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Reacting to the Bruins Shaking Up Their Lines w/ Bridgette Proulx | Bruins Beat

Reacting to the Bruins Shaking Up Their Lines w/ Bridgette Proulx | Bruins Beat

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You get 100 prize pick makes everything more fun use that promo code clns I’m Evan marowski that’s Bridget P Bridget what is up hi nothing much I was uh watching some college hockey but taking a break for this so it’s it’s you know NCAA tournament right now that’s where my

Head’s at I just say I’m the same with you uh it’s a long uh there’s a lot going on with that you and I are both reeling you and I are both mourning we are um we it’s been a tough 24 hours recording this about you 24 hours after

UMass fought hard played Denver well deserve to win you know Bridget you know what’s interesting um now that you know we’re in this field they’re it’s rare that uh you know we root for teams anymore you know like the Bruins we both cover and we both I you know I grew up a

Big Bruins fan I assume you did as well um and so you have to put that aside when we do these and when we cover games and all that stuff and um you know when I covered UMass even though I was a UMass student you still had to kind of

Like play you be a little un you kind of unb biased yesterday you know maybe it’s cuz the Patriots stink now and the Red Sox kind of stink even though they won uh Thursday night I haven’t had a game where I was on the edge of my seat like

Just like come on please please I need this one so bad please and that was what I was like on Friday for four hours I sat on the edge of my couch just sweating you know not I’m like I’m not moving the the dirty dishes right there

Cuz it’s one1 and and so um yes you m lost Denver in double over time uh I’m curious would you have that same uh were you kind of in that same state I yeah so I I mean I started two and it didn’t finish until like almost

6 and I started watching it at two and then I I was going on a date and I washed it in my car all the way like I had it on in my car all the way there and I walked into his house still watching it you’re like sh shut up shut

Up shut up I was like wait wait wait we’re g to have to wait about a half hour good for you no that’s the right move my phone that’s a big game I I that’s the right move um yeah and then so what what this really boils down to

Evan is we wanted UMass to move on and we wanted our our counterparts on our podcast too to just be quiet because we both are working with guys from beu Conor and Scott mlin uh they come at us a lot um and so we we have to go for

Bragging rights a little bit but it didn’t quite out UMass in that category this year well we have the more recent bragging rights you know a national championship in 2021 we can still hang our hat on but now what do you do because I now when when UMass is out I

Root for the rest of Hockey East and I for a local team so I’m actually for DC right now um yeah and it’s hard it’s hard it’s interesting because like Maine would have been a good one that’s like an easy like Ben bar like that whole

Crow would have Lov to have seen them Advance um I do roof Rocky East like with Newland hockey Journal local kids like Will Smith and Ryan Leonard obviously want to see those guys kick ass um you know be you oh leard just had a great goal by the way right before saw

I saw diver tweet it and I was like all right I gotta I gotta take a look at this um but so yeah I mean you know I I hope the New England teams do well um you know I you know I don’t know I now I

Kind of want some chaos like you do want to see like a four somewhere win um so I wouldn’t hate that but it’s you know what it’s so exciting it’s such like it’s Nots so cliche but I do love the NCA tournament it is a fun like couple

Days so I I mean we’re all in on College hockey and have been since we went to UMass so this is every year um so this whole week I was trying to figure out if I was gonna go to Springfield or go to Providence um Pro I might even go Easter

Sunday because that’s when the Providence Regional is uh so if it’s BC quc I’ll probably go and ruin Easter um but you know I’m tempted to go so and I would have gone to a UMass Main Springfield Regional but both of them lost so uh that’s not gonna happen but

In our hearts in our hearts I think what hurt most is UMass played a phenomenal game I mean that was to me like you were there Scott Morrow hits the post I know these uh Bruins beat listeners were like can you guys on to breu stuff but we got

It’s hockey all right it’s the big time of the year so we got to discuss that but yeah um unfortun I was told by my friends who were there that when the Denver goalie got hurt some UMass fans were pretty upset about it the fact that

It took so long and that he didn’t come out and that started a fight in the crowd so I’m not really surprised well I would you know I was shocked he stayed in and then I’m like all right well he’s staying in he’s clearly not feeling great if if they get

