@Buffalo Sabres

Congrats, Jeff! | Testimonials From Buffalo Sabres Teammates, Former Teammates, Family, Friends

Congrats, Jeff! | Testimonials From Buffalo Sabres Teammates, Former Teammates, Family, Friends

Hey Jeff congrats on a thousand games unbelievable Milestone uh it’s incredible what you’ve done in your career um I’m super excited to see what you hold for the future I feel like you can play 20 more years so good luck the rest of the way and thanks for being an unbelievable teammate skinny

Congratulations on a thousand games what a great accomplishment from the time I uh sat in your living room as a 16-year-old with Andy and chuffy and you I knew a couple things uh one the character of you and your family and two how much you wanted to be an NHL player

And uh that nothing was going to stop you I’m not surprised you reached this Milestone I think you got a lot of games left in you big fan of yours and your family will be watching congratulations hi Jeffrey it’s hard to believe that you are playing in your 1,000th game in the

NHL what a great accomplishment you have certainly made us proud over the years however your achievements are not surprising given your hard work determination and and competitive Spirit you have played with passion skill intelligence and vision you have persevered through adversity and success I have no doubt that you will continue

To demonstrate the attributes that have brought you to this point and by the way which have made it so much fun to watch you play I’m so excited for you and I hope that you feel the same way and continue to enjoy the game yeah skinny

Just want to wish you congrats uh you know th000 games is unbelievable for me just being able to be a part of it and play with you is a tremendous honor uh Hey skinny congrats on 1,000 games um just wanted to congratulate you obviously a testament to to how hard

You’ve worked over all the years uh I can remember back when we’re playing against each other Junior and seems like a long journey now but uh congratulations and all the best congratulations Jeff um you’re a big Ro role model for me and um you’ve inspired me in many anyways uh it’s a big

Accomplishment so I just want to say congrats hey Jeff Billy here 1,000 NHL games what an amazing accomplishment the skill and character Second To None buddy I am so proud and privileged to be a part of the journey continued success go Sabers skinny congrats on a thousand

Games I’m so happy for you to to reach that Milestone and and uh you know I’m grateful to get to sit next to you in the room and and talk to you all the time and learn from you you’re such a nice guy and great guy off the ice and

Uh you know you’re so competitive on the ice and you know we love seeing you get fired up out there uh so um you know just congrats again and we’re all really happy for you skinny hi Jeff congratulations on 1,000 games it seems just like yesterday when you had your

Underage no drinking No gambling wristband on in Vegas when you won Rookie of the Year fast forward 14 years and you haven’t changed you’re still the same hyper competitive goal scoring penalty drawing Mega pest you’re one of the hardest workers I know and I admire how you are always trying to better

Yourself both in hockey by working extremely hard in the offseason or even just in general by taking university courses I’ve had so much fun watching you play over the years you are an exceptional hockey player and an even better person I am so proud of you and I

Can’t wait to keep cheering you on for the rest of your hockey career scy congrats on a th games you probably have the record for uh most open hips ever in in in an NHL career and you’re still going strong so all the credit to you well deserved and uh keep working Jeff

Congrats on a games um you know it’s a huge accomplishment I think any hockey player um only dreams of doing it and and you’ve done it so hey skinny uh just want to congratulate you on your 1000th NHL game um it’s pretty wild to think that you’re already playing in your

1000th game but um I can remember when we were teammates when you broke into the league with the Carolina Hurricanes uh winning the cder trophy as a rookie um and really taking the league by storm um we kind of joke that uh you were like the Justin Bieber of of Raleigh look

Forward to watching you uh continue to play and keep lighting the lamp pal all right go out there and have some fun cheers congratulations skinny on your thousandth game thanks a lot you know for being the the teammate you’ve been for me the guy you’ve been away from the

Ice congratulations skins on 1,000 NHL games come a long way from almost burning the kitchen down in our little apartment in Raleigh proud of you buddy skinny thanks for everything man I think um I feel like you took took me under your wing pretty good and and show me

The ropes skinny congrats man like M said a great honor that’s a lot of smart water consumed um again all the best to you uh welld deserved and uh I can’t wait for the next season of between two stalls looking forward to it congrats skting on on a thousand games huge

Accomplishment and um hopefully there’s many more hi skins I just want to say congratulations on such an exclusive accomplishment people don’t get to see the level of sacrifice work and dedication that goes into achieving at a milestone like this one today anyone who spent time with you in the season or the

Offseason in the gym knows that you’ve earned everything you’ve achieved so far and has been an honor and a privilege to work with you on this journey Jeff congrats on a thousand games obviously an amazing accomplishment something that’s uh not done by many in this

