have net front issues so so that’s the key for the Bruins that’s that’s their secret to

To netf front defense is not having to do it that’s a good way to to avoid having those stats look bad that’s right just don’t do it and it just you know don’t take penalties that the other thing right like that that a lot of that

Comes off power plays and being in front and the chuck on the power play is just hanging out down there correct and so you’re going to give those up you you just will because you can’t get rid of those guys anymore yeah and like one of those you know I mentioned Peak not

Cutting off the raer and you he’s out there with Lind homie and wonder if that’s two guys who just haven’t played together communication a little slow like you know who’s supposed to be taking that who’s it was a little bit and and also they they the guy ripped it

Was at least two it might have been the third point shot they ripped so by that point the chaos had started right if it’s onepoint shot get it out everything it’s it’s the second and third point shots where the chaos starts to happen because ryanh Hart and kachuck and bar

They’re all moving around they’re all on the tilta Whirl and and that was a Columbus play right like that’s that’s a Columbus Blue Jacket skull through and through where he’s just too aggressive instead like leave that guy right like the Bruins leave that guy and they they’ve built in the responsibility they

Beat built in the patience to to not have to chase the guy that’s down below the goal line just leave him there but you know when you you’re play in a place that that’s chaotic then you do get chasing and and I think we saw that a

Little bit and he said it afterwards as much he’s like I’ve got to hold the post there I’ll get better at that I I I recognize that by the way Jay mentioned that the Hurricanes how about the fit that Jake gel’s been there uh 11 games

Only two goals but 14 assists and with him on the ice at five on five hurricanes outscoring opponents 11 nothing it’s crazy and I I listen I’ve listened to a couple of games on the radio like whatever driving around at and for whatever reason his games are it

Sounds like he’s missed 58 open Nets too like it s like and and again I’ve only i’ probably listen to like two games or two periods but every time it’s like gel missed an open night gel like it’s crazy how good they are and and what kind of

Deal that has brought them and KET off too it’s a perfect fit to go play with those guys it just um they’re going to be I’m glad the Bruins don’t have to face them till the Conference Finals yeah because I think they’re gonna they’re going to do if they get that

Goal ending sorted out they can beat the Rangers again all right we got a break to catch here hour two of Sunday skate rolls on you can join in 61777 n-7 937 text us 37937 Bridget as you trending and then we’ll be right back welcome back to

Sunday skate I’m Scott mlin with Andrew Razer roft and Bridget PR re we’ll reset some thoughts on on the Bruins here here uh specifically want to pull back and take a look at the week as a whole because as we talked about on Monday Montgomery calls out the

Team has them B skate at practice he’s dropping F bombs and the team responds on Tuesday down in Florida and I’m curious Razer you mentioned that you know some of that might have been a little premeditated that Montgomery had a point he wanted to make after those New York and Philly

Games couple subpar efforts and I’m I’m totally with him on that like I said that last week on Sunday skate that I having two games in a row like that at this time of year I didn’t like seeing so they start they start practice a little slow five minutes in

He’s he’s on them whether it was actually that bad or not you know almost besides the point but Razer what do what does that kind of do for a team where you know you’ve had these two games you have a day off Sunday you show up Monday and

Like that’s the wakeup call like that’s that happens five minutes in yeah you’re well you’re a little annoyed because you’re like oh like really Monday morning like oh we got to go on the road um but also it’s happened before like the for the the guys that have been

In the league a long time I’m sure once it started they recognized oh oh yeah this is you know this is kind of one of those pressure points that coaches have they only have one or two of these a year right like you have you have two

Maybe three if how do you think torella has uh 15 well no yeah but they’re diff they’re all you torz just his his level is much higher um so you might get that skate 15 times but the actual pressure point of like you know as a player like

Oh boy we’re in one today is still two or three even with torz it’s just his level of oh boy we’re in one is a little bit worse than skating up and down the ice Bo that’s I just feel like he’s once a week like he’s got like one a week

Watch out yeah yeah yeah so um yeah you’re just like ah all right let’s do it and really what it is is I I’m sure guys are sitting on the line and I’m sure Marshon I sure makavo is saying all right fellas head down let’s do this we

Got to do this like that’s what it is like you’ll get a guy or a couple of guys saying hey don’t make this work work put our heads down it’s not a big deal just get it done um as a player the worst thing you can do is make light of

It or not accept it that’s when the coach really goes over the edge as long as you put your head down and you work through it uh everybody stays happy and and again you know you know what’s coming after this gate you know it’s the three on three down low so don’t mess