If UMass can get him moving Davis was insane so yeah um you know props to Denver I guess you move on you know hopefully Cornell beats him um but um yeah that’s our those are some of our College hockey thoughts it’s time of year sorry we’ll get to Bruins right now

Uh so the Bruins are down in Washington they continue this long road trip uh towards the end of the season and some news coming out of DC is that the Bruins have shaken up the lines a little bit um so they got Martian zaka Pono on line

One they’ve got hin and Coy Frederick 2 de bruss geeki brazzo on three uh and then the Bruins listed jvr beater boquist loo like beater SL boquist in the middle but I saw Adam Pellerin had uh beer on the left boquist on the middle and loo on the right and then Vin

Re God guy out I know that Mon’s talked a lot about um wanting beer and boquist uh on the same line together so uh you know interesting uh there’s some stuff in there I like there’s some stuff I’m a little more hesitant on what’s your sort of initial reaction well and the D-

Pairs are different too so it’s they’re going lyol macavoy top pair uh grizzli Carlo and then I think they had shat and Kirk peek as a pair and then uh Laura wspoon was the extra pair so I mean that’s completely different than than last game where they already had mixed

Up the the pairings and split lyol and Carlo and actually on our podcast um Shameless plug the skate pod uh we were talking about to do that yeah sorry I got there eventually um we were talking about how last playoffs it felt like one of the one of the demises of the team

Was over shuffling and splitting things up and just doing too much and so our conversation was hey are they at risk of doing this again or did they learn their lesson and over the last two two games like the trip to Florida and then now in

Washington if this is what they roll out it it feels like they might be doing the same thing and and uh messing with with some things that don’t need to be messed with I like the the normal line with hin and zaka and poso I when you split some

Some of those lines up that are doing well I know that the idea is to try to get marshan going but I don’t know if putting zaka you know him with zaka and Pono helps those two uh so I don’t know I I’m getting this feeling Evan that we

We could be in for some really frustrating line shuffling in the playoffs again and it it it just brings back flashbacks well there’s no doubt they will um just given that you know with the way a series Turns The Way Montgomery kind of as you said shuffles

The lines probably I don’t really want to see I don’t really want to see lines that we haven’t seen at all like I’m like okay if you want to Tinker with some stuff you’ve seen earlier in the year but I’m not I’m not interested in seeing stuff we’ve not even one time

Tried or seen last year obviously was different when you add guys at the trade deadline that you’re trying to figure out where they fit but this year the only guy you’re trying to plug in is is Pat maroon in your forward lines and that seems fairly straightforward it’s

Not like you’re trying to find a spot for a bruzi but you if you’re putting guys together that haven’t played a whole lot together this season um I just I don’t like I I don’t like the overreaction sometime I guess would be the way to put it yeah I you know

It’s interesting all year their top their bottom six has sort of shuffled around they have never really found a fourth line that’s set that’s stuck so I’m okay with them doing what they’re doing down there um where I agree with you is the top six right you want to try

To have those lines with the ultimate amount of chemistry I think this lineup is not it’s not like last year where you have so many potent scorers throughout the lineup that could contribute on any and of course like Heinen’s a great story we’ll get to him later and you

Know uh geeky and uh Frederick and some of those guys but I want your your high-end Talent your posto your martians I kind of want them on different lines now granted they could come out uh tomorrow Saturday in Washington and that line of Martian zaka pasak could score

You know four goals or something and and it’s like all right well maybe makes sense to have kind of a super line and they’re probably allaster knock yeah exactly they’re all Foster knock but you know that I think when you start to mess with the chemistry and uh I know Heinen

And Coyle kind of obviously have a history together uh so does Coyle and Frederick um what I do like but here’s the thing Evan is Heinen Coyle Frederick a winning second line like in no not at all that’s not a second line for a playoff Contender that’s that’s why when

You when you mix Marshon back with like when you don’t split marshan and pasta up you’re looking at lines you’re going that’s a third line that’s I mean Heinen was a lock on um Frederick and Coyle I like both of their games but I wouldn’t

Say that I that you like it on the third line you like great third line but like it’s it’s tough and I think that the fact that van reik is either not healthy fully or not playing well complicates the middle six situation even more well again this goes back to why I don’t

