@Vancouver Canucks

This RIGHT HERE was absolutely ridiculous…

the Vancouver Canucks lose to the Vegas Golden Knights by a final score of 6-3, Quinn Hughes with 2 goals, Nikita Zadorov gets ejected on a questionable call. If the Canucks want to do better they need to get into better habits as we get closer to the playoffs!



  1. podz went around a very good d man on the outside and had a good scoring chance. that's a play a 9th over all pick makes and i wish he would unpack that every time he's on the ice. where's petie?

  2. Complaining about the refs isn't gonna save us, but the refs are gonna fuck us in the playoffs, cause we're a small market Canadian team

  3. I don't think either penalty on Zadorov should've actually been called. They were both pretty clean, but the Canucks still played a pretty terrible game. Especially in the first. They do this once and a while which makes you worry about the playoffs

  4. Based on the highlights, it looked like Canucks losing to Boston. Vegas goals were highlight reels. The Canucks are terrible down low.

  5. That’s a blatant boarding call. He put his face into the boards. Always funny how Canadian hockey fans are constantly telling us we don’t understand hockey and don’t know the rules yet I constantly see them not knowing the rules 😂. You can argue it shouldn’t have been a major , and ok fine, but to deny that’s a boarding call is laughable . Go read the rules.

    Also funny because I’d bet money you people crying over a blatant boarding call are the same people defending the major on Eichel the other night for spearing . Softest little spear of all time . But nooo! THATS an OBVIOUS major but Zadorov crushing Howdens face into the boards is just a dude “finishing his check” 😂😂😂😂 ok guys👍🏼

  6. As a Canucks fan, can we stop complaining about the referees. Referees have always been inconsistent since the inception of the league. It’s frustrating but there’s nothing you can do. However, what we should criticize is the Canucks’ poor penalty killing. They need to be more aggressive at certain points and try to disrupt a pass when they can. They’re making it easy for teams to get in formation and do whatever they want in front of the net. Casey DeSmith has awful rebound control and let in a couple of soft goals, but this team surrendered so many odd man rushes at the same time. Vegas just looked so dominant despite them missing their best two-way forward and Hertl still being missing from the lineup. I get that we are missing Demko, but he isn’t going to help our offence when he comes back. I feel like this performance has been reflective of how mediocre the team has been since the All-Star Break. Even strength offence has dried up, terrible special teams and many guys have just given up since the first of February. I think a lot of the blame needs to be placed on Tocchet, this team had a phenomenal start to the season but they have one of the worst records since the All-Star Break. Tocchet needs to give the same treatment he gave Kuzmenko to other players cause many have been disappointing since the break.

  7. Blaming the refs is a bitch move. Suck it up, the team sucked last night. Fix the mistakes and move on.

  8. the last month or so has looked like the Travis Green era Canucks. Sloppy defense, inconsistent offence, and overall lack of commitment and preparedness. Pro athletes shouldnt have a problem getting locked in to a regular season game, let alone one that can very well be R1 of the playoffs. We have remaining games against LA, VGK, WPG etc… Im expecting engaged and committed efforts in those games. This NEEDS to be a wake up call.

  9. Zadorov 5 and a game a hit into a player that turned away from the hit , a hit that was coming at less than school zone speeds . Refs arent reffing they are manipulating outcomes.

  10. Drank my last Stanley Park 'Canucks' Goal Time Lager beer last night… I won't be buying another pack. THE GOGGLES, THEY DO NOTHING!

  11. I feel like they should’ve gotten rid of Pettersson and kept Bo Horvat instead. I feel like Bo Horvat would’ve been great with Rick Tocchet’s style of play. JT would be on the first line, and Bo on the second. Bo can play a physical game and is much stronger than Pettersson. He can play an aggressive style of hockey, which is what we need. Also, we could’ve saved millions of dollars as Bo wanted 8.5 million rather than 11.6 million.

  12. Do canucks fans know about the police sting back in the early 2000s Operation Slapshot. I actually surprised tocchet is allowed to have a job in the nhl .. oh wait its the nhl nevermind lmao.

  13. Dude, with your tone it surely sounds like you've been training all summer for a 82 game season. Vegas needs points to clinch the playoffs and I don't find it absolutely ridiculous that Vegas was more ready.

  14. Not worried at all. If Demko is in net we win that game…. Provided we don’t have to play the refs and the opposing team

  15. All you wannabe hockey experts have to give your heads a shake, or maybe check for previous conclusions. If you've been following hockey for more than a couple of years you must have learned by now that once a team has made the playoffs, many players go into "managing their careers" mode, in other words they are not going to risk getting hurt prior to the playoffs. There are way too many Canucks telling themselves they are "superstars" and excluding themselves from the hard work needed to be consistently successful. In my previous years experience spending time around players outside of games I overheard conversations centered on how a player, if he wants to last in the NHL, has to pick when to play and when to just show up. Thinking about this from a purely pragmatic point of view this actually makes sense, unfortunately it's also cheating fans.

  16. Better to face adversity now and hopefully recover for the playoffs. Momentum going into the playoffs is huge.

  17. 2025 / 2026 a deep run but this year's a first round exit in 4 or 5 games. This team lacks urgency and playoff grit, as demonstrated by their shite March home stretch compared to the other contenders

  18. 5 goals on first 11 shots. Not trying to absolve the players here, cause they had a rough night, particularly on defence and some of the goals were mostly certainly the players' fault, but I find DeSmith often overcommits and leaves the net wide open (goals 1 and 3)

  19. "Dont complain about the almighty officiators for they know whats best." Im not saying the canucks looked good out there but bad reffing doesnt help, does it? The refs should be held accountable for bad calls by some head ref watching the game through multiple camera perspectives. He could confirm or deny calls made by the ref on the ice because he's seeing the game from all angles.

    Everyone can agree goals are important so when its unclear whether the puck went in or not it only makes sense to review the footage. Why cant they do the same for penalties?

  20. How long has Tyler Myers been in this league? Yet he STILL slides on his belly to defend a 2 on 1. I know it's a tough assignment. It just shows he has no faith in DeSmith or he just suffered another brain cramp. The Canucks defense can be really brutal at times. When the playoffs come around this will all be revealed.

  21. Considering that they've been cracking down on such hits, I'm not surprised that Zadorov was given a major. I think Tocchet should've pulled de Smithe after the first period, and gone with Silov. Otherwise, I saw a Canuck team that will be lucky to survive the first round of the play-offs. I can't fathom why; injuries? Fatigue? Low confidence level? Coach related issues? Perhaps, just not as good – relative to the other teams – as I/others thought they were?

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