@Boston Bruins

The Bruins Have EXCEEDED Expectations

The Bruins Have EXCEEDED Expectations

Perspective that’s a big thing big thing in life want to make a quick video I understand this week’s videos haven’t been high production quality that will change once I get a laptop I can start editing and make my usual videos on the channel kind of hope you guys like a

Little bit less heavy edited content as well but things we’ll get back to normal let’s talk about the Bruins and perspective because going into this season I did not expect the Bruins to be anywhere near the top of the Atlantic I thought like you know maybe a third at

Most Wild Card type team because you know when you miss you know major pieces leave like berson like CR then you have other guys that you brought in from the trade headline like brzi and orloff like there there was a lot of pieces that left and you were like okay this team

Should be compe itive because of their defense and goal tending but there’s you know it’s it’s going to be very hard for them to be towards the top end the Atlantic and what have they done this year right back at the number one spot it’s impressive now are the Bruins a perfect

Team no are they a frustrating team at times absolutely but sometimes you just got to sit back and just relax and just enjoy what you’re seeing do they have holes yes there other things that I wish the Bruins did did the trade deadline to you know make

Them have a better shot to go deep absolutely but the ability for this Bruins roster to maintain the level that they did from last season while not as successful for obvious reasons it’s just downright impressive they’ve lost a lot of one goal games but they’ve they’ve won a lot of

Games the Bruins are a team that just finds ways to win games and when they’re clicking they have the high-end Talent maran’s had a good year David poono is having another good well not just a good a great year he’s been absolutely phenomenal offensively for the Bruins olark and San while have

While they’ve both had their cold stretches have given you consistent relatively consistent goal tending and guys have stepped up like Charlie Cole to me is a big guy stepped up and shown that you know he can play in a top six role I doubt it if he

Could most teams after losing that much talent in the off season in a single offseason I should say it would be very hard for them to be even in a playoff position but the Bruins just you know whether you hate it or love it but under under Cam Neely under Don

Sweeney they found ways to win they found ways to stay competitive and in in a league where there’s a lot of par in a league where you see a lot of teams just completely fall apart or teams that have a ton of talent and never really get it

Together but the Bruins have done this season to continue their playoff streak to continue their Excellence is incredible it really is it’s incredible and as a Bruins fan sometimes you got to take a step back and appreciate what you got because I remember the years the Bruins were not a good team

You know before Claud julienne let’s be honest the Bruins were just kind of at best an eighth seed or a seventh seed missed the playoffs quite a few years in the late 90s early 200s it was kind of it’s going to a mixed bag you have some good teams in there don’t get

Me wrong but what we’ve seen over the like over the last decade is just downright impressive they haven’t always won it they’ve had some major disappointments in the playoffs but the continual success the roster has had in this team has had I should say is downright impressive so like to know your thoughts

Down below I what have you thought about their success over the last decade shoot even 15 years or so are you as impressed as I am are you impressed that they’re able to maintain this level of Excellence even with all the players that left last off season let me know

Your thoughts in the comments section see you in the next one

The Bruins have exceeded my expectations this season. Just wanted reflect how incredible it is to see them back towards the top of the league

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  1. No worries about the editing quality, dude. It's the what, less the how, something's said.

    On topic: I'm loving this year's Bruins honestly. I genuinely thought the Centennial was going to be completely depressing. This team is far from our best ever. But it has NOT just laid down to die. You gotta respect the guys doing this well. This team won't win the Cup, but it held the Banner high!

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