Around don’t take penalties don’t trip guys and work really hard and battle with each other and and make it look like we’re battling really hard to make everybody happy that’s that’s how it works it’s a bit of a it’s a showman thing it really is like what how does a

Goalie respond to this kind of stuff oh no bad goals no bad goals you’re going to battle you’re going to grind you’re going to cover rebounds you’re not going to get mad you’re going to know that someone’s going to poke for a rebound you know that someone’s going to fall on

You you know that there’s going to be a battle in front and as a goal you don’t like in a normal practice you would be like dude what are you doing you’d be annoyed but in that situation you you let everything go don’t be seen don’t be

Seen that that’s the key don’t be seen yeah and then there’s also there’s the media game you have to play too because of course we talked to Marian and Coyle after practice and the first question is what did you think of Montgomery doing that and yeah as team leaders you got to

Say like well we had it coming you know which is exactly what they said you know Martian’s like we’re professionals we have to show up every day energy wasn’t there and you know even even if they disagree like even if they think like hey I thought we actually were getting

Off to a pretty good start like you get you know that’s where that relationship between Montgomery and the players comes in because we know he’s a good communicator we know he has good relationships with all these players on a team-wide level and an individual level he’s you know he has a lot of

One-on-one meetings with players not just when they’re doing something bad but just to check in throughout the season and that’s where like you know Maran Coy makoy poso if they’re not on the same page as the coach like then that doesn’t work but if they if they’re

Buying in and saying and like you said like they’re going to lead those wind Sprints yeah and be like all right guys like we we got to do this that’s when it can work and I think you certainly saw them respond on Tuesday even though they

Got off to a slow start in that game they they gave up a goal in the first minute yeah like they clearly brought the compete level intensity most of that game do you think it it carried through the rest of the week because again Wednesday in Tampa second night of it

Back to back I know you know marshan again says the right thing says hey you got to be able to play backto backs at this level where the best trained athletes in the world but I think everyone knows like you’re not you’re not going to have the same energy there

So and not only that but especially when I mean you’re fighting the game with Florida was emotionally draining emotionally and physically yeah well definitely physically I mean lyol technically had his first fight of his career which I didn’t think was much of a fight it was more it’s more of a

Roughing um Marshon had a fight but I mean guys were getting guys it was it was a game that beat you up and and you know it it’s an emotional stress too I thought they carried it all week just because of their defensiveness I I think

That’s the that’s the focus um you give up two against Tampa you give up up two against Washington you kill the penalty in overtime so you have all of that grind you have the grind in Tampa that you know of just giving up the two I know Tampa didn’t have their best either

But you didn’t take any penalties against Tampa Bay you stayed out of the box all week you only had two power penalties uh and then the four minute in in the in the overtime against Washington so no I thought I thought the grind was there all week um it’s going

To look different every game still and and and but I think again the effort the focus the attention to details not giving up the odd man rushes that they were he was really upset about uh against Philly like he made it very known that that was unacceptable in the

Third period to give up those odman Rush that that’s what kills him more you hear him talk about everything and and he’s pretty measured but if they start giving up odman rushes it drives him crazy it really does and he knows that this is a that’s the Bugaboo of this team if they

Start if they give up two on ones they are dunzo because that means their offense isn’t working that means they’re taking too many chances their D’s not in their focus the the forwards aren’t focused so odd man rushes are a big thing with this team Florida can get

Away with giving them up Toronto gets away with giving them up but this team can’t and and you hear that when they do so I think that week this week they didn’t do that um so so I think it carried all week yeah and it that it

Really ties into the identity of what they want to be they want they feel like they have to be this tight checking team and they’re probably right because they they don’t have as much pure skill as last year Martian has said this multiple times this year and including this week which

Is you know that’s the kind kind of team that they’re going to have to be when they try to be something else when they try to make too many high skill plays or whatever that’s when they get in trouble and that’s what leads to a lot of those

Odd men rushes is getting careless with the pocket in the offensive zone attempting a play that’s not there um we got let’s go to Tom and Boston here uh who has some thoughts on NHL officiating good morning Tom um well generally it’s always bad but specifically um I was wondering why

Like why don’t they have the if you get injured you have to be out for at least a couple minutes thing because like TJ oi takes the four and then is is fine like if I’m an NHL player why don’t I like like Randy the Ram Robinson like

