@Boston Bruins

Potential goalie platoon in the playoffs for the Bruins?

Potential goalie platoon in the playoffs for the Bruins?

And he joins us this week on the Harbor one hotline hello Mike Milbury good morning on this lovely day another another one it’s been a great spring so far what did they miss overnight any new Wars start today you nothing like that China didn’t invade the Taiwan even

Though there they were on their heels because of the earthquake and we still got Ukraine and Russia doing their things crazy that Earth that earthquake was wild what what is the matter with us what’s what’s the matter with this human race I don’t know can’t figure it out can we how’s how’s the

Cape it’s miserable snow or rain it’s rain and by the way all those people who live on the water you know take care of your problems yourself you want to live on the water then you pay that’s right you know I don’t want to have any you know whining parties for these people

That live on the water and just suck it up literally suck up the water and suck up the bill for repairing that stuff by the way courtne you I don’t know where you get all your stuff for your hits and and but too little for a breakfast

Sandwich was that what the hell is up with that I me in California you can’t get a cheeseburger for less than like 12 bucks yeah eight eight eight bucks got him two like sausage and egg patties and he pulled a gun for the discount it’s a pretty good

Deal Burger King it’s not bad and the euthanasia person what’s up with that tell her to have a cheeseburger maybe they’ll lighten her life up she’s a vegan Mike Mike Mike Mike is on edge know the Red Sox get got a guy that goes five innings wow I’m so impressed five

Innings the new MLB Mike are we vibing now Wiggy you and I always Vibe man you and I always Vibe brother don’t worry about it we always Vibe always blows Wiggy away that it’s a big deal that a pitcher goes five innings when it used to be a big deal if

They went nine yeah like back in the day it was like you got to get at least seven out of this guy now it’s like you know go four and a third and it’s a great outing you know yeah remember Pedro Pedro could go nine no problem how

Big was that guy yeah not big different era well I think yeah different yeah different mindset yeah that’s you can’t you probably can’t call him after five innings right yeah because he’s new California law well back in your day uh I think they used to Pitchers used to do

Both games of a double header back in the 30s or whatever oh shut up Greg Jesus all right listen it’s crunch time for the Bruins we’re getting down to it here um and your your mood when it comes to this hockey team right now I can’t really figure it out but I

Mean they’re right there at the top of the the Heap of of wins and losses uh I like the fact that that Jim Montgomery has snapped a little I’m I’m glad that they’ve responded when he snapped CU you know when we talked about him last year

Being so sort of you know mellow and now he’s come back with a little bit of a snap and the other day was talking about defense and we’re going to give up all these goals because we’re giving up too many chances and then they shut out Nashville although a large part of that

Was omark he was incredible in that game I thought he was he was by far the best player on the ice and it’s starting to make that decision on goaltending a little more interesting as we talk about every week are you worried uh that Jim Montgomery goes into the playoffs

Thinking that he can platoon these guys again well I I I would not I’m not a platoon guy but um and right now you know the better go tender of the two you know I think swayman starting to come out of it a little bit but Omar has been

He’s been good since the you know the no trade thing and not not good outstanding so I I I don’t know I think there’s time to put it in a second goal tender but I I think you pick your spots you’re up two to nothing and you know you’re

You’re at home and maybe you can put in a different goal tender but I’m not a fan of platooning but what the hell they’ve had success with it so maybe they can keep it going I I have so many questions about this team going into the playoffs and I’m not sure why because

They continue to win they continue to bounce back after they have a couple of bad games and uh you know they’re only like six and four I think in their last 10 games but doesn’t feel that way it feels like they they beat a tough Nashville team that need needed points

To stay in the the Wild Card hunt and they keep beating teams that you know surprised me and uh it’s it’s been a all year and all last year it’s been a surprise for me to watch the Bruins but I I can’t you can’t give up on them

Because they keep on bouncing back Mike we always talk about the goalie thing and with there only being six games left and you’ve been around hockey a long time and it seems like the goalie position is so mental how do you do you think it’s smart to just keep going game

To game with these goalies or to give one because how mentally uh playing into a guy where like you said he goes up the first two games and then he sits I mean that has to be very difficult for an athlete to deal with that especially a

Goenda game especially if I had been playing well but you know what these two guys have done that for the last two years for the most part until the only time they didn’t rotate was in the playoffs last year year and and I don’t

Know if he was hurt or not I I mean I’m not going to make an excuse for omark in the playoffs but he wasn’t he wasn’t nearly as good as he could have been and they stopped rotating and it didn’t work for them so you know what my head’s

Going round and round about this thing with this team and how they should handle the goenda it’s the most important position on the ice surface and you’ve got to get a guy that’s ready to go and mentally ready and and a lot of that is a coaching decision based on

Field based on your contact and communication with a player and if success is leading you towards one goal to or another you you’ve got to press that button but if you feel like this guy is under pressure he’s being he’s exhaust because it can be an exhausting position even though you’re not moving

