@New Jersey Devils

[PRE-GAME!]_Thread 76/82 Devils at NYR 2024.04.03

Glutton for extreme punishment? Tune in tonight!!

Broadcast: TNT and MSGSN.

This is the time and this is the place to discuss tonight’s game (**4pm PDT / 7pm EDT**), *before the first puck drop.*

What’s on your mind?

To always find the Pre-Game and Next Day threads, sort by **New**.

[ESPN Game Cast Preview](

[NHL Game Center Preview](

[Game Preview: Devils Look to Bounce Back at MSG](

[Game Notes (75 pages).pdf](

[2023-24 Regular Season Schedule (APRIL, all times Eastern)](

by Devil_Dane


  1. StoneCold316DTA

    Show some heart and pride tonight for fucks sake.

  2. Mr7three2

    We’re gonna get fuckin worked.

    MacD better take someone’s head off and Rempe is a fight in sight.

  3. specifichero101

    Can’t even take another one of these against the rangers. See you all next year.

  4. Johnborkowski

    Yesterday, I watched the mets get rained out instead.

  5. Russian_Unicorn

    I’m not watching. Good luck to anyone who does

  6. Ever_Raiden

    For years I hated when the Rags came to the Rock. Watching their fans overrun our stadium sucked. I remember a particularly rough game, our final home game for the 2014-15 season. Fan appreciation night against the Rags. We had a bad loss and the Rags clinched the Presidents Trophy. The team skated to center ice for one final goodbye to the fans. Expect all the Devils fans already left and they saluted a stadium of Rag fans laughing and booing our team. I never felt so bad for our boys. It was utter humiliation.

    Today, I wish this game was at the Rock. Because that’s exactly what this team deserves.

  7. xxfatpigxx

    Rempe hasn’t been in the Rangers lineup for their last 3 games. Does Laviolette put him in basically just to answer the bell against (who I assume will be back tonight) MacDermid? Idk and I can’t say I care all that much about the beef at this point in the season. Just stop injuring our players and let them be eliminated from playoff contention in peace.

  8. We are going to lay there like dead fish and take it

  9. Snooter-McGavin

    Team is toast. They had SO MANY CHANCES and it just didn’t happen. Blame the Coach, Fitz, Goaltenders, Defense, PP, and so on. Doesn’t matter. Even with ALL THAT, they still had a chance, and they let it run right by them.

    We left a lot of points on the table cause of SHIT losses. We left a lot on the table from LAZY plays. We left a lot on the table cause of poor judgement.

    This was supposed to be the break out year. As it turns out, last year was a fluke.

  10. Masteredubate

    Don’t care if they lose 10-0 just take out a few Rags for their playoffs. But this team is soft and they won’t but one can dream

  11. sandwiches_please

    Not looking forward to this or the Rangers fans brigading and trolling the Game Thread…

  12. This seasons been so weird I wouldn’t be shocked if we beat them

  13. kumquat731

    Wish the Yankees played at 7 instead of 3:40 so I could watch them instead of this or the Nets. Going to bed early might be my best bet tonight.

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