@National Hockey League

A slick goal off the goalie’s face mask.

A slick goal off the goalie’s face mask.

by sbgroup65


  1. foundoutafterlunch

    Goalie needed to lean into that shot, head butt that puck!

  2. New_girl2022

    Jesus. That’s one of those technically legal things but it looks wrong. Sick goal tbh through.

  3. onlysmallcats

    You must feel absolutely used as a goalie when that happens

  4. Marchenko is going to be a fucking beast in a couple years. He’s been one of my favorite players on the Blue Jackets.

  5. Is that going to get a goon to retaliate on you? Not sure what hockey etiquette says.

  6. 2LostFlamingos

    I’ve tried this. Not skilled enough to succeed yet.

  7. Welcm2goodburger

    Everyone should try this at their next beer league game

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