@Buffalo Sabres

Sabres Rout The Capitals In Easy Win – Postgame Thoughts

Sabres Rout The Capitals In Easy Win – Postgame Thoughts

Well I’ll say it again it’s not over no matter what it’s just not over yet guys we as Sabers fans have to endure the long dragged out painful end or it wouldn’t be this time of the year for us at least the last decade of our

Lives uh the Sabers tonight had a pretty easy time of it really I it wasn’t that hard of a win I mean once they got going a bit and they pretty much dominated this game I thought and um look the numbers are kind of even in the game overall maybe uh the

Shots on goal kind of aren’t but that the Sabres in this game nothing could go right for the capitals they kept hitting goal pulse all night long lucan’s body positioning did concern me in this game though I’ll be honest I know we only let in two

But they had him beat quite a few times tonight so we’ll see we’ll see what they plan to do next game uh the boys who they’re going to have in Nets I’m hoping it’s going to be Devon Levi cuz at this point of the Year guys

I think we should just flip them each game see what happens you know there’s nothing else we can do at this point really it just we have to hope for out of town everything to go right and uh the Islanders won their game and the Penguins won again they won

Again and New Jersey really lost again so it’s like it’s it’s starting to open up a little okay let’s look at the numbers we’ll talk about it okay shots 3524 for the sabes pretty much we the better team that kind of says it right there uh 44% on the faceoffs they were

56% Sabres two for two on the power play tonight my goodness the capitals one for three we had 23 hits in the game the capitals had 24 17 blocks for the Sabres 18 for the Caps five giveaways for the Sabres two for the capitals and six takeaways a piece shots and goal per

Period 134 saber in the first 12 s Sabers in the second and you could feel they were going to come on in the third just because of that I mean it the capitals just kind of looked old and tired I thought 1310 capitals in the third they make somewhat I guess a push

352 24 total scoring hold guys let me open it up here for uh F scores as third of the the season from scosa and laier makes it one to nothing at 246 and here we go again uh with the capitals with some guy that doesn’t really score scoring and

You know like this has been our story all year folks it’s the first five minutes I have to do a video on that I have to research it and see how many games have we let in the first goal of a game before the 5 minute Mark I I I

Really got to check it okay then gens from delene and power ties it up at 1542 and PKA continues his good play from Tuck and Benson on the power play at 1650 to close out the First Period 2 to1 and the Sabres take a 3 to1 lead petka again from

Tuck at 10:54 and you could feel the game was kind of over there uh Dylan strum continues his strong season we should have picked him up I said it years ago and you know what I heard on here that he’s washed up that he’s a bust we’ll take a look at those numbers

This year stro he’s a late bloomer is all it was stro with his 26 of the season from Carlson and oetkin uh makes it 3-2 after two we go to the third Dalene gets his 18th on the power play from petka and Thompson for two Sabers and Thompson gets one in this

Game from Quinn and Benson 52 sabers and really the route is on tuck makes it 6 to2 at the 533 Mark so if you look 303 448 503 in 2 and a half minutes the saber scored three times uh tuck from Thompson and delene makes it a 6 to2

Final so it’s a pretty easy win really it was a pretty easy win tonight it wasn’t like it’s not one of those games guys where I was stressing or I was worrying I didn’t really care either way I said if they’re going to lose they’re

Going to lose lose you know I I if they’re I and somehow I figured maybe because it’s the Skinner night that the boys would show up and play a game I was hoping Skinner would get one in this game though gez man I mean he that when

He hit that crossb was like come on like really so I I’m I’m I’m good with it I’m good with the game I’m good with being within five points we’re going to look at the standings here give me one sec guys and we will get on that

As I have my smoothie let’s look at the standings okay you see Tampa holding on to that number one spot they’re pretty much in Tampa’s in they’d have to have such a collapse it wouldn’t be funny if they were to miss Tampa are one point away from eliminating any chances of us catching

Them just so you know not that I’m thinking about it but just for the record uh the cop Capital hanging on for dear life now after this loss you see they’re 82 points in 74 games 28 regulation wins and then you got Detroit 82 points in 75 games but 26

Regulation wins Washington would get the the tie break there the Islanders win and they are 81 points with 24 regulation wi 75 games played and very quietly all of a sudden the Pittsburgh Penguins are four games over 500 and look at those regulation wins they just got a finish

Tide and the penguins have played 75 games and there come the Sabres with that brutal 76 games it’s too bad it’s not 75 but a 76 which really kills our chances and we’re just clinging a game over 500 at this point 77 points 30 regulation

