@Calgary Flames

Friedman on the Jeff Marek show: “Flames are in talks with Darryl Sutter about a role in Hockey Ops”

tl;dr of the segment:

* Ownership upset with how Sutter’s termination was handled, wanted to “do right by him”.

* Ownership “never wanted to give [Sutter] up”, but hand was forced and wanted to try for playoffs this season.

* Now that most of the players upset with Sutter are out felt that now was a good time to re-explore a potential role with the team.

* Sutter done with road travel. Wants to stay local. Chris Sutter’s condition a factor in this.

* Role considered “Assistant to the President of Hockey Ops”, similar arrangement to how Conroy was on his path to GM.
* Will explore possibility of a “more permanent role” during the next season.
* Would be involved in Scouting, Drafting and assement of Prospects, starting this draft.
* Notes that Sutter has already been attending a lot of Wrangler games.
* Working out difficulties with new contract as the Flames are still paying for his contract as coach.

[Full segment here for those who are interested.](

by TL10


  1. No_Heat_7327

    I watched the segment. I really liked the piece about drafting more good ‘ol Western Canadian boys instead of all of those dirty Quebecois.

  2. gwmohammad

    I knew what was coming but just had to click.

  3. FrisbeeMcRobert

    This is an April fools prank right?


  4. Im hearing CSEC is also reorganizing the arena deal so that they’ll pay for the whole thing! What a day for Calgary sports.

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