@Toronto Maple Leafs

LFR17 – Game 74 – Cat Chat – Panthers 4, Maple Leafs 6

Steve Dangle recaps and analyzes Game 74 of the Toronto Maple Leafs season against the Florida Panthers



  1. Congrats Leafs on beating your nemesis in the up coming playoffs. Good show of grit but I feel you still need to work on a more aggressive point man coverage from the wingers. Go Leafs Go. This team looks like it will be grittier in the playoffs. We have a good chance of getting past round 2 this year. Should be fun. Goal tending is weak and winger defensive coverage is too.

  2. God! That third goal by Florida shows what the leafs wingers need to work on. Robertson and Knies were collapsed down into the slot marking no one, getting in the way and not looking behind them for the point attack. Florida used 3 forwards to score against 5 leaf defenders collapsed around the goal, puck watching.

  3. They guy (who cheers against them) and his daughter are having a good time together and create fun memories.

    People have fun in different ways and all I see is a father and daughter enjoying themselves.

    Not really odd behavior.

  4. Goku trained at 100x normal Earth gravity going to Namek. After Namek Vegeta uses a similar pod to train up to 500x Earth’s gravity. Even Yamcha survives 300x Earth’s gravity long enough to not get instantly crushed to death and turn the machine off 😂. So that means Yamcha is stronger than Captain Ginuy before the Androids arrive. Still waiting for DBZFR!!!!!

  5. We have seen that 3rd period too many times by the Leafs. The first and second periods are what they are capable of when they continue to play solid defense in their end and ATTACK OFFENSIVELY! Once they get big leads, this team tries to play the defensive shell game….kind of a football prevent. There's two problems with this; first, the fact that they stop attacking on offense limits chances to extend leads and diminishes puck possession time. Maybe more importantly though, this team isn't built, player wise, to play that defensive shell game. I can't stand it and it happens far too often. I'm not sure if it is a coaching strategy? If so…….STOP IT! Keep the mentality and style of play that got you there (5-1) and stick to it. If they lose then they lose playing to their strength.

  6. I mean…. 70 is actually possible. 7-0…. that's INSANITY.
    If he can get maybe one Hatty and/or a couple 2 goal games, he's golden for it.
    Gotta say it's been a bit of a relief to watch Domi's game improve this much, and tbh, he's playing better than I ever expected him to.👍👍
    As for Bertuzzi…. we KNEW he was gonna come along in the 2nd half and I'm just praying his Playoff style game shines for us come the Big Games?
    Also, I'm impressed with Reaves game lately…. dude is playing EXACTLY what we want and need.👏👏

  7. With Brodie,, I remember this happening last year, maybe not quite to this extreme but he wasn’t very good last year until I believe it was was after Xmas then he was his self, dunno!

  8. I think you have to keep robertson in the lineup he's been too productive. Maybe holmberg out?? But who plays 3rd line center

  9. We know the answer, you Add an extra offenseman and pull a defenseman off the bench. So you run with 5D and add in the extra forward

  10. Sitting here listening to you talking about Mitch coming back and how he will make the Leafs even better, it’s the Leaf version using LTIR to get the most talent into these playoffs and it makes me SMILE 😊!!

  11. Thank you.. for the first two period who was that Florida Team and yep not noticing Tarasenko until the 3rd. Congrats Matthews. Enjoy the win.

  12. Matthews reminds me so much like Mario Lemieux… only Lemieux had Jagr, Stevens and Francis always on his line…

    who is the "Bread and Butter" for Matthews the next 5 years or so??? Is it really going to be Bertuzzi or Domi???

    Maybe a Marner or Nylander?— But if that happens? Sooner or later one gets traded…

    i've got Robertson and Knies building up together as the next best 2nd Line!

    Tavares and McMann as the 3rd Line…

    What are your thoughts?

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