@Vegas Golden Knights

“They’re at Vegas on the 2nd. This is a good one. Every team should be able to get up for a game in Las Vegas. So that could be good for the Canucks…” -The Hockey Guy

“They’re at Vegas on the 2nd. This is a good one. Every team should be able to get up for a game in Las Vegas. So that could be good for the Canucks…” -The Hockey Guy

by cangetenough


  1. UnhealthyCheesecake

    I think Demko is going to be the wildcard in determining how far the Canucks go. Everyone here will tell you how lethal Demko can be in a playoff series, and they’ll need every bit of him if yesterday’s game is any indication of how they measure up against the other powerhouses in the conference

  2. AbsoluteScott

    He said it should be a good one, and it was a good one.

    That’s why he’s the Hockey Guy and not me. When I predict things in hockey, I say to myself this probably isn’t monetizeable.

  3. TheGiantRascal

    I love him, cause even though he has his favorites (as literally any fan of sports does), he’s never a prick about it.
    He’s a Canucks fan, he wants them to win games, but he’s not pooping on Vegas because of it.

  4. Wafflemonster2

    If our fellas play their cards right this team can leapfrog the entire division in tremendous last minute fashion. If we beat both the Canucks and Oilers in our remaining games with them, the Canucks only need to lose like two other games, and the Oilers just need to lose an additional couple more times, and then need to beat the Canucks in regulation, for us to have a good shot at leapfrogging both of them. Just gotta hope all of that happens in regulation basically.

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