Think the Bruins are legit leg imate cup contenders because you’re rolling out again like okay so you put you put your big guns together your big guns on your top line which is great fine you can do that but then what do you have left that

So to me that’s where like I agree with you and that like that’s not a real second line you have Heinen who you know was was F has been playing fine with zaka and AO but hinen is not I think you and I said this back before the deadline

Heinen is not a legitimate top six forward that you would have on a Stanley Cup contending team I’m not trying to diminish him he’s been great he’s awesome story this year what I’ll say is he is complimentary to the right top six forwards but he’s he’s like he comp if

He can compliment them well enough then he he makes it on that line with posa and zaka but like he’s not driving the line he’s just making the you know the simple place to help those guys get to the right positions and and just keep the play going forward um and and and

He’s been good with that line but this is the only thing I can think Evan that makes me think this might be a oneand done kind of situation for those lines is that Washington is very topheavy and they have zero depth in their lineup at all so and Wilson is

Still serving a suspension and it’s you might be able to load up your Top Line because Washington is is a team that is in the playoff picture right now even though they were sellers um it’s crazy they’re in the second wild card spot right now and like could could easily

Make the playoffs even though they sold away assets at the deadline and they’re not as deep as a cup Contender um but either way my point is that maybe you stack the Top Line because the opponent allows it if you want to look at it um

But I don’t I don’t think in the playoffs that that’s a good way to go about it because then you’re allowing teams to really key in on that line you’re not able to to dictate matchups where you know you send out different threats in different areas and maybe it

Works against Washington but it’s not going to work against Panthers or or Toronto or You Know You’re Gonna Want More spread out scoring you want more spread out and I I also think you know even against team like Washington right with a heavy Top Line you know big you

Know Big Gun Top Line wouldn’t mind seeing you know um the lines as they were before handle that you know de Brusque and Martian and Coyle and um you know postag and zaka and H I want to see those lines handle that stuff um rather than beefing up the top line just to

Kind of get a win I want to see those two line those two top lines how they do against team like that I there’s something I like though in these lines there’s there’s one thing I like um quick word from our friends over at prize pick prize Pi is the best way to

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Want Taco so that’s that’s the point that’s the point so totally totally lost my train of thought over that yeah it was to trip you up that was the goal um what I like about these lines Justin brazo on the third line now I mentioned this to Scott last week and

Scott was like well now granted it was because I said I likeed I like the idea of Frederick and brazo but he’s like well they played like one game together and they weren’t great I’m like Scott I want to see them extended I think brazo has more than earned the right he’s

Proved he’s not just a fourth line guy and I’m not saying he’s GNA be a top six fixture but I’m saying I’d love to see him in an elevated role in the third line given what he brings what you know he’s more than just a Bruiser he’s not a

Bruiser just his his abili he’s actually just a big guy he’s not like he’s not overly aggressive or he’s not an ad Ator like he’s just uses his body the right way to shield pux and to to get puxin so he’s not he’s not like a tough guy right

But he’s no whenever I stand next to him I feel like I feel like he’s like a mega human like some sort of different species of human and then there’s like me and the rest of us standing next to him that’s how big he is but um he’s not

Gonna fight I don’t think he’s that’s not really in his that’s actually really not his personality truthfully well what’s interest again you’re right and I also think you know what he’s able to bring I mean you know Montgomery in the last week or so has talked a lot about

Guys going to dirty areas winning Puck battles some guys not doing enough to do those things he’s been the opposite he’s been the guy who has been taking the puck to the net who has been finishing chances who’s been earning chances and who’s been winning Puck battles and I

Think you know for what he brings I would love to see him on a line with geeki and I know they have de Brusque with it with this line here I’d rather Frederick I would rather because of what he brings and the elements of his game debrus is more of a

Top six forward right now I know Frederick just you know I think what’ he get his 20th goal um which is great um but at the same time like I I just think Frederick’s game compliments geeki and brazo so well I that’s a heavy line that’s a line in a playoff series that

Can kind of grind you down can work line yes yes so I like the idea of brazo with geeki um but I I don’t you know I think I’d rather Frederick there than de Brusque I don’t to R there at all yeah I don’t I I think so you can see that like