Keep a a blade in my my my my skate or something and and like Mark myself up like that seems incredibly arbitrary and then real quick if you’ll allow me Bridget pwhl Boston are they going to make the playoffs it seems like a huge disaster if they don’t uh thanks very

Much everybody well thank you Tom well as of right now they’re right on the bubble and I’m I’m having a hard time figuring out exactly why a team that has as much talent as they do the three like the three signies they had before the draft uh but they’re all some of the

Like they potentially have the best forward best defenseman and best goalie in the league but they just can’t seem to put it together it’s been a frustrating year for them for sure so it doesn’t make a whole lot of sense uh why they’re they just can’t the they’re all

Close games but they they’re not able to win some of them or and and it’s not like the NHL and I know Scott you talk about this as well it’s a three-point system it’s not a two-point system so like you you get fewer points for winning an overtime and that’s happened

To them a few times where they just needed the regulation win they needed those extra points you get penalized for winning in regulation in the pwhl also might help them to get a home game once in a while like they haven’t been in L

In like a month I know I haven’t been at the rink in a while and I’m not back there until their next home game is April 18th yeah like that that’s kind of crazy um all right so NHL officiating so yeah I I could didn’t see blood on

Oshi like it I saw like a drip but it didn’t continue like Razer when usually when you get punched in the nose you’re even as like not I’ve I’ve had this happen to me not even or no like hit in the nose with a ball or something um it just keeps

Bleeding and you can’t get it to stop usually and this one just happened to be like one drop and it was over yeah he bit his lip for sure um like the caller was saying with the razor blade guys would try and bite their lip or you know playoff time especially you’re doing

Anything to find some blood um I I thought it was a thing that you had to come off if you you’re cut if they call if they blow the whistle because you’re injured you have to come off but if it’s because of a penalty you don’t got it

Now so the opposite side of that right is you sh you know if David Pastak gets cut you want him out there right away on the forat like that’s and and you would actually be penalizing the team that that got is the victim yeah so I

Understand that too I guess yeah I think his point more was that it what’s the line of of like the why is one little blood and one yeah no that’s it is completely kind of arbitrary but there’s really no other way to do it because otherwise we’re really going down the

Rabbit hole oh this guy got you know that high stick was harder than that high stick and this High stick and that’s like it’s the the the easiest and most obvious way is blood because it can yeah because it can also be for for an injury even if there’s not blood but

Then that’s like well what qualifies injury yeah who’s injured everyone do you have to not come back like do you have to go down the tunnel yeah guys are yeah I mean it it’s it’s an the guys get so mad when they get high stuck and they

Aren’t cut right like cuz it actually hurts like high sticks do hurt like wherever you get hit and then to not have blood you’re like that’s such a waste such a waste uh yeah so but you know hey as we’ve said like great job by the Bruns

Penalty kill to to kill that off um you know it it it’s funny we we earlier touched on since we’re on the topic of officiating like in the playoffs you know the there’s the cliche is like there’s fewer penci called and there do tend to be fewer power plays but

Statistically there’s actually more penalties called it’s just a lot of them end up being like the matching stuff that they’re because everyone’s doing stuff after the whistles so you know and guys like are playing more aggressive so you get more more more of kind of like

The the harder fowls like you know an elbow or a cross check and maybe they let more of the stick work go so it becomes a more phys like the actual number of penalties still kind of come out in the wash in the end but it’s just more physical like so they’re calling

More physical fowls and letting some of those T Ticky Tac stick fowls go yeah and and they also allow The Killers to kill harder yeah you don’t get five on threes you you don’t get that n Tac hook that you get in October at the top of

The circle on a on a power play right that that those go away as well so let you clean out the front of the net a little correct you can actually give a guy a whack on the half wall you’re not you know you can get your stick up so

Um it it does it it it doesn’t feel the same and and and again that’s why the power play’s got to get going because it’s harder to score on the power play and and it but more important just so much makes such a difference when you get that that well you need a

Basically two power plays goals every three games is that essentially whenn you you know get you put you up 21 in a series over three games those two Power Play Goals so um that that’s that’s where they need to get at unless the 2011 Bruins in which case you never have

To score on the power play that’s right then then then you put you know zido Char we’ll go back to zidan oara and that that you don’t need to score any time at all if he was out on the ice crosschecking people in there head yeah

Uh so Razer I know we only have you until this next break because you have more NCA cook to Connecticut again to get down to and we had another text uh about NCA ask Razer who will win the NCA tournament no it’s Boston College I don’t know how they lose watching them