League you came in at a young age and we’re productive and you’ve continued to be productive um through the Thousand games so congrats and good luck uh to many more hi Jeff well we’re all looking very forward to celebrating your thousandth game in the NHL it’s been a

Great privilege and an honor forging a professional relationship with you over the years and establishing a great friendship as well Jeff we’re all very proud of you you can afford to be very proud of all of your success and your achievements in the National Hockey League you’re a great teammate you’re a

Great hockey player and you’re a model citizen again continued success we’re all very proud of you Jeff looking forward to your thth game skinny congrats on 1 th000 games uh unbelievable accomplishment and couldn’t happen to a better guy hey Jeff Steve spot in Dallas uh just want to congratulate you on your

1000th NHL game it seems like yesterday that you’re scoring 50 goals for us in kitner it’s quite quite an achievement I also want to congratulate your mom your dad and your entire family I know how much they’ve meant to you over this journey congratulations again Jeff

Here’s to a th more games and a lot more goals congratulations congrats skinny on Thousand games I’m very uh happy for you and I couldn’t think of a better person than you to uh deserve it hey skins congratulations on 1 thousand games well deserved all the hard work you put in in

The Summers it’s been a pleasure playing with you Team Canada’s training with you it’s not a surprise you’re still going strong congrats to you and your family and enjoy the night conr on 1,000 games skinny you know it’s it’s great to see great milestone really happy for you hey

Skin scat ulations man it’s been a while I knew you uh when you first came in the league and not a hair on that face and uh now look at you probably turning a little bit of gray on here but congratulations Cong je uh incredible Milestone and many more to come hey

Skinny congratulations on a thousand NHL games incredibly proud of you uh from picking you up at your first development Camp to making the team as an 18-year-old and all the unbelievable plays and highlight real goals that have came since both here in Carolina and in

Buffalo um I’ll always be a fan of your career congrats Jeff on a thousand games um it’s uh been an honor playing alongside of you for for a few years and um it’s a really huge accomplishment so I just want to say congrats hi Jeffrey congratulations on reaching this

Incredible Milestone of 1,000 games you’re a phenomenal player on the ice but an even better person off of it which is a true Testament to not only your parents family and everyone else who has helped you reach this amazing accomplishment but also Al to the very high standards you hold yourself to I

Remember seeing a video of you as a young boy saying it’s all about the work ethic you have to work hard at everything you do and I can verify that you still have this mindset today not only do you put the work in day in and

Day out but you do it with a huge smile on your face and while cracking the wittiest jokes have fun out there tonight congratulations skinny congratulations on a thousand games played in the NHL what an incredible accomplishment for you uh I know how much uh how much time effort and

Dedication you put into this game so uh it’s incredible to see you reach an accomplishment like this hey skinny congratulations from the Thousand games W deserves hey skinny congrats on you thousand games that’s a whole lot of hockey I know it’s a it’s a special day

For you and your family hope you enjoy it and uh all the best and uh good luck for the future congrats Jeff you deserve it uh one of the best guys and uh so happy for you and so happy be here to celebrate with you Jeff congrats on 1

Th000 games man that’s awesome um since day one you put in the work always taking care of yourself so to see you get to this point is no surprise whatsoever uh hope you have a great day and the boys get some Miley Cyrus rocking for you afterwards hey skinny uh

Congrats on 1 thousand games that’s a amazing accomplishment hey Jeff just wanted to say congratulations on a th000 games played such a great accomplishment uh something that you should be proud of uh it was a lot of fun being your teammate uh twice over uh I know when

You entered the league you had that boyish smile and big grin every time you entered the ice and I know you still have that now after even a thousand games so uh a lot of fun to watch you play um hope you have a great rest of

Your career and um just want again say congrats and enjoy the rest of your night congrats skinny um you know it was a lot of fun playing with you getting to know you and uh becoming friends with you I wish you nothing but the best and

You know hope to see you play many many more Jeff congrats on 1 th000 games it’s an incredible accomplishment um I know you’re going to play way more so just congratulations Jeff congratulations on this incredible Milestone thousand games is no small feat I really hope that you get to enjoy

It together with your teammates your friends and family and onwards to the next thousand congratulations Bud congrats skinny uh on a thousand games um I couldn’t be more happier uh for you this is uh obviously an amazing accomplishment that not many guys have reached and um you know you’re one of

Those players that can keep playing for a long long time so um I just want to say congratulations and I wish you the best hey skiny congrats on your uh thousand game you’re a great teammate and uh I really enjoyed playing with you congrats and uh enjoy your night hello