The the whole brazo Frederick thing works together because the very limited amount of power plays recently that Frederick and brazzo both played on the second unit it’s been successful those are just throwing pucks on net and picking up rebounds and beating people to the front of the net and and they’re

They’re both really like intense like Puck hounds and they get there and that could be what that line brings and geeki is good at Puck possession as well and he’s he’s actually very large too it’s hard to tell on TV right because they’re standing next to other people that are

Very tall but then when they’re standing next to someone like me it’s like no that guy is huge so um that would be a really big uh line that’s hard to take the puck away from uh de brus doesn’t fall into that category so the identity if that’s what you wanted for the

Identity of a line a third line you would probably put Frederick there F him with de brus put de brus with hinen and Coy which I don’t think sounds like a bad option I think it sounds like a better option than the what they’re working with in this middle six maybe

This is just a onetime thing um I personally don’t like that this much tinkering um it kind of shows desperation and I feel like that was one of the reasons why it didn’t work in the playoffs too it was like okay you don’t trust us the way

Things are it’s like a mentality like it’s a it’s a mental thing that gets in your head like what was wrong with what we were doing like were we that bad that you needed to to make all these changes kind of out of it yeah and and another interesting part and we haven’t

Even discussed this is like van ramdy I think is the going to be the odd man out in this crew and he was dealing with an illness for a really long time um he’s someone you’d like to get right before the playoffs and I would think that’s

Someone you’d want to find a place for whether it’s the third line whether it’s the second line because he does have that ceiling of oh that’s a guy who can contribute in a top six uh so he’s someone that I would love to see the Bruins be able to get right before the

Postseason starts me too I’m actually worried about this because I had heard that this is a very this illness has lasted a long time um and I believe that it affected his weight as well that he dropped some weight um during that time frame and obviously that comes with

Weakness and needing more time away from like the ice to work to get stronger and get back to where you were before so some of these illnesses like people don’t really think about it this way because it’s more of the extreme case but sometimes you like remember swayan

Last year at the end of the season he got sick and he lost like 10 pounds yeah sometimes it really kicks your ass and I wonder if that’s what happened to to jvr um I I think that based on the season he’s had so far and being so consistent

Up to that point it makes me think that that’s definitely facturing in I don’t think he just would have like a sharp decline unless there was some sort of physical thing happening as well um it it’s important for the Bruins to get him back because he’s somebody that you can

Flip around your middle six um and especially be a netf front weapon on the first Power Play unit and that first Power Play unit has not been getting a lot done um so that’s where I would Tinker would be the the power play like the top power play unit um I like the

Second unit breo’s been great unit Frederick yeah I like the addition of Frederick there um give him some time Marshon they moved him net front I I don’t mind that that’s fine get him moving down low get him you know some pucks down low maybe that gets him going

Because he’s been in a little bit of a slump so I don’t know but there’s there’s certainly a risk of they changed every single wine and every single deep pair do you think that’s excessive they really did you’re right about that you know it’s interesting that you mentioned um you mentioned that

First Power Play unit and you know James and Reams can bring kind of a good netfront presence to that and um you know I think there’s a lot there I I was talking about this with hags on his podcast like a week ago and you know different things they can Tinker with

Like McAvoy at the point really hasn’t been working out um you know would lowai be a better option there would that be a reason to put him in the lineup come the playoffs um I think they’re all interesting questions I want to get to it uh but first a quick word from our

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Factor / Bruins 50 and use code Bruins 50 to get 50% off again that’s code Bruins 50 at Factor ruins 50 to get 50% off now back to the show we talk a lot about lineup tinkering in this and you know yeah desperate moves at this time of the year

And I agree with you some of the like I’m fine with moving brazo up because he’s earned it you know and I even Frederick thing to the second line like I don’t think that’s his optimal position it could be hey he’s been playing well lately let’s let’s give it

A try but want to see his poor face he got he got tagged yeah and he was bleeding from like stitches under like under his nose and next his eye I have a feeling tonight’s broadcast we’re gonna see some black and blue and

He’s a tough guy that guy he is he is a tough kid and he I what I love most about Frederick in his fights is he you can tell he gets genuinely angry like he just is throwing him never it’s never like taking a a punch off or it’s just