Up and down the ice like everybody else it’s it’s you’re right the mental side of it you know the constant Focus as soon as the puck crosses the blue line it’s a it can be taxing Mike Jim Montgomery off an update when it came to Pat maroon saying that he’s week to week

For somebody to have back surgery in February and then finally be able to skate on their own this week and and then seemingly maybe be ready for the playoffs how difficult will that be and how hard will it be to for him to play in such a high-intensity environment so

Quickly the guy’s won three cups and that’s great but he’s he’s never been a great skater but he’s been a great competitor I I I’ve had back surgery before it doesn’t allow you to come back instantaneously it’s not like you know a sore wrist or something it can be

Debilitating however this guy is you know has proven that he can be important in Big M in big moments in big games and so to have that accessibility even at a fairly ripe old age for a hockey player is a nice a nice asset to have for Jim

Montgomery but I I I have no idea how he’s going to perform or how he’s going to fit into the the equation and just we get six more games or so to to see if he can possibly get in a regular season game or not it’d be tough for anybody

Under any circumstances even if he were healthy to step into a playoff situation when you hadn’t played in months uh the tempo was so upscale and and Tempo was so so much quicker than you think it would be during a practice session that you know it’s going to take some time

For this guy and and if he’s going to be effective I think it’s going to be important for him to to play a game or two before this the the playoffs start um I I want you to take us in inside the game for a minute because I know you

Become less of a fan of of fighting in the NHL however last night Rangers Devils you have a 10 player brawl that begins right uh right at face off opening faceof time uh I know we talked to Sean Thorton about about this a million times where two guys decide talk

To each other decide they’re going to go is that one guy that starts that prior to the game or is that are they communicating via text or email and setting it up how does how does that work well we certainly didn’t text or email when I was playing but I I think

There was a history between these two teams that and this you know they’re just across the river from one another so there’s uh you know geographical animosity I guess you’d call it but you know it was funny I I you know we talked about Chris Simon passing away and the

Problems with CTE and and you know when I watched that game uh you could see the giddiness of the broadcasters was just silly like rup and and jod Shelly were just like they were just you know doing whatever they’re doing in their pants during the course of this thing and it

Was it was just for me it was and so was Henrik lanquist who never had a fight in his life and he thought it was just the greatest thing since sliced bread but and and I I enjoyed it I I I have to admit that I enjoyed seeing the whole

Circus unfold but it does have consequences and you know and so I stand by my position that it’s time to grow up and you know move on it didn’t affect the outcome of the game the game was two nothing Rangers and then New Jersey came back and and eventually the Rangers won

Out but it was it was it was it was a side show it wasn’t part of the actual outcome of the game had to be about a girl but but it’s what see and this is the I understand like the the CTE thing is is real but it’s also in my mind what

Is missing from as somebody who has you know grew up watching the the big bad ruins of which you were part of it’s what’s missing from the game of hockey in my mind like I I don’t think you miss it when the playoffs start when the playoffs begin and the intensity ramp

Ramps up and the hitting is is strong and and every goal is Meaningful I think you forget about you know the in the course of 82 games perhaps you need that you know extra spice to your game and your $250 ticket to to order to to enjoy

It but I I don’t think you need you don’t miss it when the playoffs come around it’s not it’s not about the fighting in a April in May and June it’s about who can win the game and who can play the better defense and who can score timely goals

So you know yeah it it was part of it and that vigilantism is as I’ve said many times I i’ I’ve enjoyed but I I I think it’s time to move on but I’m sort of a low voice in The Wind well those playoffs are coming around soon and we

Will be talking to you throughout and maybe even watching a game with you I had a a text question for you about whether you will attend a road show this upcoming Road Show season well you are you you at the beach comr again this year we will be at the beach comr in

June would you would you like that to be the one I that should be the one I think that’s yeah that should be a good one okay all right and you still have to go to my sister’s restaurant and and Rockport yeah what what’s that called my place by the

Sea and it’s great it’s right on the water it’s right the end of bare skin neck at Rockport and you guys would love it although you know it’s kind of quiet the night before so if Wiggy wants to go dancing or something he’s going to have

To travel Big He Could Just Vibe with me VI he likes to watch people dancing he doesn’t like actually a big he told foe yesterday he’s a big break dancer yeah I can break but used to be you can break can you still break or do things break

When you try to break no I used to be able to jump over somebody into the worm now I’m just strictly uh ticking and you’re strictly the worm no no no no I don’t even go on the ground no more you used to be able to jump over a dude and

Land in the worm yeah no yeah oh yeah when I was you dive over somebody you like jump over them like you would a fire Hydra in or mailbox back in the day with their head into the worm what is the matter with you yeah but that’s when

We were break Mike that was I was 15 years old you know 13 14 15 you got to watch out for that back of you I could ticking I can maybe robot a little bit robot and Ticking that doesn’t take much to do Mike robot away the rest of the

Day guys see you

Mike Milbury joins the Greg Hill Show to discuss the Bruins recent stretch, the return of Pat Maroon, and what the Bruins should do at goalie in the playoffs.

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