@Calgary Flames


With time ticking down in the 2nd period, Calgary Flames forward Martin Pospisil received a minor penalty for elbowing Josh Morrissey. Upon review, the penalty was changed to a major + game misconduct.


  1. Both feet were at least a foot off the ice when he made contact. Dirty hit, deserves 3 games at least. His reputation is going to start to get costly for him.

  2. This guy refuses to drop the gloves too. He wants to run around hitting guys like this – answer the bell, you turtle!

  3. All things considered, the Calgary player was trying to stand up 44 at the blue line, and left his feet after the check. You could call tripping I suppose, because he caused 44 to fall, but really its a 2 min penalty max. We're just lucky that 4 didn't try to start a fight.

  4. 1:15 watch it at 0.25 speed. He did not leave his feat before the hit. There is no debate about that if you actually do what I just said.

  5. Curious what the PA review will be, but I kind of think this should've just been a minor for charging. No excessive speed, elbow is actually tucked in at contact, definitely lifting off of the ice though. The primary force of the hit actually looks more like hip/side to chest/shoulder. I think if it were the flying elbow people are claiming, Morrissey wouldn't have just popped up off the ice like it was nothing

  6. If this is a penalty then they have to take down half of Kronwalls highlights. What happened to this game, his job is to get 10 hits a game these things happen, just ban hitting so we don’t have guys who get paid to hit your just FKN up their careers. If pospisil was playing 10 years ago he’d be on sports centre highlight reel

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