Take over the game they they they kind of had their two bad periods already I think of the tournament and and pulled away and still won six to1 um their their special teams are too good and their is too good to lose oneand done games that’s the way I see it unless

Unless the Terriers pull up the blueprint um of of win getting ahead two nothing three nothing in that championship game I just don’t I don’t see how Michigan State or Michigan can beat them I don’t see how Quinn ofak can beat them so you’re looking at the the

Finals of yeah Denver Denver no I don’t think yeah no I mean not you can’t really compare games but I mean that UMass team had no chance against BC and they almost no I mean we watched it in in so it feels like it I mean it’d be

Unbelievable for college hockey here in Boston to get those two teams to the finals uh they look the best right now of course anything can happen in the Frozen 4 but it’s it’s too bad it care here this year because I get like hate mail from people in Minnesota and Michigan and Denver

That I’m such an East Coast Homer and I don’t know anybody and like this whole thing well the two best teams are in Boston yeah I mean we watched them like I broadcast a few of their games like watching BC play they will just make you

P you can’t take a penalty against them they will make you pay and I they’ve been one of the most entertaining College hockey teams I’ve watched it’s very clear that these guys are destined for the pros sooner rather than later and it’s fun to watch them play I I

Don’t know I I’m hoping for a good game like I said I’m going to be there um I I hope it’s close but I feel like it’s only going to be close for like the first half and then all of a sudden BC is going to blow it open and it’s going

To be a big I ex they’ve been a giant slayer in the past they did it all last year they defending national champs yes they are and I am going with a bunch of Quinn ofak fans so there there’s you could say today’s the best chance for BC

To lose like you could say that Quinn ofak lines up better than be does at this point and in how they can scheme something up and stay in the game I I you know I wish yeah no it today I think today is that that matchup that that

The Eagles have been most nervous about for the last two months is getting this game today one thing to to tie this back to Bruins if Quinnipiac loses Colin graph and Jacob quillin watch begins oh two of the top NCA free agents uh quill in a center graph can play center or

Wing um widely considered two of if not the top two uh college free agents this year um quillin was he was a Bruns development Camp uh invitation so they’ve you know they’re familiar with him I believe he’d probably be the one they’re more likely to be in on um but

That if quak loses to BC today that basically starts Sunday night Monday like that that could happen pretty fast yeah and the further we get in and obviously the tournament’s almost over uh hockey season’s almost over but you see each of the as each team gets knocked out the young guys are coming

Into the league and you’re like okay who’s cracking the lineup like who are we watching like in in a few weeks cutter goate is probably playing for for Anaheim like yeah I looked up he’s only got one game he can only he’s only got one game anaheim’s only got one game

That last week really we looking that up so they’re well not even he’s playing till the 13th um unless they lose today unless they lose today I don’t see it happening see happening well it should be fun down there if you haven’t you know got anything to do this afternoon

It is fun yeah right well that’s what I’m doing there you go yeah and and the second game today Michigan Michigan State so not not a local game but one of the biggest rivalries in college hockey and they’ve gone to overtime last week it’ll be it’ll be a very worthwhile six

O’ 6:30 yeah 6:30 game tonight 6:30 game so watch be watch because you’ll see Razer that’s it thanks very quickly tonight hopefully just quickly no overtime tonight no overtime tonight get me home quick that’s what I’m hoping for all right so we got we got one more segment of Sunday skate

Razer is off to Bristol Connecticut we’ll be back right after this to wrap things up welcome back to Sunday skate final segment with Bridget PR I’m scaming goofin Razer at to take off he’s heading down to Bristol Connecticut for more College hockey Bridget one topic we haven’t

Really touched on yet that I think is worth hitting on here maybe to wrap up is uh what’s going on in the brunes botom six and news this week that Pat maroon uh skated three days in a row he was not on the road trip now the Bruins

Actually came home after the Washington game they’ll practice in Brighton on Monday and then they head back out on the road for Nashville and Carolina so we’ll see if he maybe joins them for those two games but he’s at least been on the ice and I think it’s an interesting

Discussion because we all we all figure he is once he’s ready to play he’s playing they’re at least going to want to see what he he looks like so who comes out who’s earned the right to stay in and I look at the three I call them

Three JBS on the fourth line Johnny beer yesper bog vist and Justin brazzo I think have all earned the right to stay in and I look at James Vin rdik as someone who you know whether it’s because of the illness or his play or whatever you know I think that illness has probably