Throwing them so I’ve always enjoyed that my theory about hockey fights or I guess any kind of fight is you have an edge if you’re the one that’s crazier and I feel like he’s a little bit crazier than most people that he he does he’s got a little bit he’s got a little

Crazy to him which is good you know which is never a bad thing when you’re when you’re a hockey player yeah um so what do you make of this team I mean we’re you know we’re a couple weeks away from the playoffs um they’re shuffling the lines um Bruins continue to find

Ways to win I know they obviously had that uh loss at Tampa on uh on Wednesday night um but I mean they’re still you know they just clinched the playoff spot first in the Atlantic uh 99 points they are not uh in the president’s trophy uh they’re not president’s trophy favorites

Right now thank God but they are first in the Atlantic what do you make of this team right now I mean have your expectations of them changed at all well so I’m just like looking at the standings as well while we’re talking about this and if the playoffs started

Today they would play Washington which is what we’re gonna see tonight so why wouldn’t you roll out the line you the lineup you want to roll for the first round of the playoffs if this might be your first round opponent that’s what drives me crazy right um I think that

Washington has given them trouble trouble this year yeah so that’s your first round matchup obviously there’s a little bit to be concerned about they’re you know kind of a team that has some pests on it but on paper you should be able to beat them but they they put up

Some stinkers against Washington this year um and that’s why you want to see what that lineup would actually look like granted like I said Wilson’s not playing for them today but um yeah I mean what’s my take on them and their chance to go all the way

Um I will say I was encouraged by the the game they had against Florida agreed same here that’s the that’s the kind of way they need to play in the playoffs that level of intensity needs to be there every night not just when Ma achuck annoys the hell out of you so so

You lose your cool but like I I am concerned that that we don’t see that intensity often enough I know the regular season I work with Andrew raycroft for our Sunday skate and he’s not worried at all uh he always say yeah it’s you know there’s so

Many games in the regular season you can’t be that intense in all of them you wear yourself out so he’s so calm he is so like just chill then there’s Scott who’s like the sky is falling and then there’s me just watching them like go back and forth

With each other and antagonizing it occasionally but I’m somewhere in between that because I don’t think that you can be completely calm and like it doesn’t matter to the playoff start no you need to figure out your line your line you need to figure out how to reach that level of intensity

I mean the discouraging thing this week was that they had they had two low energy games followed by a low energy practice that Montgomery decided to run them and then they responded with it well actually they start the game against Florida well but they eventually got there took them about eight or so

Minutes but then you saw the the the emotional side of the game that they can bring if they do that every game they’ll be okay but they still it was only a one goal win against Florida but I don’t know I’m not entirely sold on this being

A team that makes it to the cup and I really think and it sucks but last year this was true too it depends on the first round matchup if they had matched up against anybody but Florida give it was the penguins that got in instead of

Sucking at the end of the season yeah they would have won that they would have won a series with the Penguins but unfortunately it you don’t want it to be the case but there there’s a lot riding on who they match up with in the first

Round and then once you get your feet under you usually you kind of settle in and you’re you’re of and running but that first round can be hard it can be they should win around they should win around to be first in the East excuse me in the Atlantic um you

Have expectations you have the core pieces there like obviously Washington’s hot right now and also the other thing to watch is like uh there’s only a point as of Friday afternoon uh there’s only a point separating Philly and Washington and Philly’s been struggling lately so does Philly then fall into that second

Wild card spot which in that case that would not be a bad match up for the Bruins because you know that’s a team that has been you know kind of uh was hot at the beginning of the year and has kind of you know in the last month or so

Started to you know be more like what they should have or what we thought they’d be this year it’s hilarious to me by the way that uh like teams like Philly and Washington who were both sellers at the deadline and did not have huge expectations for the season are in

The playoff picture but teams like new the Islanders the Penguins the Devils uh these teams with real playoff hopes and legit rosters uh are of it but uh they should win around to me it’s like they should win around um I know I said they were legit Stanley Cup contenders

Midseason when things were good I think over the last two months I’ve seen more and more with this roster of it’s not a bad roster and that the sky is not falling they’re not you know they shouldn’t have been sellers of the deadline but you know realistically you see what happens in

The second round I think that’s really where I expect them to be you know if they can get to the second round that’s you know they because again like hags I’ve said this on hag’s podcast before I probably even said i’ probably said it on Bruin speed I lose track of where I

