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Jeff Skinner Joins Sabres Live Ahead Of 1,000th Game | Buffalo Sabres

Jeff Skinner Joins Sabres Live Ahead Of 1,000th Game | Buffalo Sabres

Well let’s uh without further Ado focus on Jeff and have him join us because of course tonight it is Jeff Skinner night and the first 10,000 in attendance will receive a Skinner beanie which he has made famous on his walk-ins into the arena of course it’s a 7 o’cl start we

Want you in your seats prior to that it is Buffalo and Washington this evening with the next member of the 1000 game club Jeff Skinner congratulations on the Milestone tonight how are you thank you I’m good thanks 10 times 100 that was pretty good on between two

Stalls that was released last night yeah that was good that they they they surprised me with that one I think uh uh yeah they did a good job keeping it keeping it secret until Dylan spray at you what was that uh they have like a fake snow machine I think okay uh we

Used it on him and then obviously somehow he found it he got it’s in the closet somewhere yeah yeah how uncomfortable was it to be on that side of it um I didn’t have much time to think about it so maybe that helped but

Uh no it was fun I think they they all did a good job and um I mean they’d all been through it so MH um they knew how to make it go smooth so I was pretty lucky C can I ask going back to last

Year why did you really want to do it and I think people would want to know why didn’t you keep doing it this year and you know I’m sure there’s a there there there could be many reasons yeah I think it just kind of I don’t even know

Exactly how it happened it just kind of I did the thing in um FanFest a couple years ago where I went undercover and um obviously most of this almost all of the stuff is not players ideas it’s the people behind the scenes people who work for the social media team and um they

They obviously have better ideas than us and they they ended up it ended up becoming a thing and then people liked it so we just kept doing it and um this year I think we’re GNA kind of wait and see sort of how things played out

Because I think we’d used a lot of the good characters on the team and we wanted to see some of the young guys see how their personalities came out and kind of if we could get some more material because you need to have some kind of jokes that go with the guys and

Um and then I think the season got going and it kind of just uh just kind of just didn’t fit kind of like the schedule or we were on the road and we couldn’t really make it work but they obviously found a way to to get get one more in

There so uh they made it work hey but you talk about the young guys is Zack Benson’s Cameo at the end of the episode and for those that haven’t seen it go and watch it was that part of his rookie lap like rookie initiation type thing

Like you’re going to be closing out my episode today or did you even know that was happening I didn’t know no and I don’t know if I’m like I don’t know if this is all secret stuff but I’m pretty sure it was supposed to be it was

Supposed to be someone else I’m not sure and then it was late in the day and there weren’t many people left at the rink and I think someone had taken off that was going to be the person that did it and then and then they were just like

Oh Benny’s here and they were like okay I guess they put the wig on him and he said come you come do it and he did he did a good job I think there’s maybe one or two bloopers of him but I don’t know if they’ll make it out uh good job I’m

Hearing the bloopers may be part of our broadcast tonight so okay well good he did a good job maybe maybe it’s older bloopers I don’t know but they’ll be bloopers tonight there’s I mean they have a lot of material so yeah they they don’t have uh less to choose from I

Guess uh Sammy with the uh VAP distilled vaporation he hydroxide on purpose I’m quite sure yeah yeah I mean I think so yeah Sam Sam sneaky sneaky funny and so a lot of sometimes a lot of his jokes kind of they go over people’s head so I

Think maybe he tricked a couple of people with that one so so a th tonight um which is kind of like the funny joke on between two stalls was well you haven’t played did a thousand yet like celebrating a thousand tonight have you had a chance to reminisce and and think

About you know even your Junior days and your draft and your career like it do you do that playing a thousand games or is it just another game how does it feel for you yeah I kind of go kind of back and forth I think between those two things I think

That it’s it’s obviously a big milestone and um but then again tomorrow like tonight when we play it’s it’s it’s another game and everyone else is playing the same game and we’re all on the same team and um we all have the same goal but because of the ceremony

That comes with it I think you get asked kind of who you like to thank and who who do you like to come to the game and sort of my family and friends are coming and a lot of people that have been instrumental in my life

Or my career are coming to the game and they start reaching out and I think that’s when just kind of um sort of by default you start to reflect back and um and I think for me you just the biggest thing is I realize kind of how fortunate

I am to be in the position I am and to have been impacted by the people I have been in the past I think that you start thinking about old teammates and sort of years that have that you’ve gone through and maybe you wouldn’t really give them

Any much second thought um but then when you start to reflect you realize actually this person helped me in this way and I’ve actually carried that a through my career and it’s still helping me now so I think those things are always fun and and nice to to kind of

Reflect on because it it it really makes you grateful for the people that have helped you get to where you are would you prefer not to have this much attention on you or on one game uh I think I mean it’s been a lot I think the

The social media team does a great job but uh yeah they’re they’re they’re running with it I think and uh I mean if people like it it make makes people laugh like mhm um I’m go ahead I’m I’m all for it but uh are there any pictures that they’ve released from your past

That you don’t don’t appreciate being out on social media childhood pictures teenage pictures you know none that I’ve seen yet I me there could be some I haven’t seen yet so I I’m gonna hold off on the comment there but uh they’ve they’ve done a good job so far okay I go

Back to your um your well it was your second year Juniors I believe but then you made your jump to the NHL you scored 50 goals that year finished second in uh goal scoring in the ol that year do you remember who beat you who was first in

