@Nashville Predators

Ryan McDonagh illegal check to the head of Ross Colton – Tough Call Recommendation

Ryan McDonagh got a match penalty for an illegal check to the head of Ross Colton. I agree it’s worthy of an ejection, but I don’t think it was malicious like some.


  1. disagree ,Colton is not trying to play the puck he is playing the man and should have been called for interference and embellishment for trying to submarine McDonagh ,he stays low instead of straightening up to meet him shoulder to shoulder

  2. "but I really don't think its as dirty or malicious as some people are implying". Extremely frightening you're whole channel is dedicated to this and you've got this bad of a take. This is a dirty hit by McDonough, you claim he knows hes not going to get the puck so he has to get his man (he knows hes out of position), and doing so makes him throw a desperate hit which happens to be a dirty ass, malicious hit.

    So you're wrong completely. McDonough is out of position and throws a desperate dirty hit to try and make up for bad positioning. Could have easily been avoided if he was in position and played the puck.

  3. Interference and hit to head. Ryan had no right to check a man WITHOUT the puck, and the bozo hits the guy in the head. 5 game minimum plus hefty fine

  4. Baloney! You claim McDonagh needs to keep the puck in the O zone. True statement except McDonagh makes no play at all on the puck. That is why he was assessed a match, and it’s why the league should suspend him for the hit because of his history.

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