@New York Rangers

Gus replacing Jones With the Top 4 Staying the Same

This is wild too me

by _Noah93


  1. DropGearToDissapear

    Look, im far from a doomer. In fact I try and stay positive even when things are down. That being said, if Trouba doesn’t improve quickly and Laviolette fails to remove him off top 4 minutes this team will fall massively short. He is absolutely horrendous lately, injured still or not. Laviolette needs to be a decent coach here and realize how much better his defense was playing when Miller and Schneider were together.

  2. explosivebuttfarts

    Rip Jones. Great to see Gus bus isn’t terribly injured though

  3. ColdYellowGatorade

    I know this sucks but I think Jones opened a lot of fans eyes the last few weeks. He deserves a shot at starting next year. He was fantastic when the team needed him the most.

  4. PaulMarnersFurHat

    Disgraceful honestly. Save for that stretch at the beginning of the season Gus has been mid at best. Jones has been better.

    The Rangers better hope Jones doesn’t request a trade. He’s been jerked around too much by this org. 6D job should’ve been his this year.

  5. Dig-Duglett

    we will get killed in the playoffs because of decisions like this, how can they be so fucking obtuse?? both the eye test and advanced stats strongly back up that miller and trouba are amongst the worst in the league together.

    jones has looked great in his limited time and he’s the odd man out? smh

  6. InevitableHome343

    I’m ok with this…. For now. Let gus get back into the swing of things in game decisions and game speed.

    However, gus has a high bar to STAY in the lineup now compared to Jones.

    Shit – if this even pushes trouba to do better, sweet. Healthy competition to be on the playoff roster

  7. Guess Lavi plans to go out in the same ball of flame as GG. There is no fucking shot any team that gives top 4 minutes to Trouba makes a deep playoff run. None.

  8. jkman61494

    Lav has done a lot of things right as a coach, but he’s using a far too big of an old school mentality here in being unable to waver on some of his decisions that do not work.

    Barclay Goodrow has rightfully been Example A. He serves nothing anymore. He doesn’t score. He’s average defensively. He’s not great on the PK. He’s bad at faceoffs. He’s just some plug and play AHL caliber player at this point

    Trouba is a human red flag right now. He and Miller don’t mesh well anymore and Lav refuses to waver.

    And at this point we owe Gufstasson NOTHING. He’s a 1 year mercenary who took a near vet minimum contract for a reason. Benching Jones who has looked considerably better for a month now just reeks of

    “hurp dee durrrr intangibles”.

  9. BernieManhanders23

    Did anybody not see this coming though?

  10. SilentSaidd

    I’m quickly turning into a lavi doubter and I really didn’t want to be. He’s been great all year but we’re at the point we’re there are a lot of choices I’m not understanding. This being one of them, Cuylle on the 4th and being healthy scratched over Brodz when Rempe comes in is another

  11. I prefer to leave the overreacting to others so I’ll just leave it at glad to see gus isn’t sidelined long term after taking a UFC elbow to the jaw

  12. Cute-Escape2751

    This is some bullshit. This is just because he’s a rookie and Lavi wants to reward the vets for … some reason? Jones has been the second best d-man on this team for a month straight. He hasn’t had a single bad game and he deserves a permanent line-up spot at this point. If he starts playing poorly, well then whoever’s the 7th d-man can jump in.

  13. 5minmajor

    It’s crazy that Jones is a 7th D with his talent. The guy is great.

  14. The defense is literally worse with these moves. But NHL coaches ride their vets/high paid guys. AV did the same shit with Dan Boyle playing minutes he never should have years ago

  15. NYsportsfan99

    Idk if this is controversial or what but if they’re going to send one of the younger guys down it should’ve been Schneider. I like him but Jones looks like a game changer. I’ve liked Jones since the first time he got brought up and each time I thought there was a roster spot for him to stay. He has to be a part of this team in the playoffs if we want to win a cup.

  16. Tommybrady20

    Seems bad that the only way Lav lucks into the right answer is injuries forcing his hand one way or the other.

  17. Tommybrady20

    It’s very easy to sound like a whiny little overreactor on Reddit but Jesus Christ, man split up 79-8. It hasn’t worked in 3 years.

  18. Monfett33

    This is fucking wild. Gus hasn’t been good since Adam returned from injury. Lavy wants to get bounced first round huh?

  19. njerejeje

    I like Jones and think he’s played well this year but this sub is making him out to be way better than he is

    5v5 xG% on the year:

    Trouba: 47.46%

    Jones: 47.53%

    Trouba’s done that against easily more difficult opponents too.

    “But Jones has been better lately!”

    On the surface, yes, he has an 8-4 5v5 goal differential. But since March 8(when Trouba got hurt and Jones entered the lineup), Jones has a 46.31 xG%, *lower* than his season average. A 105 PDO in that stretch is making him appear far better than he’s actually played.

    I definitely would rather Laviolette try different combinations of d-pairs instead of being stubborn with 55-23 and 79-8, but as far as the 6 defensemen that are actually in the lineup, I have no problem with it.

  20. BarmyDevonian

    I think Laviolette missed a major opportunity to try Trouba on the 3rd pair. Coming off the injury was the time to do it…he could have cited the injury saying he needs to ease him back in and quietly moved him back up if Schneider struggled.

    Now we’re all going to be clamoring for Schneider to back up indefinitely.

  21. No_Designer_5374

    This is a great thing.

    We’ve needed defensive depth for years and we finally have it.

    Jones’ career is just starting and once playoff injuries start mounting, and they will, Jones will really be in a position to prove himself for next year and beyond as our regular #6

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