Say what stuff yeah but it is sort of a bridge year I mean it’s it’s a transitional year um and you know again you’re first in the Atlantic you have those real expectations you should definitely win a round and then you should be Uber competitive and

Potentially win it in the second so I have them somewhere in the I have them in the second round that’s where yeah I mean if they draw Philly that should be a first round win that I agree but it they should beat anybody like your first

I don’t know who will that’s what I’m trying to say is that no no I AG I agree with you so I completely agree like if you exercise we do at the end of every season in the last month or the last two weeks or whatever it’s like who should

You be most afraid to match up against and that’s kind of what we’re doing we like ranking okay what team is a more short thing like what team does Boston match up best against well who do they match up worst against I don’t find the

Flyers to be as scary as some of the other options for for wild card teams um and believe it or not I feel like Washington though their depth isn’t there might be a harder match up for Boston than than the Flyers are um and we don’t like obviously we still have

About a month left no a little less than a month left right so a couple weeks um so a lot can change in that time frame too I mean a few teams like Boston just clinched playoff spots and then you we’re watching more and more teams fall out of the playoffs like via

Mathematically eliminated from the playoffs which San Jose has been for a long time but it feels like Columbus I mean 16 wins and 47 losses guys I think you’re gonna need to do better than that you might get mathematically eliminated pretty early if you do Inc that is incredible I have

Not paid any attention to the sharks in months because beginning of the year they lost a million games in a row so it’s like oh my God this is like all time terrible but now I I I haven’t paid that much attention at all like Macklin celebrini please please but then you

Look at like okay Detroit Detroit’s another one they’re uh right on the outside they’re two points out as again a Friday afternoon Bruns have had trouble with them all year um and I think any issue you run into with a lot of these Wild Card teams outside of

Philly because Philly’s been in that Metro those three teams in the Metro for a while that they would have they would have to fall out uh but a lot of these teams that you’re seeing fight their way they’re playing playoff hockey the last month month and a half of the season and

This was sort of a problem with the Panthers last year where they were playing round one hockey games for for a month and that’s sort of I think now a new fear unlocked for Bruins fans of like if you play Detroit or the Islanders or Washington or I mean even

You can throw in like New Jersey these teams are playing playoff hockey trying to claw their way in and once they get in it just is a continuation of what they’ve been doing so um I you know I don’t think that you know Philly’s probably the easiest matchup I also

Wouldn’t mind them playing Toronto in round one you know it’s sort of like the devil you know devil you don’t yeah I would love that I would love that that I mean every TV station would love that like every all of us you me with podcasts with with

Media yes we would I would do anything for that in the first one I think it’d be terrific it’d be great for Ratings it’d be great for you know it’s just entertaining hockey and two really passionate fan bases that dislike each other uh and the Bruins have won those

Matchups and it also it makes me think like what do you do with goaling because San’s been great against them this year but all Mark’s playing I personally think all Mark is playing better than Swan right now um and we’ve had this whole debate do you rotate evenly and do

You it’s you know we we do this all the time Evan this is and uh this is another thing with Razer and Scott that they fight about because Razer says no rotation will not change his mind Scott says rotation tries to get Razer to change his mind and then just like even

If the commercial breakr like you’re know we don’t change it though all right he still arguing in the commercials like good I would expect I like that Scott uh I like that Scott puts up a legit fight on that that’s uh that’s that’s what Scott’s Great for Scott’s great at at

Speaking his mind and well he didn’t used to be he’s like something something came over him in the last year where now all of a sudden he’s he’s you know he’s got some sass to him he’s great at that he does have some sass which is nice um

I think pull it out of I think I AC pull it out of too much too hard yes um but so yeah I mean I think I just back to the Bruins playoff thing to finish this off um I they should win around like I don’t know

I I agree with you like Washington Detroit those would be you know difficult matchups those would not be five game series um I if they lost to Washington or Detroit we would rip them like I still go back to that like they should win a round um to if you’re if

You’re going to be that good in the regular season you better at least win a round in the playoffs so yeah that’s where I’m at with this team we all just still scarred from last playoffs I mean this is true this is true I was were you

