@Toronto Maple Leafs

Reavo collecting bodies on his first shift against Tampa

Reavo collecting bodies on his first shift against Tampa

by mountzeus


  1. justinreddit1

    Love this dude. Exactly what this team needed.

  2. LETS FUCKING GO REAVO. Guy is going to be an absolute piece of shit in the playoffs and I can’t wait.

  3. bramboozle

    Leafs need this guy. This is the type of shit nobody wants to play against. I’d rather play someone who might dangle me than knock me on my ass every chance he gets.

  4. baldw1n12345

    He had a hit before those two as well when they entered the zone.

  5. 2b_0r_n0t_2b

    If Toronto can a crack smoking mayor, surely there’s room for a Bolts smoking mayor.

  6. Arebee936

    i was a certified reaves hater earlier this year, i wanted him off the team.

    my god has he turned it around. he’s pure energy now, and that was his best shift yet. love this guy.

    i still don’t know if he’ll be in game one of the playoffs but i for one want him there.

  7. Icy_Imagination7344

    How is he the same guy who started the season?

  8. Canada_Checking_In

    But he is -12? what happened to this sub circle jerking about his +/- and how he he was going to ruin the team?

  9. CaPer0420

    He needs to be in playoff lineup – that’s exactly what they need

  10. under-rated2

    He’s trying a lot harder than at the beginning of the season. He’s picking his spots well. Smart guy. Valuable

  11. Acrobatic_Law5598

    Make them scared to go into the corner

  12. In a lack luster showing he was an absolute beast tonight, what a game Reavo!!

  13. Waffeln_Remix

    God I love Reavo. I’m so jealous of you guys.

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