@Toronto Maple Leafs

Reaves is Such a Character

I love it.

by Mundane-Art-2394


  1. EverydayTiara

    His smile beams in person. He’s amazing. A fan fav in the SBA.

  2. KingInTheWest

    I was super anti Ryan reeves when we signed him. And was very vocal about how right I was after the start of the season. God damn has he turned it around though and been absolutely fantastic since he got back from injury

  3. Sheep4732

    If he doesn’t fight Sam Bennet is contract is useless

  4. Apprehensive_Battle8

    Love it. A character in the post game interview too 😂

  5. I would love to know what Tkachuk tried to scare him with lol

  6. Nameless908

    Literally a skating insurance policy. Just a bully on the ice. You know if you fuck around *you will find out* when he’s in the lineup. And he’s not dirty either. Glad to see him proving the critics wrong and why he’s played in almost *900* NHL games.

  7. SyphiliticPlatypus

    Mike this beauty up for a game and play it uncensored.

  8. I always wondered what they did to his knees after that interview? Was he previously hiding his issue and the team doctors didn’t know about it? His skating has improved a lot since he opened up about his knee cap keeps popping out.

  9. redbush4real

    I was so pumped when he was signed. He makes such a difference on and off the ice.

  10. I dont really like his showboatting after fights. Hockey doesn’t need that. 

  11. Kinky_Imagination

    He has a great game and a great assist.

  12. Effective hockey player? Debatable.

    Helluva a guy? Undeniable.

  13. Rabidsenses

    I’m pretty sure Reaves’ stock will go up in the Playoffs.

    Count me amongst those who had doubts when we obtained him, and count me amongst those who thought he took up space in the Fall and couldn’t make sense of it all. But, yeah, since the break he’s found his spot.

    But if he can remain healthy, well-rested and energetic enough to do the slog of the Playoffs, then I wanna see what he brings to the table. During that time of year we all know teams tighten up, the plays go down even lower, and emotions run high … so I’m curious to see if his calling card will settle our top lines down, if a guy like Nylander can finally say, “Fuck it, I’ll play a little deeper knowing I’ve got insurance if Reaves comes on next shift to ‘correct’ the pushback I felt for going into the corners,” if the offence takes that risk to hang out in front of the net a little longer because someone is gonna clear traffic, etc., etc. … because when things do tighten up, and defence gets more technical with everyone pitching in, it would be amazing to think the Leafs had a can opener on skates to help influence the course of things.

  14. Told you guys you would love him when he was signed. Awesome guy to have on your squad

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