Wins and then the Devils 36 35 and four as you see one game over 500 also 76 points they played a less game than us you look at the the record I mean it’s identical practically but they got more regulation wins so these teams are not

Out of it yet in about four games from now this will get smaller so I’m wondering if the sabes if they’re not getting in this year are they going to last to game 80 like last time I’m just curious will they because if they do and for the record guys that’s their

30th regulation win of the season so they’ve tied last year’s output with 30 regulation wins that’s how many regulation wins we had last year and really we came so damn close because we won so many in extra time last year is what it was we had so

Many extra time games so this time around not so lucky and the sabes right now are uh they got the same they’re going to have more regulation wins than last year this year when it’s all said and done so it’s a strange season it’s a frustrating season because last year

They seemed to play with so much more heart it felt like than this team and um and this team’s going to wind up having more regulation wins when it’s all said and done so it goes to show you this is the fact is they’re just a talented Team

Guys really you know and it’s uh am I surprised they beat Washington not at all we’re a better team if you look at us on paper we’re just a better team than them so I you know there’s just you you can break down all these teams and I

Would tell you Buffalo is better than Detroit on paper they’re better than the Islanders Penguins you can make an argument because of all those Stanley Cup veterans and the devils are stacked as we know with young talent but I think that team a Meer contract was a boneheaded move and firing Lindy was

Another boneheaded move their GM’s got to go over there I think so if they’re they’re going to probably get back on track and this this is what happened to the Devils this year folks same thing that happened to us they took a step backwards it happens to

Young teams devils are a very young team you had people actually picking them to win the Cup this year not me no way I’ve had Colorado from day one no way New Jersey was ready to win the stantley cup I couldn’t believe some people were actually picking them just

Bizarre um look they’re going to be a good team in the future the Sabres we know will be Pittsburgh’s going to be a mess very soon the Islanders also I think the Islanders are going to have to make some deals quick the Red Wings rebuild they’re 29 years old that team

And they still haven’t made the PLS they’re 29 years old we’re 25 they’re 29 big difference guys and the capitals are at the end of their era really they are this is it the capitals get in this year you know and don’t get me wrong guys I hate hurting the capitals chances if

We’re not going to make it I’m going to hate the fact that the capitals that we beat them tonight because I don’t want the Red Wings getting in no no no no I want to see any team here get in I don’t want Detroit getting

In not a division rival no I don’t want them getting in so tonight pretty simple win I think it’s it’s fair to say that we’re probably going to be strong down the stretch probably now how many Gams will we win how many how many though how many no show appearances will we do

That’s the question now and guys I didn’t uh I had no time pregame I just got in this evening there’s a big storm happening right now so I’m going to try and get this done so the P if the power goes out on me guys I’ll just throw it up the way

It is with no end just so you know okay if the power goes out all of a sudden because there’s a major storm coming here tonight um now I just want to look at um very briefly guys I want to look at uh the saber schedule now we’ll talk about it

Briefly and what can be and I’m very happy for Skinner by the way guys I should mention that thousandth game it is some it is nice you know it is nice the guy loves being a a buffalo saber and he’s never played a playoff game I

Hope when we end this drought and we will end this drought that he’s part of it maybe this year if things went our way all of a sudden right we got the Flyers next guys and the Flyers are all of a sudden crashing and burning all of

A sudden after a very steady season the playoff pressure is getting to them and the Flyers right now are two five and three their last 10 they’ve won two regulation games in their last or sorry two wins sorry two wins in their last 10 games but but they’ve been getting those

Important games that they’re losing at least three of the eight are in overtime they they fought to regulation ties these guys they’re doing what they can five of the 10 games they couldn’t be beaten in regulation still you know so right now they’re sitting on 83

Points so if we were to catch them let’s keep an eye on them we’re six points being the Flyers we could get to four all of a sudden okay we got to keep an eye on them too because if the capitals pull away even if we beat them and sweep

Them there’s still an outside shot we could catch Philadelphia there’s always a chance okay we’ve uh we’d have to finish a point in front of them they got two more regulation wins than us oh no sorry guys no no no I was looking at the roll

Column no no I’m wrong I knew right away what am I saying no no no no no tie the good news is we can tie one of these teams and get in but we have to count on the Islanders Penguins and the Red Wings to kind of sit dormant as work as we’re

Winning so guys you know how it is it’s uh I know the odds are bad so but I like to think it can happen you know season’s not over yet no no no not until it’s said all said and done it’s not over yet but uh I want to