Jeff Skinner this is Madison new Junior reporter from last year I just want to say congratulations on your a thousandth game and I hope you score and win the game let’s go Savers enjoy skinny congratulations on hitting 1,000 games I know how hard you’ve worked and the dedication that you’ve shown to your

Craft is is second to none and it’s an amazing accomplishment and I know that you’re going to play a ton more games you are definitely nowhere near done so congratulations again and welcome to the club skinny congratulations on your 1000th NHL game it is truly an incredible accomplishment of which you

And your family should be proud it’s a testament to your work ethic talent and commitment it was a pleasure to play with you in Carolina and become friends for my entire family once again congratulations on a thousandth games and we look forward to watching you play for many more years to come

Congratulations Jeff on your thousandth game I’m super happy for you you deserved every single bit of this hey Jeff Monty here uh I just wanted to say congrats on a thousand games really proud of you hey Jeff congrats on your thousandth game you’ve always made the extraordinary seem far too easy and been

Too humbl to acknowledge when things aren’t what they seem but having watched each of these 1,000 NHL games and thousands and thousands before that dating to our back here and ring scrimmages makes this all the more incredible your work ethic intensity and resiliency has always been second to

None I’m so proud of you and I’m so proud of this accomplishment but as your little sister I’m mostly proud of the person that you’ve grown up to be enjoy this one hey skinny uh congrats on a thousand games I’m happy to be part of

It with you uh one heck of a job and I look forward to uh many more congrats on 1 th000 games skinny an amazing accomplishment with the time and effort you put in your game it’s no surprised to see the success you’ve had hey Jeff congratulations on 1,000 games what an

Honor skinny congrats on your a thousandth game uh what an incredible accomplishment uh congrats congrats on your thousandth games skenny congratulations Jeff a thousand games that’s a special Club to be in we were honored to draft you in Carolina seventh overall uh you’re a very good player for

Us in Carolina moving on to Buffalo it’s been fun to watch your unique skating style your highlight real goals and uh it’s just a real credit to you to get to a thousandth game congratulations to you and your family I wish you all the best

And I hope you have many many many more successful games and Seasons Jeff congratulations on 1,000 games hard to believe you made it here 31 years old seems like yesterday me and you were teammates in Carolina back in 2013 just doesn’t seem that long ago but

But here we are th000 games close to 400 goals a great career already still a young man I’m looking forward to seeing you making it hopefully to 1500 games and over 500 goals but congratulations on a th to this point stay healthy and good luck the rest of the season congratulations

Hey skins congratulations on 1 th000 games welld deserved all the hard work you put in the Summers it’s been a pleasure playing with you Team Canada is training with you it’s not a surprise you’re still going strong congrat to you and your family and enjoy the night hey

Skins Gabe here just wanted to send you a quick note and congratulate you on a th NHL games awesome accomplishment and uh back when we were roommates and friends back in in kitner my rookie year there were your second or third year uh I knew right from the Geto that you were

Going to be be an NHL player for a long time uh the way you carried yourself at a young age and the way you prepared yourself uh taught me a lot so congratulations skins and I’m happy for you hope you enjoy it with the family and with your teammates take care Jeff

Congrats on your 1,000th game buddy go Sabers Jeff congratulations on your thousandth game keep going and surprise us with more goal songs hey Jeff congratulations on your 1,000th game that’s quite an accomplishment uh you rule here so many more years with the Sabers congratulations Jeff on your 1000th NHL

Game and thank you for being such an inspiration to this team and to me because because of you I hope to continue my own hockey career in the future Jeff congrats on 1K we need more between two stalls Jee congratulations on your 1,000th game hope you’re a

Sabber for a long time hey Jee congrats on your 10,000th game yeah Jee thank you for all the memories the 40 goal season was awesome was I was at the game where you scored an overtime to make it 10 and row that was unbelievable best atmosphere in the building in a long

Time so thank you for that we love you we love the fact that you’re so joyful all the time when you play hi Jee congratulations on a th games that’s quite an accomplishment I will always say you have a special place in our family you did a interview with my

Daughter she was a junior reporter last year and you made her a fan for life every single game she’s always asking where you are on the ice and watching your plays big fan so thank you for that and thank you for being a buffalo saber congratulations on your thousandth game Jeff

A collection of the messages for Jeff Skinner in celebration of his 1,000th NHL game on April 2, 2024. Including messages from current teammates, former teammates, former coaches, family members, friends, and more.

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  1. Congratulations on reaching a 1000 games. However, as a player, Skinner is way past his sell by date and if the Sabres were remotely serious about their future, which the evidence points to the fact they aren't (i.e., still having Granato as coach), they'd buyout his contract.
    They should cut their losses and take the $2.6m a year hit for the next 6 years.

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