Lingered a bit right now he’s kind of out of the lineup I mean he’s been out more than he’s been in recently yeah well have you ever had an illness where you just you can’t get right like you lose weight and you you just don’t feel

Like yourself for weeks I feel like he’s dealing with that I heard Jack reference on the broadcast maybe trying to put weight back on I think he has lost weight during the illness and so I do think that it has somewhat to do with that uh so if he’s not 100% healthy then

Then just try to get him healthy I guess um and in terms of who comes out Lao feels like the option that you’re more likely to go with just because beer has been playing well he scored again yesterday um Bist is playing his role well both of those guys can can win

Faceoffs for you take face offs um brazzo seems to be locked in at this point um you’re not only relying on him you know he’s playing on the third line right now actually um so he seems to have worked his way up the depth chart which leaves you to to

Really look at loo as someone that could be the guy coming out yeah I’d say it’s it’s loo and and right now probably van Reams like because bogus has been very good in that fourth line Center roll for months now and they really like his speed his playmaking his ability with

The puck on his stick going through the middle of the ice rzo as you mentioned absolutely looks like he belongs the way he gets chances Around the Net front beater his defense his Faceoff ability penalty killing he had he he wasn’t used in in the overtime penalty kill but all during that game

Yesterday he continues to get top penalty kill time um you know I think has been playing better on the wing as he’s gotten more time there because they’re still doing they’re still doing the switch off where he’s going to take all the faceoffs then go to the wing and

Bogus plays center once play starts but yeah maroon is another potential option on the third line like they could try him there as well so I’ve said before that you know in a perfect world I think the Bru’s best third line has James Vin re like on it even with

This prolonged slump that he’s had going back even before the illness he’s fifth on the team and five on five points per 60 minutes but he hasn’t been at that level for a while now so you’re kind of running out of time to try to get them

There and and you know if someone like Breo or maroon can can fit on the third line like yeah give them that chance well and and my thought is so say maroon comes in that takes loo out of the lineup would you rather see van re dik than

Beer right now I would have to say beer he’s playing better recently and and obviously he scores on Saturday great individual play he forces a turnover in the dzone and takes off the other way on a breakaway and finishes with a nice five hole backhand I just think he’s playing

Better I think he’s contributing in more ways right now than Vin reik has now if Vin reik can get right by the end of the regular season you know whether it is putting bet way back on just get his game back whatever it might be then that

Changes the conversation but I’m kind of at a point right now where I I have to see that first yeah there’s only seven games left yeah it’s a really tough time in the year to be kind of finding yourself dealing with something healthwise that’s keeping you on the

Outside because then it’s like okay they’re they’re solidifying a lineup that doesn’t include you um with if you’re still struggling with with this stuff and I think that James Van Rees like adds to the power play but beer adds to the Penalty kill and James Van

Re can can do that netfront stuff when he when he’s playing at his best but beer can win faceoffs it’s like it’s they’re completely different players and it it depends where you want to line them up and it depends what you value most in the playoffs yeah and I

Mean it’s easy to say this but they haven’t done it like I feel like they should be able to find someone else for the power play it might even be brezo like he’s been going to the second unit why not try him on the top unit I think

That they should I think they honestly have probably waited too long to try it all right well we’re getting our uh playoff music here this was Nico’s Choice oh okay this was Nico explained um yeah Bridget didn’t have a song so she said what you want to use I

Said I don’t know this is what I used to use in college to play off my radio show so this is this is we’re letting Nico take control now I had no ideas today I’m not going to lie yeah you know when I was like in middle school and high

School I liked the Red Hot Chili Peppers they’re one of those bands that like I don’t dislike them now but I just feel like I grew out of as I got older like I I can’t remember the last time I actually listened to Red I feel like I

Like them more as I get older I feel like they’ve G like better with age for me but the people after me didn’t like this cuz it’s a five minute song and we didn’t have commercials are station which is songs I used to go up to the

Break so like the first five minutes of their show they’re listening to this good well played Nico all right so we got Christian Aran next yes all right stick around for Aran we’ll be back next Sunday 9:00 a.m. hey guys thanks for watching the gate podcast if you want to

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Skate Pod hosts Bridgette Proulx and Scott McLaughlin are joined by former Bruins’ goalie Andrew Raycroft to discuss the Bruins’ wins over Florida and Washington and their line shuffling throughout the week. Should the Lindholm-McAvoy pair stay together for the playoffs? What’s next for Pat Maroon and JVR? We mix in some college hockey talk.

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Photo: Eric Hartline-USA TODAY Sports

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