See regardless I want to see us at least wreck Washington or Detroit’s season I want to at least be the team that wrecks some Seasons like if we can beat those guys out okay if we can beat Washington and Detroit in these next two games that are eventually coming very soon and it

Knocks them out of the playoffs by one point hey mission accomplished guys mission accomplished okay we want to at least wreck some teams if we’re not getting in then at least let’s wreck some other teams let’s do it to them let them have their heartbroken and let them

Live with Miss in the playoffs by one point like we did last year right and then let the Islanders get in or whatever but I want to see the teams that we still have on our schedule having to beat us to still get in and the Sabers beat them yeah I want at

Least that this year I want to get at least that much down the stretch for the record guys okay done I’m going to stop it here I don’t know if you guys can hear this wind it’s crazy right now and I’m sure I’m sure we’re going to lose

Power very soon so I just got a bad feeling about it cuz out here it seems like guys five drops of rain and the power goes out it’s ridiculous sometimes all right so done for Theon night I’ll see you guys tomorrow at some point we’ll talk about the boys a bit

More tomorrow I a win always helps our morale a little you know just for the keep sake of talking about them and uh them at least uh showing a little push back tonight I thought it was a little too easy to be honest how they won this

Game they didn’t even look like they had to give give 100% really a capital team that showed up tonight to play us but they had some rough luck too with all those goal posts in the game all right guys see you tomorrow

Hey folks, the boys of course showed up tonight as the seesaw season continues with a solid effort on Jeff Skinner night..thanks for watching 😎
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‘Khatchaturian Sabre Dance’ was licensed and purchased from Audio Micro (License #U269T3409)


  1. @Roam Hockey, the team appears as though its fatigued and showing that their performances down final are more W than L. Still young core developing pretty quickly only have to cut sloppy L whether in regulation or OT. And most key defeats against
    divisional have to be stamped out totally, as it hits team morale. What do you think….

  2. Sabres play good European style hockey, and Caps let them. Would have been different if Tom Wilson was out there and Caps were more physical

  3. I didn't like them allowing yet another goal either in first 5 mins or first 3 shots. I couldn't believe it but, yes….the buffalos had movement on the PP. Tage didn't make a hole standing of the left side.

  4. The other thing you should research about the other team scoring in the first 5 minutes, is how many of those goal scorers barely have any goals on the season or in their careers.

    I can’t tell you how many times I remember a “non goal scorer” opening up the scoring against us.

  5. To me, the only thing that sucked about this game was that beautiful effort by Skinner, with the goalie on his stomach and all we heard was CLANG!! Would have been an awesome highlight for Jeff Skinner on his night!

    Other than that, anything else would be nitpicking, because the Sabres controlled that entire game after Washington scored!

  6. Great game tonight! I went to the game and wonder to myself why they cant stay consistent and play like they did tonight. They controlled all three periods and doubled there shots on Washington. they played a great game!

  7. Peterka has been such a bright spot this season. Glad to see at least 1 player hasn't regressed this season

  8. Heck of a night. Thats Sabres hockey. Upl looked a tad tired to start. Our speed and passing was on point tonight. Skins with the crossbar 😢. Why does the great #8 look like he is slower than Kyle ? Dude can't skate.

  9. These kids have the talent, and when they come to play they do well. I agree with you Wayne – now we need a coach that can motivate! Donnie was a great developmental coach, but hockey is about effort and need a Torts-like coach so the boys will go through a wall for the coach. Checking, hitting! Particularly to start games. WTF is the issue in our 1st periods!?

    Wayne, I recently moved to Madrid, Spain and rely on your videos now more than ever! Thanks for having your channel, been watching religiously since I found it.

  10. ULP is constantly putting himself out of position. We’ve seen goals because of it, like wrap arounds.

    Why can’t they play like this every game?

  11. Makes you wonder why Peterka was on the bench all season while we watched Okposo on PPs and coaches son playing 22 minutes VS Oilers. These coaches suck, not many games ago Peterka played only 6 minutes, if Quinn and Peterka don’t play at least 17 minutes each next year I’m not watching them, I can’t watch another season with guys who score 30 goals in 500 games playing more. It’s been only 7 games since JJ has played coaches Son minutes.

  12. Skinner is so happy, much be nice to be happy in life and not accomplish anything. Me personally, it would drive me nuts never winning. Not making the playoffs in 15 years would be like me not making any profit in my business over 15 years then retiring and having a huge party for my success.

  13. Logically Buffalo must play Levi next, the Caps got a good look at UPL, why reward them? Whatever happens now Adams must take Granato to task over this inconsistency. It's killed any chance of a truly breakout season. Next season must be better.

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