Goals and how many goals he had ahead of you uh I think his name is Brian Cameron yes it is Brian Cameron he’s an over AER you were 17 year old and he was an over Ager yeah yeah he’s a good player um and then I want to say he had 53 maybe

That’s exactly correct he had 53 you’re uh might remember that number for some reason yeah somehow you know you’re like oh I got beat by a guy that got 53 goals that’s the number I’m going to pick when I get to Carolina just as a reminder yeah um okay you got drafted seventh

Overall do you remember the six players right before you in order at the draft uh oh put me on the SWOT here um well the first Taylor Hall Taylor Hall Tyler saging yes because that was the summer of the Taylor Tyler Taylor Tyler yeah uh good Branson yeah um four I

Think was Johansson yes five was was it Rider Neer rider was five six was uh Brett Connelly TOA connley then you and then trick question who was after you who’s number eight to the Atlanta trashers uh burstrom burstrom guy played six games in the NHL that’s maybe why

The trashers didn’t stick around long but why am I blanking on Johansson which Johansson joh Columbus I immediately thought swed and I’m like there’s no there was no TR got set said Jones he got traded for one see my mind isn’t always that sharp um well these are

Trick questions from 2010 and I’m not like a super draft junkie uh last one from my standpoint Jeff obviously you’ve talked about everything in your career and you’ve been doing a whole bunch of media and stuff like that like now that you’re here and you have a lot of years

Left like what are you what are you looking at tonight as far as there’s seven games remaining you’re playing Washington like there’s still a chance plus you still have years to go in the NHL like what what is motivating you and driving you right now

Now um I mean I just think it’s it’s kind of one of those things where maybe this event helps but I think when you reflect and you you start to be grateful for the opportunity you have I think it’s something that I don’t think you don’t you need to remind yourself every

Day I think it’s it’s kind of just kind of baked into being a a hockey player in the NHL I think you’re playing the best league in the world your teammates with best like the best players in the world I think so you’re around sort of a a high- performing group that’s highly

Motivated kind of by default I think and and so I don’t think anytime you play in NHL you should ever feel like you you got to try and get up for this one because I think it’s it’s that high of a level and um we’ve got a lot of young

Guys great talent and um it’s exciting to see them progressing and and making um huge strides and and and continue to grow into themselves as as players and um for me getting to see that kind of in uh even in practice I think you see it

In in practice as as a teammate more than than you do in just the game so I think that’s kind of been my mindset it kind of is is easy mindset to continue to to have because uh there’s no real time limit on it and I think that um

I’ll probably continue thinking that way until I stop last one for me um it’s easy for us to go back and look at all your goals and your games and say oh this was one of his better goals but I don’t know that we can go back and

There’s a database for your better chirps or your better exchange with anybody um in the two stalls episode they showed picture of you one of them is you on the bench kind of you know chirping back um the best chirp you’ve ever you know exploded at somebody or

That you’ve ever received and and let’s remember this is a uh you know early afternoon show uh honestly I I don’t really know that I have that gred ones I I think for me like I think for me now because and I I don’t want to sound

Like someone like Marty here but I feel like I was in the league when it was a little bit different a little bit more old school and and there’s there’s there’s a certain respect that guys had for for things that you could say things that were appropriate to say and maybe

Not on camera but things that the line was kind of pretty clear where you couldn’t cross and um I feel like I feel like I like to try and stay on that side of the line so I think that sometimes especially social media sometimes things get kind of blown out of proportion I

Think also there is a tendency for that line to get a little bit it it it gets a little more blurry now I think as you know when you played it was it was pretty pretty set in stone you saying guys go over the line more now than he

Did like 10 years ago I just think I just think I try to try to stay on the right side I think and and I don’t know I mean it’s it’s one of those things where like I like I’m not sensitive or I don’t think like yeah

Okay but there are certain and and you know more than me I think as as I’ve come along I know the older guys um there are Unwritten rules and and you kind of learn them from the older guys and um I’m I’m I’m sort of cognizant of

That and I try to respect that line and and so as a result I think mine are usually pretty simple I I think they’re they’re not they’re nothing like too offensive I hope or nothing too crazy so I’m trying to thinky you sound like a guy that just

Gets heated and then it’s over right that’s the way it is so yeah yeah yeah I think I mean yeah it’s one of those things where it’s an emotional game and and if guys can use it to sort of fire themselves up fire their teammates up it

It it has it has a maybe has an impact but uh but yeah I’m always trying to trying to keep it uh uh respectful to a better CHS were probably to your own teammates when you were doing better two STS maybe yeah maybe why does Samuelson have a Go song yeah I know

Seriously these are all valid questions I almost asked them on the bench this morning as he was watching the morning SK amazing Jee thank you and uh enjoy tonight we appreciate the time thank you guys thanks it’s Skinner 1000 night get there early first 10,000 get the Skinner

Beanie it’s also an extension of Dingus Day cele celebration tonight first 5,000 in get the Koozie giveaway you can go to tickets for That

Sabres forward Jeff Skinner joined Brian Duff and Martin Biron on Sabres Live to discuss playing in his 1,000th career NHL game plus the return of “Between 2 Stalls” and how it began. He also reflected on his career and discussed some memorable chirping/trash talking.

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