At game seven I was I was at games five and seven yep so I was at all all the home games in that Series game seven was one of the worst feelings I’ve ever felt like from a collective group of fans like the the air was out of that building before the

Game was even over then they came back and it’s like oh they might actually win and then they lost but um you could hear pin drop at one point when they were losing in that game and it felt like there was no oxygen in that building it

Was one of the worst atmospheres I’ve ever been involved in in sports maybe the single worst atmosphere I’ve been in at the Garden ever and that’s before they lost um and then obviously in the locker room after was genuinely like I’ve never seen anything like it how

Upset like and I’m a sympathetic crier so I had to stop myself from like get like if I see other people crying sometimes I cry and it was just like seeing gr and cry not the best um so we are all scarred from that situation we

Do not want to fans do not want to see it um it’s tough to cover as as a media member as well like people are upset and you’re asking them questions they when we left alone so um it’s that’s true let’s just but we’re all like keeping the bar

At a certain level so that the pain just isn’t as much as it was well the bar last year was when the I mean I was convinced last year they were winning the cup like and and I said it everywhere I was open about it um that

Team was a wagon everything was working um you had all the pieces all that stuff I was shocked um I will challenge though that I have been at a work environment there and it was game seven in 2019 Bruins okay they went down early and that that building was it’s sad because people

Spend so much money on tickets and to have it just deflate it was two nothing after one it was like well this is over and I felt the same way last year because it was what was it two the Panthers were up by two goals entering

The third or they were up and then the Bruins came back took the lead I’m like oh my God like obviously this is is how it’s going to end the Bruins are going to win I went down to level I went down to the third level to get ready for like

Um availabilities and stuff cuz my God this a bag and then we get down there and I’m like oh it is not um so hopefully things end differently for the for Bruins fans sake this season um before we go Bridget you got a lot of stuff going on what can be look forward

To from you um so as long as the Bruin season keeps going we have Sunday skate on Wei every Sunday morning 9 to 11 um on the skate pod with Scott and Brian as well and I’m even though College hockey is done for me uh I still have a

Few more broadcasts left for pwl Boston so I’ll be broadcasting both their last two home games of the Season which That season is actually coming to an end kind of quickly they have a big break here for some International games but then come back and uh yeah I got both of

Those and unfortunately they’re not in a playoff spot right now so not really sure if I’ll have any more broadcast for the playoffs or not hopefully you do hopefully they they stick you in the they yeah they’re right there on the line four out of six teams make it but I

Don’t know if they’re goingon to be one so they should you know what they should send you to wherever uh the playoffs are and have you broadcast I think I I you have my support um I will I will openly petition for that to be Cas I’m gonna

Need you guys all to sign a paper that says that yes we’ll start the the uh it’s not it’s not GoFundMe what’s the other uh website like petition people there a petition website yeah yes we’ll start we’ll start that like 100,000 signatures they’re like all right fine

We we’ll do it we let it totally get that yeah exactly we could we I think we could do it are loyal yeah exactly all do it um but anyways Bridget it’s always a pleasure having you on thank you for joining um everyone go listen to the

Skate podcast Sunday skate um on Sunday mornings on EI uh and yeah that’s been this episode of Bruins beat by the way before I go I will not be here next week I will be on vacation there will be a mystery guest host uh hosting both episodes next week it’s the first time

I’ve not done two episodes since I started doing this uh but there will be a guest host next week so you can forward to that it’s not Connor it is not Connor Connor has poked the bear and he has enough going on so it’s somebody different uh you will like this person I

Know you guys like this person so um they’re smarter and better than I am so enjoy that um but uh anyway that’s been this episode of Bruins beat you Bruins beat listeners have a great rest have your week

In the latest episode of Bruins Beat, host Evan Marinofsky is joined by Bridgette Proulx to delve into a range of topics related to the Boston Bruins. They discuss Jim Montgomery’s plan to roll out some new lines and debate whether this move indicates desperation. Additionally, they highlight one positive aspect of the team’s current situation, evaluate the overall state of the team, and consider the best possible first-round matchup for the Bruins in the playoffs.


– Evan and Bridgette mourn UMass losing to Denver

– Jim Montgomery plans on rolling out some new lines

– Is it a desperate move?

– The one good thing

– What to make of this team

– The best first-round matchup

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